Essential Road Rules for Visitors and Tourists to New Zealand

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Visiting NZ? You'll need to know the Road Code so that you can drive safely. New Zealand has beautiful roads, but they're also quite dangerous, particularly if you're not used to driving on the left. Depending on where you are from, we also have different road signs and road markings, and different rules regarding turning on traffic lights. Whether you are renting a car or a campervan you will need to know speed limits, where you can and can't park, when to carry your driver's licence, legal requirements for driving past school buses, using cellphones while driving, seatbelts for you and your children, and unmanned and uncontrolled railway crossings. Where you should you go to get additional Road Code knowledge? Use It's recommended by many car rental and campervan rental companies as being the quickest and easiest way to learn the essential road rules in New Zealand. Best of all, it's completely free. Tourist and visitor drivers were involved in at least 558 crashes in New Zealand in 2013 (and maybe up to around 800) and were at fault in 75% of them. They are particularly at risk in the South Island when hiring a campervan or caravanette. 50% of drivers that hire a campervan have never driven one before.
