Erlang and Elixir

Post on 12-Feb-2017

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Erlang & Elixirworkshop #1 :: erlang 101

Created by / Krzysztof Marciniak @hun7err

ErlangYou can the introduction.skip


What is Erlang?Erlang is a programming language used to buildmassively scalable soft real-time systems with

requirements on high availability. Some of its usesare in telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer

telephony and instant messaging. Erlang's runtimesystem has built-in support for concurrency,

distribution and fault tolerance.

Erlang homepage


What is Erlang?Erlang's syntax is very similar to Prolog's, but thesemantics are very different. An early version of

Erlang was written using Prolog, but today's Erlangcan no longer meaningfully be said to be "based

on Prolog."


Why Erlang?it's functional!it's multi-threaded!high-availabilityeasy distributioncode hot-swap

Components of Erlangvirtual machine - the new BEAM (Bogdan/Björn's Erlang AbstractMachine)OTP - Open Telecom Platform, a framework/libraryerl - Erlang interactive consolerebar* - an Erlang build tool [ ]GitHub

* technically it's not an official component, but it is very useful

The absolute basics-module(ex1).-export([add/2]).

add(X, Y) -> X + Y.

1> c(ex1).{ok,ex1}2> ex1:add(2, 3).53>

$ erl -man [module_name]

io, lists, etc.

Recursive functions-module(fac).-export([fac/1]).

fac(1) -> 1; % function clausefac(N) -> N * fac(N - 1).

Higher-order functions1> X = fun(X) -> X * 4 end.2> X(4).163>

Lists[Head | Tail] = [1,2,3,4] % list decomposition[First, Second | Tail] = [1,2,3,4] % ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

lists:reverse([1,2,3,4])lists:append([1,2], [3,4])lists:append([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]])lists:filter(fun(X) -> X rem 2 == 0 end, [1,2,3,4,5,6]) % only even numbers

lists:foldl(fun(X, Sum) -> X + Sum end, 0, [1,2,3,4,5]) % sum% ̂--- fold left, might sound familiar% erl -man lists

Stop! Hammer time.(excercises)

1. Create a list_reverse function2. Write a custom map function (list_map)

Lightweight threads-module(simplethreads).-export([start/1]).

hello(Text) -> io:format("Hello, ~p!~n", [Text]).

start() -> spawn(simplethreads, hello, ["World"]).

That should return PID of the spawned process, i.e. <0.59.0>

Threads + Recursion =Awesomeness

-module(threads).-export([start/0, say/2]).

say(_, 0) -> done;say(Text, Times) -> io:format("~p~n", [Text]), say(Text, Times-1).

start() -> spawn(threads, say, ["hello", 5]), spawn(threads, say, ["bye", 5]).

Interprocess communication(1/2)

-module(simplethreads).-export([start/0, say/0]).

say() -> receive Text -> io:format("Hello, ~p!~n", [Text]) end.

start() -> Pid = spawn(simplethreads, say, []), timer:sleep(200), Pid ! "World", ok.

Interprocess communication(2/2.1)


ping(0, PongPID) -> PongPID ! finished, io:format("ping finished~n", []);ping(N, PongPID) -> PongPID ! {ping, self()}, receive pong -> io:format("pong~n", []) end, ping(N-1, PongPID).

% continued on the next slide

Interprocess communication(2/2.2)

pong() -> receive finished -> io:format("pong finished~n", []); {ping, PingPID} -> io:format("ping~n", []), PingPID ! pong, pong() end.

start() -> PongPID = spawn(pingpong, pong, []), spawn(pingpong, ping, [5, PongPID]).

Interprocess communicationEshell V7.1 (abort with ̂G)1> c(pingpong).{ok,pingpong}2> pingpong:start().ping<0.42.0>pongpingpongpingpongpingpongpingpongping finishedpong finished3>

OTP - Open Telecom PlatformOTP stands for Open Telecom Platform, although

it's not that much about telecom anymore (it'smore about software that has the property of

telecom applications, but yeah.) If half of Erlang'sgreatness comes from its concurrency and

distribution and the other half comes from itserror handling capabilities, then the OTP

framework is the third half of it.

OTP example-module(server).-behaviour(myserver).-export([ % The behaviour callbacks init/1, % - initializes our process handle_call/3, % - handles synchronous calls (with response) handle_cast/2, % - handles asynchronous calls (no response) handle_info/2, % - handles out of band messages (sent with !) terminate/2, % - is called on shut-down code_change/3]). % - called to handle code changes

ElixirThe new youth of Erlang

What is Elixir?Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed

for building scalable and maintainableapplications. Elixir leverages the Erlang VM, known

for running low-latency, distributed and fault-tolerant systems, while also being successfullyused in web development and the embedded

software domain.

The basics:hello # an atom"utf string ąę" # in erlang that would not be so easy hello = "a thing" # no longer capitalized, yay!hello = :hello # notice how we can overwrite the valueIO.puts("hello\nworld")length([1,2,3]) # I'll speak of lists in a secondlength [1,2,3] # notice how we can skip brackets

Listsiex> a_list = [1,2,3,4,5][1,2,3,4,5]iex> a_list = a_list ++ [6][1,2,3,4,5,6]iex> a_list -- [1,3,5][2,4,6]iex> [head|tail] = [1,2,3,4] # also hd/1, tl/1[1,2,3,4]iex> head1iex> tail[2,3,4]iex> [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]"hello"

Tuplesiex> tuple = {:ok, "hello"}{:ok, "hello"}iex> put_elem(tuple, 1, "world"){:ok, "world"}iex> tuple # Elixir types are immutable{:ok, "hello"}iex> tuple_size tuple2

Modules and functionsdefmodule Calculator do def add(x, y) do x + y endend

defmodule Lists do def reverse([head|tail], acc) do reverse(tail, [head|acc]) end # function clauses do not have to be distinguished def reverse([], acc) do acc endend

If macro, keywords, maps anddicts

iex> if false, do: :this, else: :that:thatiex> if(false, [do: :this, else: :that]):thatiex> if(false, [{:do, :this}, {:else, :that}]):thatiex> map = %{:a => 1, :b => 2}%{a: 1, b: 2}iex> list = [a: 1, b: 3][a: 1, b: 3]iex> Dict.put list, :a, 4[a: 4, b: 3]iex> Dict.put map, :a, 4 %{a: 4, b: 2}

Phoenix frameworkPhoenix is a web development framework written

in Elixir which implements the server-side MVCpattern. Many of its components and concepts will

seem familiar to those of us with experience inother web frameworks like Ruby on Rails or

Python's Django.

Getting started with Phoenix$ mix local.hex$ mix archive.install$ mix hello$ mix ecto.create$ mix phoenix.server

BibliographyThe official "Getting started" guide -

Learn You Some Erlang - Erlang Doc on distributed systems - OTP for beginners - Elixir Lang homepage - Phoenix Framework homepage -
