ERYTHRASMA Ppt.pptx ED.pptx m

Post on 27-Oct-2014

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Advisor :

dr. Andy Anwar Aryad

Supervisor :

dr. Fitriyani Sennang A. Nanggung, M.Kes, Sp.KK

Presented by :Ahmad Sharizal (C 111 07 313)Devy Lianto (C 111 08 008)Andi Nurul Ilmi (C 111 08 001)

Dermatovenereolgy DepartmentMedical Faculty Hasanuddin University

Makassar 2011

Corynebacterium minutissimum

Erythrasma: Well demarcated reddish-brown patches in the axilla

Erythrasma. Hyperkeratosis with a yellowish hue in the web space of the foot.

A. Revealed a diffuse, brownish, scaly plaqeu in bilateral intracrural

areas of groin


B. Revealed a coral-red fluoresence

(Wood’s lamp examination)


Gram strain of horny layer from erythrasma of the groin (A), gram strain of the scale from the web (B), and gram strain of smear from culture

Tinea Cruris Tinea Pedis

Pityriasis versicolor

Potassiium Hydroxide: “spaghetti and meatballs” appearance

Tinea Pedis (interdigital type)

Tinea Cruris Pityriasis Versicolor

Site of Predilection

Most: between fourth and fifth toes

Groins and thighs, may extend to buttocks

Upper trunk, upper arms, neck, abdomen, axillae, groins, thighs, genitalia

Wood Lamp Yellow-green Yellow-green Blue-green (yellowish white or copper-orange)

Direct microscopy

+ (septated hyphae and spora)

+ (septated hyphae and spora)

Spagetthi and meatballs apperance

Culture Dermatophytes can be isolated

Dermatophytes can be isolated

Malassezia furfur