Esprit De Corps .

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• Esprit De Corps

Text messaging - Texting in politics

1 The rapid assembly of the anti-Estrada crowd was a hallmark of

early smart mob technology, and the millions of text messages exchanged by the demonstrators in 2001 was, by all accounts, a key to the crowds

esprit de corps.

Marine Corps Marathon - MCM Event Weekend

1 The unique name - Carbo Dining In - separates it from other pasta parties and carb loads by paying homage to

a traditional military dining in, an evening that includes dinner and

other events to foster camaraderie and esprit de corps.

Profession - Characteristics of a profession

1 A profession has been further defined as: a special type of occupation...(possessing)

corporate solidarity...prolonged specialized training in a body of abstract knowledge, and a collectivity or service orientation...a vocational sub-culture which comprises implicit codes of

behaviour, generates an esprit de corps among members of the same profession, and ensures them certain occupational advantages...(also)

bureaucratic structures and monopolistic privileges to perform certain types of

work...professional literature, legislation, etc

Henri Fayol - Principles of management

1 # 'Esprit de corps'. Promoting team spirit will build harmony and unity within the


Spartan army - Training

1 There is a characteristic story, told by Plutarch: The boys make such a serious matter of their

stealing, that one of them, as the story goes, who was carrying concealed under his cloak a young fox which he had stolen, suffered the animal to

tear out his bowels with its teeth and claws, and died rather than have his theft detected.Plutarch, [

xts/Plutarch/Lives/Lycurgus*.html The Life of Lycurgus, 18.1] The boys were encouraged to

compete against one another in games and mock fights and to foster an esprit de corps

5th Special Air Service - History

1 These differences of upbringing, class, lifestyle and even language

might have seemed problematic but a real esprit de corps developed

quickly within the unit

New Zealand Special Air Service - Presidential Unit Citation

1 It was awarded for “extraordinary heroism and outstanding

performance of duty in action” and noted that those awarded

established “benchmark standard of professionalism, tenacity, courage, tactical brilliance, and operational

brilliance, and operational excellence while demonstrating superb esprit de

corps and maintaining the highest measures of combat readiness.”


1 'Morale' (also known as 'esprit de corps'()) is the capacity of a group's members to

maintain belief in an institution or goal, particularly in the face of opposition or hardship. Morale is often referenced by

authority figures as a generic value judgment of the Volition (psychology)|

willpower, Obedience (human behavior)|obedience, and self-discipline of a group

tasked with performing duty|duties assigned by a Superior (hierarchy)|superior.

Morale - Esprit de corps

1 Within the USMC and the RM there is a special meaning and place in the

hearts of the men and women for the phrase Esprit de corps.

Cog's Ladder - Esprit Stage

1 Esprit de corps: a golden rule by Henri Fayol is closely associated with this stage of Cog's, which says that

nothing has higher pinnacles to reach than spirit of corps.

Grande Armée - Light Infantry

1 While the Infantry of the Line made up the majority of the Grande Armée's infantry, the

Infanterie Légère (Light Infantry) also played an important role. The Légère

regiments never numbered more than 36 (compared with the 133 of the Ligne

regiments), and the Ligne could perform all the same manoeuvres, including

skirmishing. The difference lay in the training and the resulting high esprit de


Grande Armée - Light Infantry

1 Naturally, because commanders turned to the Légère for more

missions than the Ligne, the Légère troopers enjoyed a higher esprit de

corps and were known for their flamboyant uniforms and attitude

Battle cry

1 Their purpose is a combination of arousing aggression and esprit de

corps on one's own side and causing intimidation on the hostile side

Mamluks - Organization

1 A mamluk was also bound by a strong esprit de corps to his peers in the same household.

Antimilitarism - Criticisms on violence

1 Machiavelli already considered popular armies to be superior to

mercenary|mercenaries, and Althusser demonstrated how he had thought the unification of Italy and therefore the creation of an Italian nation-state (aim which would only

be attained in the 1860s) through the implementation of popular armies, leading to the creation of an esprit

de corps which would form the basis for the future nation

Subcultural theory - Frederic M. Thrasher

1 :The gang is an interstitial space (architecture)|interstitial group originally

formed spontaneously, and then integrated through conflict. It is characterized by the

following types of behavior: meeting face to face, milling, movement through space as a unit, conflict, and planning. The result of this

collective behavior is the development of tradition, unreflective internal structure, esprit de corps, solidarity, morale, group awareness,

and attachment to a local territory.

Combat Infantry Badge - History

1 The present war has demonstrated the importance of highly-proficient, tough, hard,

and aggressive infantry, which can be obtained only by developing a high degree of individual all-around proficiency on the part

of every infantryman. As a means of attaining the high standards desired and to foster esprit de corps in infantry units; the

Expert Infantryman and the Combat Infantryman badges are established for

infantry personnel.

Presidential Unit Citation (US)

1 The unit must display such gallantry, determination, and Esprit de Corps

(morale)|esprit de corps in accomplishing its mission under

extremely difficult and hazardous conditions so as to set it apart from

and above other units participating in the same campaign.

Qing Dynasty - Transition and modernization

1 This initially gave the troops an

excellent esprit de corps

Social work with groups - Pre-1930s

1 [ Grace Coyle] presented an early theoretical framework for social group work articulating the need for a democratic value base (Coyle, 1935), identifying the role of the worker as a group builder (Coyle,

1937) and noting the benefits of ‘esprit de corps’ or group morale (Coyle, 1930). As the

editor of several small group research compendiums Hare (1976) would later point out, “many of her insights about group process were

ahead of her time” (p.388).

Labor Zionism - Ideology

1 A worker has his labor interests, a soldier his esprit de corps, a doctor

and an engineer, their special inclinations

Law enforcement in Japan - Riot police

1 Esprit de corps is inculcated with regular ceremonies and

institutionalization of rituals such as applauding personnel dispatched to or returning from assignments and

formally welcoming senior officers to the mess hall at all meals.

En masse - E

1 ; esprit de corps: lit. spirit of the body [group]: a feeling of solidarity among members of a group; morale. Often used in connection with a military


Wild Beasts - History

1 The new quartet recorded two further demo EPs, Esprit De Corps and All Men.

Labor Day - Pattern of celebration

1 The form for the celebration of Labor Day was outlined in the first proposal

of the holiday: A street parade to exhibit to the public the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations, followed by a festival

for the workers and their families

Equestrian (Roman) - The ordo equester under Augustus

1 In an attempt to foster the Knights' esprit de corps, Augustus revived an obsolete Republican ceremony, the

recognitio equitum (Inspection of the Knights), in which Knights paraded

every 5 years with their horses before the Consuls

Housecarls - Military role

1 For instance, Charles Oman, in his book The Art of War in the Middle Ages (1885), states that the main

advantage of the housecarls at Hastings were their esprit de corps

Spirit - Metaphorical usage

1 * The loyalty and feeling of inclusion in the social history or collective

essence of an institution or group, as in school spirit or in esprit de corps.

Dervish state - Military

1 Dervish soldiers used the dhaanto traditional dance-song to raise their esprit de corps and often sang it on


Military barracks

1 Their main object is to separate soldiers from the civilian population and reinforce discipline, training and

esprit de corps

Massachusetts in the American Civil War - General officers

1 Although he was successful at rejuvenating the esprit de corps of

his army by better distributing supplies and food, he was unable to effectively lead the army in the field, and his inaction during the Battle of

Chancellorsville led to his resignation of his command

Collapse of the Roman Republic - Gaius Marius and Sulla

1 This opening of the Army's ranks to the capite censii enfranchised the plebs, thus creating an esprit de

corps in the enlarged army.See also Fields, pp

List of English words of French origin - Military

1 The vocabulary of warfare and the military include many words of French origin (Wiktionary:battalion|battalion, Wiktionary:dragoon|dragoon, Wiktionary:infantry|infantry, Wiktionary:cavalry|cavalry,

Wiktionary:army|army, Wiktionary:artillery|artillery, Wiktionary:corvette|corvette, Wiktionary:musketeer|musketeer, Wiktionary:carabineer|

carabineer, Wiktionary:pistol|pistol, Wiktionary:fusilier|fusilier, Wiktionary:squad|squad, Wiktionary:squadron|squadron, Wiktionary:platoon|platoon, Wiktionary:brigade|brigade,

Wiktionary:corps|corps, Wiktionary:sortie|sortie, Wiktionary:reconnaissance|reconnaissance/Wiktionary:reconnoitre|

reconnoitre, Wiktionary:surveillance|surveillance, Wiktionary:rendezvous|rendezvous, Wiktionary:espionage|espionage, Wiktionary:volley|volley, Wiktionary:siege|siege, Wiktionary:terrain|terrain, Wiktionary:troop|troop, Wiktionary:camouflage|camouflage,

Wiktionary:logistics|logistics, Wiktionary:accoutrements|accoutrements, Wiktionary:bivouac|bivouac, Wiktionary:aide-de-camp|aide-de-camp,

Wiktionary:legionnaire|legionnaire, Wiktionary:morale|morale, Wiktionary:esprit de corps|esprit de corps

Valorous Unit Award - Criteria

1 The Valorous Unit Award requires a lesser degree of gallantry,

determination, and esprit de corps than that required for the Presidential

Unit Citation

Military of ancient Rome - Military culture

1 6 In the legions of the Republic, discipline was fierce and training

harsh, all intended to instill a group cohesion or esprit de corps that could bind the men together into

effective fighting units

Military of ancient Rome - Military culture

1 Of the martial culture of less valued units such as sailors, and light infantry, less is known, but it is doubtful that its training was as intense or its esprit de corps as

strong as in the legions.

Cataphract - Tactics and deployment

1 While their roles in military history often seem to overlap with lancers or generic heavy cavalry, they should

not be considered analogous to these forms of cavalry, and instead

represent the separate evolution of a very distinct class of heavy cavalry in

the Near East that had certain connotations of prestige, nobility,

and esprit de corps attached to them

Distinctive Unit Insignia - History

1 Circular 244, 1921 states: It has been approved, in principle, that regiments

of the Regular Army and National Guard may wear distinctive badges or trimmings on their uniforms as a means of promoting esprit de corps

and keeping alive historical traditions

JAG (TV series) - Background and development

1 Lehman, was that the naval aviation community had been unfairly

subjected to a witch-hunt motivated by political correctness, in effect killing its esprit de corps, and by extension damaging its combat

effectiveness.#Lehman|Lehman: p

Jacobitism - In popular culture

1 In an episode of The Avengers (TV series)|The Avengers TV series, Esprit

de Corps, originally broadcast 14 March 1964, a Scottish general plots

a coup using Cathy Gale as the Stuart heir, whom he wishes to

enthrone as Queen Anne II.

Dreyfus Affair - The appeal on the judgment of 1894

1 The Court in overturning the judgement believed in the legal autonomy of the Military Court

without taking into account the laws of esprit de corps.Supreme Court,

Justice From the Dreyfus Affair, and Royer Ozaman, p

Red Army - The Winter War with Finland

1 In 1941, the Soviet government raised the bloodied Red Army's esprit de corps with propaganda stressing

the defense of Motherland and nation, employing historic exemplars

of Russian courage and bravery against foreign aggressors

Challenge coin

1 Commanders use specially minted military coins to improve morale,

foster unit esprit de corps and honor service members for their hard work

Civilian control of the military - Composition of the military

1 This autonomous professionalism, it is argued, best inculcates an esprit

de corps and sense of distinct military corporateness that prevents

political interference by sworn servicemen and -women

Schutzstaffel - Ideology

1 Commitment to SS ideology is evidenced throughout the entire

recruitment and membership continuum and the related esprit de corps which developed in SS men was designed to make them feel

elite, committing them in the process to honour the racial tenets of the National Socialist movement and

binding them to protect their Führer at all costs.Höhne (2001)

United States Air Force Basic Military Training - Eighth Week

1 The run is a victory celebration of the challenges overcome and esprit de

corps gained by Airmen during training

Mare Island Naval Shipyard - War bonds

1 Patriotism and esprit de corps among the workers ran very high. Mare Island's military and civilian workforce raised almost $76M in

war bonds; enough to pay for every one of the submarines built at MINSY prior to Victory over Japan Day|VJ Day. More than 300 landing craft

were built at Mare Island.[

rd/mare_island.htm FAS Military Analysis Network: Mare Island Naval Shipyard

(MINSY)]Lott, A Long Line of Ships, pp. 209-237.

Eighth United States Army - Korean War

1 Eighth Army's morale and esprit de corps hit rock bottom, to where it was widely regarded as a broken,

defeated rabble.

Beaver Club

1 According to the club's rules, the object of their meeting was to bring together, at stated periods during the winter season, a set of men highly respectable in society, who had passed their best days in a savage country and had encountered the difficulties and dangers incident to a

pursuit of the fur trade of Canada.The Beaver Club Jewels, by Larry Gingras, 1972 Only fragmentary records remain

of their meetings, but from these it is clear that the Beaver Club was an animated expression of the esprit de

corps of the North West Company.The Honorable Company, A History of the Hudson's Bay Company By

Douglas Mackay, Bobbs-Merrill Co., N.Y., 1936 The men of the Beaver Club were the predecessors of Montreal's

Golden Square Mile|Square Milers.

Gifford Pinchot - Forestry policy and institutions

1 His personal involvement in the recruitment process led to high esprit

de corps in the Forest Service and allowed him to avoid partisan

political patronage

French Foreign Legion

1 Commanded by French nationality law|French officers, it is also open to French citizens, who amounted to 24% of the

recruits as of 2007.Jean-Dominique Merchet, [ La Légion

s'accroche à ses effectifs] The Foreign Legion is today known as a unit whose training

focuses not only on traditional military skills but also on its strong Morale|esprit de corps

French Foreign Legion - Spain (1835–1839)

1 The Foreign Legion's commander immediately dissolved the national battalions to improve the esprit de corps. Later, he also created three squadrons of lancers and an artillery battery from the existing force to increase independence and flexibility. The Foreign

Legion was dissolved on 8 December 1838, when it had dropped to only 500 men. The

survivors returned to France, many reenlisting in the new Foreign Legion along with many of

their former Carlism|Carlist enemies.


1 German Fallschirmjäger (World War II)|Fallschirmjäger in World War II were the first paratroopers to be committed in large-scale airborne operations. They came to be known as the green devils by the Allied forces they fought against, as well as for Fallschirmjäger

(World War II)#The Parachutist's Ten Commandments|their uniquely distinct Esprit de corps.Green Devils: German Paratroopers

1939-1945 By Jean-Yves Nasse, W. Muhlberger, G. Schubert, Jean-Pierre Villaume,

English public school football games - Association football

1 Football had come to be adopted by a number of public schools as a way

of encouraging esprit de corps, competitiveness and keeping youths


Culture of the United States Marine Corps

1 The Corps' embracement of its rich culture and history is cited as a

reason for its high Morale|esprit de corps.

Hussar - The Hussar image

1 Brigadier Gerard's boast that the Hussards de Conflans (an actual

regiment) could set a whole population running, the men away from them and the women towards

them, may be taken as a fair representation of the esprit de corps

of this class of cavalry.

Space Cadet - Themes

1 Discouraged by the intellectual demands of his Patrol training, and

attracted to the glamor and esprit de corps of the space marines|Marines,

Matt requests a transfer, but is dissuaded by his mentor

Naval Historical Center - Mission

1 * Make naval history and heritage come alive for our Sailors and

Marines to enhance readiness and esprit de corps.

The Point Reyes Light - The Plotkin Era

1 The only way to get the right esprit de corps — the people directed to a

higher calling — is to invite [journalism students] to join the

Round Table and go on a quest for the chalice, Plotkin told a Los

Angeles Times reporter

Military of Thailand - Uniforms, ranks, insignia

1 To build institutional solidarity and esprit de corps, each Thai service component has developed its own

distinctive uniforms, ranking system, and


%28DOCID+th0148%29 Thailand]

Workplace morale

1 Esprit de corps is considered to be an important part of a

fighting unit

Seasons in the Sun - Other versions

1 In 2002 a satirical version of the song lambasting the Canadian

government's aging Sikorsky CH-124 Sea King|Sea King helicopters was

leaked to Esprit de Corps magazine. The lyrics were published in the Ottawa Citizen on November 20,


How I Won the War - The Regiment

1 In both world wars this has provided a huge bone of contention for regular regiments, where the exclusive esprit

de corps is highly valued and safeguarded

Heartbreak Ridge - Plot

1 Although the recon platoon strenuously hate Highway, they eventually begin to shape up,

develop esprit de corps and slowly begin to respect him.

Glory (optical phenomenon) - Glories in literature

1 In the third book, The Radiant Warrior, Stargard begins building a modern army and uses the reliable glories along one stretch of his boot

camp to invoke religious faith-backed esprit de corps and feelings of elite

invincibility in his newly forming cadre

Ralph Parcaut - Champion wrestler of the A.E.F.

1 The purpose of the order was to direct the attention of all concerned

to the importance of encouraging the development of general and

competitive athletics and all kinds of appropriate entertainment, for the purpose of keeping up the morale,

fostering and developing organization, esprit de corps, and

improving the physical fitness of the Army

Joe Louis - World War II

1 Realizing Louis's potential for elevating esprit de corps among the troops, the Army placed him in its

Special Services Division rather than deploying him into combat

Jim Davidson - Forces and charity

1 He is currently chairman of the British Forces Foundation charity,

which aims to promote the well-being and esprit de corps of service


United States Army Rangers - Ranger Creed

1 :'R'ecognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige,

honor, and high esprit de corps of my Ranger Regiment.

Harvard University Band - Band leadership

1 :'Schneider': Coordinates the social activities of the Band and maintains

and bolsters esprit de corps. The current Schneider is Garrett Maron


5th Infantry Regiment (United States) - Vietnam War

1 The officers and men of the Task Force displayed outstanding bravery, high morale, and exemplary esprit de corps in fierce hand-to-hand combat and counteroffensive action against well disciplined, heavily armed and

entrenched enemy forces

Flying Tigers - Assessment of the AVG

1 In Flying Tigers: Claire Chennault and His American Volunteers, 1941–1942,

Daniel Ford attributes the AVG's success to morale and group esprit

de corps

Casa Loma - History

1 Esprit de Corps

Piracy in the Caribbean - Buccaneers

1 There was a strong esprit de corps among pirates

Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 - Background

1 Further reading on the controversy: Kenneth Silver, Esprit de Corps,

Princeton 1989; David Cottington, Cubism in the Shadow of War: the Avant-Garde and Politics in Paris

1905–1914, New Haven 1998; Peter Brooke, Albert Gleizes: For and

Against the Twentieth Century, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2001

Indo-Tibetan Border Police - Training Centres

1 Professional skills, esprit de corps,leadership. They are taught the values of integrity, impartiality and respect for all castes, creeds and

religions .

Argentine National Symphony Orchestra - Overview

1 Maintaining a loyal esprit de corps among its musicians, who have on numerous past occasions performed

without pay, the symphony has also attracted figures of international stature on the classical music stage,

including guest conductors Erich Kleiber, Sir Georg Solti, Ernest Ansermet, Igor Markevitch, Hermann Scherchen,

Sergiu Celibidache, Rudolf Kempe, Antal Dorati, Sir Malcolm Sargent, Hans Rosbaud, Jean Fournet, Igor

Stravinsky, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Aram Katchaturian, Frank Martin (composer)|Frank Martin and Pablo Casals, as well

as renowned guest soloists such as Arthur Rubinstein, Ruggiero Ricci, Nicanor Zabaleta, Gyorgy Sandor, Martha Argerich, Uto Ughi, and Barry Douglas (musician)|Barry


Vaughan Secondary School

1 Vaughan Secondary School's senior basketball team's has back-to-back 2011 2012 OFSAA AAAA Basketball championships. Besides promoting

school and community esprit de corps the basketball team promotes

physical activity.

Jäger (military) - Prior to First World War

1 By the early twentieth century, Jäger units were part of the Imperial German, Austro-Hungarian,

Swedish, Dutch and Norwegian armies. They corresponded to the rifles, light infantry,

chasseur|chasseurs à pied or bersaglieri units of the British, French, Italian and other armies. While such units still enjoyed considerable

prestige and high esprit de corps, their training, equipment and tactical roles had for the most

part become aligned with those of the line infantry of their respective armies.

Tec Laboratories - Company culture

1 The firm's mission statement is Tec Labs is a pharmaceutical institution that fosters a culture of innovation,

trust, joie de vivre and esprit de corps

Gallant Unit Citation - Award Description

1 The GUC requires a lesser degree of gallantry, determination and esprit de corps than that required for the Presidential Unit Citation (United States)|Presidential Unit Citation


Lawrence Durrell - Work with the British government

1 Durrell's works of humour Esprit de Corps and Stiff Upper Lip are about

life in the Diplomacy|diplomatic corps, particularly Serbia.

Military operations other than war - Canada

1 The curriculum of Canada's military training programs includes MOOTW.Buschmann, Klaus.

(2000). Training and Education: Essential Prerequisites for Sustainability in Operations Other Than War. Canadian peacekeeping is

well publicised in Canada.Jaxon, George. [

30148351.html Quantity versus quality: dispelling some Canadian myths about

peacekeeping,] Esprit de Corps. March 1, 2000.

Chasseur - Chasseurs à pied

1 Following the Napoleonic Wars the Chasseurs à pied continued to exist

as a separate corps within the infantry. Initially a specially trained elite, their tactical role eventually

came to match that of the ordinary lignards (line infantry). By the late

19th century the differences between the two branches were confined to uniform and insignia, although the

chasseurs retained a strong esprit de corps.

The Man in the Iron Mask (1998 film) - Plot

1 At a festival, the two lovers are greeted by an older D'Artagnan, who

is still in the service of the King as Captain of the Musketeers, striving to retain the esprit de corps of the old
