Esperanza Rising 369 QA - Willagillespie Community...

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Question Answer Chapter

Who is the author of Esperanza Rising? Pam Munoz Ryan cover

What does this mean: "Aquel que hoy se cae, se levantara manana". He who falls today may rise tomorrowWhat does this mean: "Es mas rico el rico cuando emprobrece que el pobre cuando enriquece."

The rich person is richer when he becomes poor, than the poor person when he becomes rich.

What did Esperanza's papa tell her about their land? It's alive. Las Uvas

How old was Esperanza when she first listened to the land breathe and its heart beat? six Las Uvas

What grows in a vineyard? grapes Las Uvas

Why was Esperanza allowed to cut the first grapes of the harvest, an honor usually for the eldest son of a wealthy rancher? She was an only child. Las Uvas

The blade of the knife for cutting the grapes from the vine was curved like what kind of blade? a scythe Las Uvas

What was the name of the town where Esperanza, her papa, and her mama lived? Aguascalientes, Mexico Las Uvas

What was the name of Esperanza's family's rancho? Rancho de las Rosas Las Uvas

What were the cowboys called in Mexico? vaqueros Las Uvas

Who would cut the rest of the grape harvest after the first bunch was ceremoniously cut? the campesinos Las Uvas

Why did campesinos wear bandana's around their foreheads and necks?

to protect them from sun, dust, and spiders Las Uvas

What were Esperanza's parents' names? Ramona and Sixto Ortega Las Uvas

What is "la cosecha"? the harvest Las Uvas

Where did they store the grapes until they were taken to the winery? a barn Las Uvas

What also happened at the same time the grapes were harvested? It was Esperanza's birthday. Las Uvas

How old was Esperanza when her papa died? thirteen Las Uvas

How long did it take to pick all the grapes in Rancho de las Rosas? three weeks Las Uvas

What was Esperanza's best friend's name in Aguascalientes? Marisol Rodriguez Las Uvas

Where did Marisol and Esperanza meet every Saturday?

beneath the holm oak on the rise between their family's two ranches. Las Uvas

What school did Esperanza go to in Aguascalientes? St. Francis Las Uvas

What did Marisol and Esperanza always talk about? Their quinceaneras Las Uvas

How old did girls turn when they had their quineaneras? fifteen Las Uvas

What were girls able to do after they turned fifteen?

be courted, marry, and become las patronas. Las Uvas

What did Esperanza say when she pricked her finger with the thorn on the rose? bad luck Las Uvas

What was the name of the mountain range around Aguascalientes? the Sierra Madre Las Uvas

What would Esperanza's papa and the vaqueros sing to her on her birthday? Las Mananitas Las Uvas

What did Esperanza's papa always give her on her birthday? A porcelain doll Las Uvas

What did Esperanza's mama give her on her birthdays?

something she made: linens, camisoles, or blouses Las Uvas

What did Esperanza have at the end of her bed for "algun dia" (someday?)

a trunk where she put the linens her mom made her. Las Uvas

What did the neighbors warn Esperanza's papa about? bandits Las Uvas

What year was it when Esperanza's papa was killed? 1930 Las Uvas

Why did many people resent the large landowners in Mexico?

The wealthy owned most of the land, while poor people were starving. Las Uvas

What did some poor peasants have to eat? cats Las Uvas

What new crotchet stitch did Abuelita teach to Esperanza? The zigzag Las Uvas

What did Abuelita wear in her ears every day? gold loops Las Uvas

What did Abuelita sometimes do barefoot in the grapes?

Walk with a book, quoting poetry to the birds Las Uvas

What did Abuelita have in the sleeve of her dress? a lace edged handkerchief Las Uvas

What does "No hay rosa sin espinas" mean? There is no rose without thorns Las Uvas

What is the meaning of "There is no rose without thorns"? There is no life without difficulties. Las Uvas

Who was the Ortega's housekeeper? Hortensia Las Uvas

Where did Zapotec Indians come from? Oaxaca Las Uvas

What was Hortensia's husband's name? Alfonso Las Uvas

What was Hortensia's son's name? Miguel Las Uvas

What did Alfonso do for a living?He was the jef (boss) of all the field workers Las Uvas

What is 'companero'? close friend and companion Las Uvas

Where did Alfonso's brother work? In the United States Las Uvas

What was Miguel very good at? Mechanics…fixing things with motors Las Uvas

Why did Esperanza's mama laugh when she said she was going to marry Miguel?

She was the daughter of a wealthy land owner, and Miguel was the son of a housekeeper and a worker. Las Uvas

What did Esperanza tell Miguel was between them? a river Las Uvas

What did Miguel start calling Esperanza, sarcastically? Mi reina (My Queen) Las Uvas

What were Esperanza's uncle's (Tio's) names? Luis and Marco Las Uvas

How were Tio Luis and Tio Marco related to Sixto Ortega? They were his stepbrothers. Las Uvas

What did Tio Luis do for a living? bank president Las Uvas

What did Tio Marco do for a living? mayor Las Uvas

Who was older…Tio Marco or Tio Luis? Tio Luis Las Uvas

Tio Marco followeed his older brother's lead like what animal? A burro (donkey) Las Uvas

Why didn't Esperanza like Tio Luis and Tio Marco?

They were serious and gloomy and held their chins too high. Las Uvas

Why did Papa say Tio Luis and Tio Marco had never married?

They loved money and power more than people. Las Uvas

What did Tio Luis bring back to the rancho and give to Ramona?

Sixto's silver belt buckle, engraved with the brand of the ranch. Las Uvas

How did Esperanza feel when Tio Luis patted Esperanza's shoulder?

She shivered with fear because the uncles never paid attention to her at all before. Las Uvas

Las Papayas

How did Papa and his vaqueros die?They were ambushed and killed by bandits while mending a fence. Las Papayas

What did the bandits steal?

boots, saddles, horses, and the beef jerky Papa had hidden in his pockets for Esperanza. Las Papayas

What is "un chal"? a shawl Las Papayas

What did Marisol's Papa bring to Esperanza's house? A box of papayas Las Papayas

What was Esperanza's favorite food that Hortensia always made on her birthday? papaya, coconut and lime salad Las Papayas

How long did rosaries, masses, and funeral last? three days Las Papayas

What did Marisol give to Esperanza for her birthday?

a white purse for Sundays with a rosary inside Las Papayas

What did Chita give to Esperanza for her birthday? A rope of blue beads Las Papayas

What book did Abuelita give to Esperanza for her birthday? Don Quixote Las Papayas

What did Mama give to Esperanza for her birthday? An embroidered dresser scarf Las Papayas

What kind of plant did Tio Luis and Tio Marcos become like, spreading out all over Rancho de las Rosas? la calabaza (squash plant) Las Papayas

What did Esperanza notice when she saw Tio Luis that made her very angry? He was wearing her papa's belt buckle. Las Papayas

Why didn't Sixto Ortega leave the land the rancho was on to his wife?

It wasn't customary to leave land to women. Las Papayas

Who got the land Rancho de las Rosas was on when Sixto was killed? Tio Luis Las Papayas

What did Tio Luis want Ramona to do when he first took over the land? Sell him the house. Las Papayas

When Ramona refused to sell the house, what did Tio Luis suggest? marriage to him Las Papayas

Why did Tio Luis really want to marry Ramona?

She was beautiful and had a good reputation and would add to his power and help him become governor. Las Papayas

How did Ramona feel when Tio Luis proposed to her? offended Las Papayas

What part of the rose did Abuelita say contained the memories of the roses? rosehip Las Papayas

Why did Esperanza want Hortensia to make rosehip tea?

The roses knew her Papa, so they would contain memories of him. Las Papayas

What childhood name did Miguel call Esperanza? Anza Las Papayas

Which rose was Esperanza's? The miniature pink roses Las Papayas

Which rose was Miguel's? The orange sunburst roses Las Papayas

What did Miguel and his parents plan to do after Esperanza's Papa died? Move to the United States to find work. Las Papayas

How many dolls did Esperanza own? thirteen Las Papayas

What did Abuelita's sisters do? They were nuns in a convent Las Papayas

What dream did Esperanza try to find each night?

The one with Papa singing the birthday song. Las Papayas

What animal was chasing Esperanza in her nightmare? A bear Los Higos

What was happening in reality while Esperanza was having the nightmare about the bear? The house was on fire. Los Higos

Where had Abuelita gone when they couldn't find her during the fire? To get her crotcheting Los Higos

What were the only things that survived the fire? cast-iron skillets and mortars & pestles Los Higos

What are mortars and pestles made of? lava rock Los Higos

After the fire, what did Esperanza's Mama tell Tio Luis?

That she would consider his marriage proposal. Los Higos

What did Tio Luis say he would send Esperanza to learn manners? A boarding school Los Higos

What happened to Esperanza's and her Mama's citizenship papers? They burned in the fire Los Higos

What did Abuelita have her nun sisters do for Ramona and Esperanza? Get duplicates of their papers. Los Higos

What was the only kind of work available in California for immigrants? fieldwork Los Higos

Where was Abuelita originally from? Spain Los Higos

Why did Abuelita move to Mexico when she was 13? Her father had been offered a job. Los Higos

What is the name of the bird that rises, reborn, from its own ashes? Phoenix Los Higos

What did everyone do for the first time since Papa had died when Esperanza said she could work in California? laughed Los Higos

What did the zigzags in Abuelita's blanket represent? mountains and valleys Los Higos

Who did Esperanza think the clothes from the poor box were for? Some poor family who needed clothes Los Higos

Who was the only person Esperanza and her Mama could trust? Senor Rodriguez Los Higos

What did Senor Rodriguez use as an excuse to visit Esperanza and Ramona?

He carried a basket of figs for the grieving family Los Higos

What did Ramona tell Tio Luis he had to do before she would marry him? start replanting and rebuilding the rancho Los Higos

Where did Abuelita move after the fire? The convent in La Purisima Los Higos

What did Ramona tell Tio Luis she and Esperanza needed so they could visit Abuelita at the convent in La Purisima? A wagon Los Higos

What were the 3 things Esperanza took with her when they left AguasCalientes?

A valise with clohes, a package of tamales, and her doll from Papa Los Higos

How did they get out of town without walking on the roads?

Miguel and Alfonso led them through the grape rows Los Higos

What trail did Esperanza leave behind her as they escaped Aguascalientes? splattered figs she smashed with her feet Los Higos

After traveling through the fig orchard, what kind of tree grove did they travel through? A pear grove

Las Guayabas

Why did the women have to hide under the second floor of the wagon?

It was dangerous on the roads because of bandits.

Las Guayabas

What town did the get on the train to the United States instead of Aguascalientes because of Tio Luis's spies? Zacatecas

Las Guayabas

What did they dump on top of the hidden floor of the wagon to hide Esperanza, Ramona, and Hortensia? guavas

Las Guayabas

Why did Hortensia and Esperanza have to hide when she was five years old? There were thieves in the house.

Las Guayabas

What was Hortensia doing when the thieves came into the house when Esperanza was five? Pinning her blue silk dress.

Las Guayabas

Why did Esperanza want Hortensia to pin her dress higher? So her new shoes would show

Las Guayabas

How many bandits came into the Ortega's home with their faces covered with handkerchiefs and holding rifles? six

Las Guayabas

What did Miguel have in his pocket when the six bandits came into the Ortega's house? A big field mouse

Las Guayabas

Why did Esperanza make a noise when they were hiding under the bed from the bandits? A pin poked her

Las Guayabas

What did Miguel do when Esperanza made a noise when the pin poked her while they were hiding from bandits?

Let the mouse go so they thought it made the noise

Las Guayabas

What was Miguel's reward for protecting Esperanza from the bandits when he was 8 and Esperanza was 5? A train ride to Zacatecas

Las Guayabas

What are the people called who help people on trains, showing them were to sit? porters

Las Guayabas

What is a 'rebozo'? A blanket shawlLas Guayabas

What were the mangoes on sticks they sold on the train carved to look like? Exotic flowers

Las Guayabas

How long did Esperanza, Ramona, and Hortensia ride hidden under the guavas before they reached Zacatecas? two days

Las Guayabas

What did the train car that Esperanza, Miguel, Ramona, Hortensia, and Alfonso took to the United States smell like? rotting fruit and urine

Las Guayabas

What was the old man on the train with no teeth holding? a goat

Las Guayabas

What was the old beggar woman on the train holding? A picgture of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Las Guayabas

Why did Esperanza say they couldn't travel in the train car?

It wasn't clean and the people didn't look trustworthy

Las Guayabas

What are 'carpetas' Ramona made from white cotton thread? lace doilies

Las Guayabas

What are 'nopales' that Abuelita loved to eat soaked in vinegar and oil? prickly pear cactus

Las Guayabas

What was Marisol's dog's name? CapitanLas Guayabas

What does 'Mona' mean? dollLas Guayabas

What did Esperanza's Mama apologize to the little girl's mother for? Her daughter's bad manners

Las Guayabas

Who was Esperanza also scorning when she scorned the poor people on the train? Miguel, Hortensia, and Alfonso

Las Guayabas

What did Esperanza's Mama make for the little girl on the train? A yarn doll

Las Guayabas

What are the people who drive trains called? conductorsLas Guayabas

What did Miguel want to do for work when they got to California? Work for th railroad

Las Guayabas

What are 'pepinos'?cucumbers wprinkled with salt and ground chiles

Las Guayabas

What is 'una palanca'? A leverLas Guayabas

What did a woman bring onto the train after they had traveled for four days and nights? A cage with six red hens

Las Guayabas

What was the name of the lady with the chickens on the train? Carmen

Las Guayabas

How many children did Carmen have when her husband died? eight

Las Guayabas

What did Carmen give to Esperanza on the train? A square of coconut candy

Las Guayabas

What did Carmen do to feed her family? Sold eggs she got from her brotherLas Guayabas

Because Carmen had her children, a rose garden, her faith, and good memories, how did she feel? rich

Las Guayabas

Why did Ramona tell Esperanza it was OK to tell a peasant their personal business? Now they were peasants too.

Las Guayabas

What did Ramona give to Carmen when they got to her train stop?

three of the lace carpetas (doilies) she had made

Las Guayabas

What did Carmen give to Ramona before she got off the train? Two chickens

Las Guayabas

What did Carmen give to the begging Indian woman? A coin and some tortillas

Las Guayabas

Miguel said, "The rich take care of the rich, and the poor take care of_____?" Those who have less than they have.

Las Guayabas

What does the Mexican saying say goes hand in hand with full bellies? Spanish blood

Las Guayabas

What kind of complexions did the wealthiest people have? fair complexions with Spanish blood

Las Guayabas

Why did people stand in long lines when they got to the border in Mexicali? To pass through immigration Los Melones

What was on the stamp the official put on Ramona and Esperanza's papers? "Mexican National" Los Melones

How long did it take for all the passengers to get through immigration at Mexicali? one hour Los Melones

Why did many people get sent back to Mexico on a train from Mexicali?

They didn't have papers, they were identified as false, or they didn't have proof of work. Los Melones

One what day did Esperanza reach Los Angeles? Thursday Los Melones

What was Alfonso's brother Juan's wife's name? Josefina Los Melones

Alfonso and his brother, Juan, looked a lot alike, but how did they look different? Juan didn't have a mustache Los Melones

How many children did Juan and Josefina have? Three: Isabel and twins (Lupe and Pepe) Los Melones

What was the name of the valley they traveled through to get from Los Angeles to the farms? The San Fernando Valley Los Melones

How could you tell the difference between the twins, Lupe and Pepe? Lupe (the girl) had tiny gold earrings. Los Melones

Why didn't Isabel like living in El Centro? They had to live in a tent Los Melones

What is the name of the valley where El Centro is located? The Imperial Valley Los Melones

What did Isabel and her family pick when they lived in El Centro? melons Los Melones

Where did Isabel and her family move when they left El Centro? Arvin Los Melones

How much did Isabel's family pay to live in a camp with piped-in cold water and electricity? Seven dollars a amonth Los Melones

How big was the farm in Arvin? Six thousand acres Los Melones

What happened to Esperanza when she tried to hear the heartbeat of the land in California?

She couldn't hear it, she started crying, and she felt like she was floating above the Earth. She fainted. Los Melones

What was the name of the valley they saw when they headed down a steep grade on Highway 99 in California? The San Joaquin Valley Los Melones

What did they pick in the camp Marta lived in? cotton Los Melones

What did Marta tell Esperanza was stuck in her mouth when she didn't answer her? A silver spoon Los Melones

How did Marta's father die? He was killed in the Mexican revolution Los Melones

Where did the fieldworkers who lived in Camp 8 come from? Oklahoma Los Melones

What other ethnicities were the fieldworkers, in addition to Mexicans and white people from Oklahoma? Filipinos and Japanese Los Melones

What did the Okies (the workers from Oklahoma) have that the other workers didn't have in their camp? hot water Los Melones

What did they have at the jamaicas every Saturday night? music, food, and dancing Los Melones

What did Marta think all the workers should do?

Band together and refuse to work so they could have better conditions. Los Melones

What could Isabel do that Esperanza could not? speak English Las Cebollas

Where did people have to go to the bathroom in some camps? In ditches Las Cebollas

How was Alfonso able to get the farm to allow Esperanza and Ramona to stay with him and his family in the cabin? He told them they were his cousins Las Cebollas

Why couldn't Ramona and Esperanza stay in their own cabin at the farmworkers' camp? There was no housing for single women Las Cebollas

Who did Miguel live with in the farmworkers' camp? Jose and Josefina and the twin babies Las Cebollas

What did Esperanza tell Isabel they would do when Abuelita came with her money?

Buy a big house and having Hortensia, Alfonso, and Miguel work for them again. Las Cebollas

What did Esperanza smell the first morning she woke up in the camp? cafe and chorizo Las Cebollas

Why wasn't Esperanza allowed to work in the sheds with Hortensia and Ramona? She wasn't old enough Las Cebollas

What kind of work did they do in the sheds? Packing fruit or vegetables in boxes Las Cebollas

What was Esperanza's job at the camp every afternoon? Sweeping the wooden platform Las Cebollas

What was the platform in the camp?A big wooden floor used for meetings and dances. Las Cebollas

Where was the railroad company located where Miguel went to look for work? Bakersfield Las Cebollas

How did Ramona do her hair at the camp that surprised Esperanza? In one long braid down her back Las Cebollas

At what time in the morning did trucks pick up workers to go to the sheds? 6:30 AM Las Cebollas

Who was Isabel's best friend? Silvia Las Cebollas

Where was Melina's husband from? Aguascalientes Las Cebollas

Why did Melina say her husband probably didn't know Marisol?

He was a campesino (field worker) so he wouldn't know the family Las Cebollas

What did Isabel teach Esperanza to do with the babies' dirty diapers?

Scrub them and then hang them on the line Las Cebollas

What were the trees in the camp they hung the clothesline between? mulberry and chinaberry Las Cebollas

How old was Isabel? eight Las Cebollas

Why did Esperanza have to learn how to take care of the babies and do the laundry herself? Isabel was going to be going to school Las Cebollas

What did Marta call Esperanza, making fun of her when she was trying to sweep? La Cenicienta (Cinderella) Las Cebollas

What chore Miguel teach Esperanza how to do correctly? sweep Las Cebollas

Even though Miguel could fix any engine, the railroad would only hire Mexicans to do what kind of work? digging ditches and layting track Las Cebollas

Where wouldn't Miguel and Alfonso let Esperanza go behind the cabin with them?

They were hiding a surprise.....the rose plant they had dug up from the ground in Aguascalientes and planted behind the cabin.

Las Almendras

What did Miguel put next to Esperanza's rose plant so it could climb? A trellis

Las Almendras

What did Mama tell Esperanza about her Papa's heart? it would find them wherever they went.

Las Almendras

Why did Esperanza stand next to the washtub and put her hands out to her sides and wait? She was used to Hortensia bathing her.

Las Almendras

What are almendras? almondsLas Almendras

How did Marta know English? She was born in CaliforniaLas Almendras

Where did Marta's father come from during the revolution? Sonora

Las Almendras

Why didn't Isabel's father like it when Marta came to the jamaicas?

She always talked about getting people together to strike.

Las Almendras

What did Isabel's mother make with the almonds they shelled? Flan de almendra

Las Almendras

What made Esperanza decide to come to the jamaica? Flan de almendra was her favorite sweet

Las Almendras

What is 'agua de jamaica'? Hibiscus Flower Water punchLas Almendras

How many people lived in the farmworker's camp? 200

Las Almendras

What did someone from town bring to the Jamaica that Isabel wanted one of? a litter of kittens

Las Almendras

Why did Marta hold up a kitten in front of the crowd of people at the jamaica?

To show when she said, "This is what we are...small, meek animals"

Las Almendras

What did Marta and others want to strike to get? higher wages and better housing

Las Almendras

What is the Spanish word for 'strike'? huelgaLas Almendras

What color kitten did Isabel get? orangeLas Almendras

What are farm camps that move from place to place called? migrant camps

Las Almendras

What were the farm camps called where the people who worked there didn't move around? company camps

Las Almendras

How much did people get for picking cotton? 7 cents a pound.Las Almendras

How much did the strikers want to get paid for picking cotton? 10 cents a pound

Las Almendras

What were the walls in the cabin covered with to keep out the wind? newspaper

Las Almendras

What did Ramona miss about Aguascalientes? Her dressesLas Almendras

What was the name of the store in Bakersfield where they sold sweete rolls and Mexican candies? Cholitas

Las Almendras

Esperanza said she would pray for many things in church. What did her Mama say she would pray for?

For Esperanza to ber strong no matter what happened.

Las Almendras

Which baby was supposed to be put down for a name first...Lupe or Pepe? Pepe La Ciruelas

What food did Lupe refuse to eat? bananas La Ciruelas

What did Hortensia cook in the beans? onion and garlic La Ciruelas

What did Esperanza feed the twins that made them sick? plums La Ciruelas

What did Hortensia give to Esperanza when she was little and got sick? rice water La Ciruelas

What did Isabel say everyone knew about feeding plums to babies? You have to cook the the plums first. La Ciruelas

What was the name of the other woman in camp, Melina's friend? Irene La Ciruelas

What did Irene cut up to use as fabric for dresses? a 50 pound flour sack La Ciruelas

Irene saw both sides...the striking workers and the ones who kept working. She said everyone wanted the same two things:______ To eat and feed their children La Ciruelas

Why did Esperanza, Melina, and Irene have to run inside the house and shut the windows? There was a dust storm La Ciruelas

Why did Irene tell Esperanza to get away from the window? The dirt and wind could break the glass. La Ciruelas

How long could a dust storm last?Hours...first the wind would stop and then the dust would settle. La Ciruelas

What was Isabel's kitten's name? Chiquita La Ciruelas

Why didn't the trucks pick up Ramona, Hortensia, and Josefina when the dust storm hit? They couldn't find their way to the shed La Ciruelas

Why was the strike cancelled?

The dust storm hit, and the cotton fields were buried in dust and couldn't be picked. La Ciruelas

Why weren't the grapes ruined by the dust storm? They grew higher off the ground La Ciruelas

What did Ramona (Esperanza's Mama) start doing after the dust storm? coughing La Ciruelas

What did the doctor say Ramona (Esperanza's Mom) got from the dust storm? Valley Fever La Ciruelas

What causes Valley Fever? dust spores La Ciruelas

Is Valley Fever contagious? no La Ciruelas

Can people get Valley Fever more than once?No...once the body fights off teh infection, it doesn't get it again. La Ciruelas

Who is Valley Fever hardest on?Adults who aren't used to living with the agricultural dust. La Ciruelas

How long did the doctor say Ramona might take to get better, if she survived? six months. La Ciruelas

What could Esperanza smell when she held her Abuelita's crotcheting near her face? Smoke from the fire and peppermint Las Papas

What did Esperanza do while Crotcheting that Abuelita did?

Picked up hair that fell in her lap and wove it into the blanket she was making Las Papas

Why did Ramona get worse and have to go to the hospital? She was depressed Las Papas

What hospital did Ramona go to? Kern General Hospital in Bakersfield Las Papas

Why did Hortensia tell Esperanza NOT to write to her Abuelita? Her uncles were still watching Las Papas

What did someone in the camp put on the statue Our Lady of Guadalupe's shoulders? a shawl Las Papas

What season of the year was when asparagus was cut? spring Las Papas

What was the first kind of farm work Esperanza did? cutting potato eyes Las Papas

What was the thick fog that lay low on the ground called? Tule fog Las Papas

What did Esperanza hold on the ride to the fields on the truck in the morning to keep her warm?

A brick, heated up in the oven and wrapped in newspaper Las Papas

How long was the packing shed? As long as six train cars Las Papas

Who's aunt worked with Esperanza in the shed? Marta's Las Papas

What was it called when immigration authorities picked up people, checked their papers, and sometimes sent them back to Mexico? Repatriation Las Papas

Which farm workers were most likely to be picked up for repatriation?

Those making trouble...striking or trying to get people to strike Las Papas

What did some of the strikers do to the Mexican people who continued to work?

Hurt them---hit them or throw rocks at them Las Papas

What did Esperanza teach Isabel to make? yarn dolls Las Papas

What did Abuelita use to decorate gifts instead of ribbons? dried grapevines and flowers Las Papas

What is a 'cuento de hadas'? fairy tale Las Papas

What happened to Esperanza's hands after working for three weeks cutting potato eyes? They got dry and cracked Las Papas

What gift did Esperanza find in the fields while weeding potatoes? A small smooth stone Las Papas

What device, used to keep frost from forming on plants, did Esperanza huddle next to in the fields while she mentally counted money? a smudge pot

Los Aguacates

What are the long branches on grapevines called? canes

Los Aguacates

What did Hortensia add to an avocado to make a paste to rub onto Esperanza's hands to make them soft? glycerin

Los Aguacates

What illness did the doctor tell Esperanza her Mama had when he stopped her and Miguel in the hallway at the end of grape-tying? pneumonia

Los Aguacates

What did Esperanza do to her Mama when she was asleep in the hospital bed? Brushed and pinned up her hair

Los Aguacates

On what day of the week did Hortensia and Josefina always go marketing? Saturday

Los Aguacates

What was the name of the Japanese market where the Mexicans were treated nicely? Mr. Yakota's Markeet

Los Aguacates

Many people in the United States thought all Mexicans were uneducated, dirty, poor, and unskilled. But really, many of them had been ______ in Mexico. Trained in professions (professionals)

Los Aguacates

What mean thing did people with bad manners call the Mexicans? dirty greasers'

Los Aguacates

Even though the children in school in the company camp were different ethnicities (white, Mexican, Japanese, Chines, and Filipino), they were all _____ poor

Los Aguacates

What city in Japan was Mr. Yakota from? TokyoLos Aguacates

What were two Japanese cooking ingredients Mr. Yakota carried in his store? seaweek and ginger

Los Aguacates

What do people use masa de harina for? To make tamalesLos Aguacates

What are frijoles? beansLos Aguacates

What part of a cow is used in menudo? IntestinesLos Aguacates

What was Esperanza's favorite part of Mr. Yakota's market?

the ceiling with Japanese paper lanterns and pinatas shaped like donkeys and stars

Los Aguacates

What pinata did Esperanza buy at Mr. Yakota's market for her Mama? a donkey

Los Aguacates

What was Marta's mother's name? AdaLos Aguacates

What did Esperanza do with the donkey pinata she bought?

Gave it to the children in Marta and Ada's camp.

Los Aguacates

What crop was being picked when the strikers shut down everything all over the county? asparagus

Los Aguacates

What states did white people come from to find work in the fields? Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Texas

Los Aguacates

What is machaca, Miguel's favorite breakfast?

Scrambled eggs with shredded meat, onions, and peppers

Los Aguacates

How long was asparagus season? 10 weeksLos Esparragos

Asparagus had to be picked before what? High temperatures in JuneLos Esparragos

What paid better..... packing asparagus or picking cotton? Picking cotton

Los Esparragos

Why were people who crossed picket lines finally safe when they were in the fields?

The fields were protected by guards the company sent

Los Esparragos

What animals jumped out at Josefina when she took out a handful of asparagus? a rat

Los Esparragos

What animals were put in a crate that made a woman scream? gopher snakes

Los Esparragos

What did strikers put in the field bins to hurt the people who crossed the picket lines? razor blades and shards of glass

Los Esparragos

What poisonous animal did a field supervisor dump out of a crate? a rattlesnake

Los Esparragos

What is caldo de albondigas? meatball soupLos Esparragos

What color were immigration busses? grayLos Esparragos

Where were people sent when picked up by immigration?

First to Los Angeles, then on a train to El Paso, Texas, then to Mexico

Los Esparragos

What did some farm workers talk about forming that the U.S. government and the growers didn't like? farm workers' union

Los Esparragos

What did they call it when family members of people arrested by immigration when on the bus and back to Mexico with them? voluntary deportation

Los Esparragos

What was so ironic about sending people back to Mexico for speaking their minds?

The United States was supposed to be a 'free country'

Los Esparragos

Who did Esperanza find hiding in a corner of the shed when she was looking for rubber bands? Marta

Los Esparragos

Why did Marta say it was so important she not get caught by immigration? She had to take care of her mother.

Los Esparragos

What did Esperanza tell Marta to do so she would be able to get by immigration without getting caught? Put on an apron and carry asparagus

Los Esparragos

True or False -- Some people sent to Mexico by Immigration had never even been to Mexico before. TRUE

Los Esparragos

What did Miguel do to the goat tied up in the abandoned farm camp? Untied it.

Los Esparragos

How many days doe a person pray for a novena? nine

Los Duraznos

What was Isabel praying every day for?To be chosen Queen of the May on May Day

Los Duraznos

How did people dance on May Day? around a pole with colored ribbonsLos Duraznos

Why did Isabel think she had a chance to be chosen Queen of the May? She was the only one with straight A's.

Los Duraznos

Who usually got chosen to be Queen of the May?

English speakers with nicer dresses (blonde, blue eyed girls)

Los Duraznos

What did Isabel always hate?Whatever crop was being picked at the time.

Los Duraznos

What was the one crop Isabel always loved? peachesLos Duraznos

What did the farm owner buy and turn into a new camp for the workers from Oklahoma? Army barracks from an old military camp

Los Duraznos

What special thing would the new camp for the Okies have that the Mexican people could use one day a week? a swimming pool

Los Duraznos

When were the Mexicans allowed to swim in the pool?

Friday afternoons before they cleaned the pool on Saturday mornings

Los Duraznos

Why did Miguel lose his job working on train engines?

They hired men from Oklahoma who were willing to work for half the money

Los Duraznos

What did Miguel do when he lost his job working on train engines? Dug ditches

Los Duraznos

What did Esperanza do in anger when she asked why Miguel's boss didn't tell the other men to dig ditches Threw dough at the wall

Los Duraznos

What saying did Miguel say to Esperanza that stopped her anger and made her remember her father?

Wait a little while and the fruit will fall into your hand.

Los Duraznos

What did Miguel say to Esperanza when she said "You are still a peasant!" And you still think you are a queen.

Los Duraznos

What did the teacher tell Isabel when she didn't win Queen of the May? She chose on more than just grades.

Los Duraznos

What did Esperanza give to Isabel that would last more than just one day? The doll her Papa gave to her.

Los Duraznos

What did Esperanza's Mama ask for in the hospital that showed she was feeling better? Her crochet needles and yarn

Los Duraznos

What did Miguel after he and Esperanza had a fight? He left town

Los Duraznos

What terrible thing did Esperanza think Miguel had done? Stolen all her money from her valise

Los Duraznos

What are Clingstones and Elbertas? peaches Las uvas

Which peaches did Mama like best? The small white clingstone peaches Las uvas

What name did the nectarines have? Flaming gold Las uvas

What kind of plum did Esperanza love? elephant-heart plums Las uvas

Where did Miguel say for Hortensia to bring Esperanza and meet him at 3 o'clock? The bus station in Bakersfield Las uvas

What proof did Miguel bring to Esperanza that things would get better? Abuelita Las uvas

What did Esperanza think Abuelita looked like when she first got off the bus? Una fantasma (a ghost) Las uvas

What did Abuelita smell like? face powder, garlic, and peppermint Las uvas

What did Abuelita give to Isabel?a flat, slick stonefrom the pocket of her dress Las uvas

How big was the blanket Esperanza had been working on that ABuelita had started?

From the chinaberry tree to the mulberry tree--it could have covered three beds Las uvas

What did Abuelita start doing every day for months in Mexico, after Esperanza and her Mama had left for California? Lit candles and prayed for their safety Las uvas

What did Abuelita find in the garden? An injured bird Las uvas

What did it symbolize to Abuelita when the injured bird was able to fly again? Whatever had been wrong was better. Las uvas

Where did Miguel leave a note for Abuelita? In the poor box at the convent Las uvas

What are Thompson seedless, Red Malagas, and blue-black Ribiers? grapes Las uvas

What crop was being picked when it was winter? potatoes Las uvas

As Esperanza's mind was soaring in the sky, what held her heart to the earth? The touch of Miguel's hand Las uvas

Who sang the morning songs to all the pretty girls? King David Las uvas

What fruit was missing from Esperanza's 14th birthday party? papayas Las uvas

How many stitches up to the top of the mountain? ten Las uvas

How many stitches down to the bottom of the valley? nine Las uvas

What did Abuelita first say, and then Esperanza say, while unraveling uneven stitches from the crotcheting? "Do not ever be afraid to start over". Las uvas

What real rancho did the author change to Rancho de las Rosas? Rancho de la Trinidad

Author's Notes

What was the name of the real Esperanza Ortega's husband? Jesus Munoz

Author's Notes

In what year did the U.S. federal government pass the Deportation Act, making it possible to send many Mexicans back to Mexico? 1929

Author's Notes

Why was there a lot of unemployment in 1929? Because of the Great Depression

Author's Notes

Between 1929 and 1935, how many Mexicans and Mexican Americans were sent to Mexico? AT least 450,000 (Maybe near a million)

Author's Notes

Why did the author's father, Don Bell, come to California from the Midwest?

He was escaping the Dust Bowl (dust storms)

Author's Notes

What is the "Diaper Crew"?

Children paid to pick in the fields because of a shortage of workers because of World War II.

Author's Notes

What did the author, Pam Munoz Ryan, test postive for, but never get sick from? Valley Fever

Author's Notes

Why didn't the author get sick from Valley Fever, even though she test positive for it?

Growing up in the San Joaquin Valley made her immune to it.

Author's Notes

What does Esperanza mean in English? HopeAuthor's Notes