Essential Notes of the day: Chemical properties describe how a material reacts (or fails to...

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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Phase Change Diagram: How can we “account” for the ENERGY?


Essential Notes of the day: Chemical properties describe how a material reacts (or fails to

react)in the presence of another. Boiling, melting, freezing, condensation, and evaporation are

physical changes related to the physical properties of the substance.

Solid, liquid, and gas are some states of matter. These are also referred to as phases of matter. These states depend on temperature and pressure.

Solids have a defined shape and are NOT compressible. Liquids take on the shape of the container, are fluid, and are NOT

compressible. Gases can take on an infinite volume, yet are compressible. In a chemical reaction existing matter is rearranged, what comes

out has different properties than what went in. Key Concept- Matter is not destroyed, simply rearranged- the Law

of Conservation of Matter.

WHOT.10/19 Have your homework out!

Objective/SWBAT: Warm up – Draw an example at the particle level of thermal


Responsibilities: Test Thursday and Friday!

Before Heat After Heat


Phase Change Diagram:

How can we “account” for the ENERGY?

Sketch the following in your notebook…It’s called a phase diagram1. Label the section of the figure that

is most likely to represent the temperature and pressure conditions associated with the solid phase of matter.

2. Draw a horizontal line across the phase diagram so that it touches all 3 phases of matter. Imagine being a particle

experiencing the temperatures and pressures indicated by your line. Discuss with your table-partner what you would see and feel from the macroscopic and microscopic viewpoints.






WHOT Question

To make a thermometer, what liquid; water or alcohol would you use and why?

The Highlander Sheet Objective: Explain Density of a Galileo

Thermometer at a particle level. Warmup: You found a piece of something that

looks like gold in your dead’s aunts safe. • Determine the density of the substance to see if

you’ve struck it rich.• You found the mass to be 30.5g and volume to be


• Responsibilities: Test Thursday! Start to STUDY TONIGHT!!!


Material Density (g/cm3)Gold 19.3Pyrite 5.0

Extra Credit

Available on SWIFT

What can I do to study?

Check SWIFT…

Also you know… you kind of have all of the information written down… you know… in that journal…

These 4 things are important!

• ^Thermal Expansion!!!

Lets rewatch the cartoon from last Friday… This time we need to Break it down.

Particles! Particles Everywhere!!!


Assume that Each glass ball weighs the exact same. (JUST THE GLASS BALL)

Draw a diagram of a thermometer, label which bauble now has the most density, the least density…

What does this look like? As Temperature goes up…

Density of the fluid goes _________.

As Temperature goes up… Density of the baubles _____________.

We put them together… When the density of the liquid drops below each bauble.

What happens to the bauble?

The bauble sinks.

We put them together…

WHOT QUESTION:Sketch a particle

diagram of a hot and cold thermometer.


Your diagram should include:• The same number of

particles(remember nothing is evaporating it expanding)• A hot and cold tube.