Essential SaaS App Lifecycle Emails

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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When you're running a SaaS app, there are many types of emails that you should be sending throughout the entire time that your customers are using your product. We've used our 5 years of experience running multiple successful SaaS apps to compile the most important ones into a free starter kit that you can use to supercharge your SaaS app. Download at:


SaaS Lifecycle Email Starter Kit

20 essential emails for successful SaaS apps

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These are examples of emails that I use to run my own SaaS apps. Please feel free to use these in your own apps, and let

me know how things turn out for you, or if you have any questions!

!The parts of each email that are in bold

need to be customized for your own app. !

In some cases, the entire email is bold. That means that the entire email is an example, and should be rewritten for

your app. !

Thanks! Richard Felix

Founder, Stunning

A Welcome EmailRescue your Stripe revenue.

This email should be sent when a customer first signs up for your app. The main goal is to welcome them, introduce one or more of the humans behind the app, and let them know that you’re there for them.

Subject: [DemoApp] Welcome to DemoApp! !Sydney-

Congratulations on signing up for a shiny new DemoApp account.

You're going to love it. We use DemoApp ourselves, and we can't wait for you to start getting value out of it as well.

If you need anything, or ever have any questions at all, I'm here to help. Just reply to this email or open up a support request within DemoApp.

Thanks! Your Name Founder DemoApp

Dunning EmailsThe dunning process involves methodically

communicating with your customers to ensure that they update their billing information when

payments fail.

A Pre-Dunning Email

One or more of these emails should be sent before a customer’s credit card expires. This helps prevent failed payments in the future, which improves your cash flow.

Subject: [DemoApp] Your billing credit card will expire soon. !Sydney-

Your Visa card ending in 4242, which is used to process payments for the Small plan on DemoApp will expire at the end of this month. To avoid service interruption, please update your payment information here: PAYMENT_PAGE_LINK

Thanks for being a DemoApp customer!


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The First Dunning Email

Ideally, you should be sending out a dunning email sequence. The first one should remind them who you are, what they’ve bought, and why payment failed. It should also include a timeframe for updating their card, and a link to directly update their payment information without them having to log in.

Subject: [DemoApp] Please update your billing information. !Sydney-

We just tried to charge your card for the DemoApp Small plan at, but it failed because "Card was declined." .

Please update your payment information to keep your account active by going to PAYMENT_PAGE_LINK within the next 7 days or your account will be cancelled.

Thanks for using DemoApp.

Your Name Founder DemoApp

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The Second Dunning Email

The point of the second dunning email is to increase the urgency of your request. Use wording that shows that this is not the first time that the payment failed, and show them that they have less time to update their billing information.

Subject: [DemoApp] Second Notice: Please update your billing information. !Sydney-

We just retried the charge on your card for the DemoApp Small plan at, but it failed because "Card was declined." .

Please update your payment information to keep your account active by going to PAYMENT_PAGE_LINK

We'll try to bill you again in 3 days, so please make sure to update your billing information as soon as possible.

Thanks for being a DemoApp customer!

Your NameFounder DemoApp

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The Final Dunning Email

This email should come from a personal email address, and look like it is more of a personal letter from you, showing concern that if they don’t update their billing info, they’ll miss out on using your awesome product.

Subject: [DemoApp] Your DemoApp account will be cancelled in 2 days. !Sydney-

I just wanted you to be aware that your company has an account on DemoApp ( that will be cancelled in the next 2 days unless you update the billing information for that account.

We've sent several emails to you previously, but the billing information hasn't been updated, so I'm reaching out just in case you haven't gotten the other emails. I'd hate for your account to expire suddenly, because DemoApp provides an important service for your company.

If you'd like to update your billing information, you can do so here: PAYMENT_PAGE_LINK

Thanks! Please email me if you have any questions.

Your NameFounder DemoApp

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The Automatic Cancellation Email

This email is a very important part of the dunning process, and it should be sent when the dunning process is unsuccessful. It confirms that their account has been deactivated, and gives them an easy way to re-activate it.

Subject: [DemoApp] Account Cancellation: Your DemoApp Small account has been cancelled. !Sydney-

We've tried to charge your card several times recently for your subscription to DemoApp Small, but we were unsuccessful. We haven't received updated billing information from you, so your subscription has been cancelled.

Please reply to this email if this happened in error and you'd like to reactivate your subscription, otherwise, you won't hear from us again!

Thanks, Your NameFounder DemoApp

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Notification EmailsThese emails are sent to let your customers know about important events that happen in your app.

The Manual Cancellation Email

The manual cancellation email is a “nice-to-have” notification email that’s sent to confirm that an account has been canceled when a customer cancels their account (or you do it on their behalf).

Subject: [DemoApp] Your Small account has been cancelled. !Sydney-

This email confirms that your subscription to DemoApp Small has been cancelled.

Thanks, DemoApp

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The Receipt Email

This email is sent to confirm the charge for the customer’s subscription. It’s a good idea to mention coupon codes and line item charges that affect the charge total, to and to give the customer an easy way to contact you regarding the charges, which cuts down on chargebacks.

Subject: [DemoApp] “Small” Receipt !Sydney-

!You were just charged $37.04 for the DemoApp Small plan.

!Here is a detailed breakdown of the charges:

Subscription to Basic ($50.00/month) — $50.00

CUSTOMERWELOVE (25% off) — -$12.96

!Thanks for your business!



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The Refund Email

This email is a “nice-to-have” notification email that is sent to the customer to confirm that you’ve refunded them.

Subject: [DemoApp] “Small” Plan Refund !Sydney-

This email confirms that you were refunded $50.00 for the Small plan. You should see the refund post to your credit card in 5 business days. Please let us know if you need anything else.

Thanks, DemoApp

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A Trial Expiration Email (card not required)

This email lets your customer know that they need to add billing information, or their account will be cancelled.

Subject: [DemoApp] Your free trial is ending. !Sydney-  Your trial of DemoApp Small is almost over.

Please update your payment information to keep your account active by going to PAYMENT_PAGE_LINK within the next 3 days or your account will be cancelled.

Either way, thanks for trying DemoApp!

Your Name Founder DemoApp

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A Trial Expiration Email (card required)

This email should be sent a few days before a customer is charged for the first time, to let them know that their trial is ending, how much they’ll be charged, and to offer support if they need it. This email cuts down on chargebacks dramatically, as the customer has a chance to cancel before they are ever charged.

Subject: [DemoApp] Your free trial is ending. !Sydney-

Your trial of DemoApp Small is almost over, and you will be charged $50.00 in 3 days.

We hope that you're loving DemoApp so far. If you aren't, please reply to this email and let us know how we can help.

Either way, thanks for trying DemoApp!  Your Name Founder DemoApp

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Activation EmailsThese emails are sent either to help a customer to get value during

their trial, or to see if they need any help once they have entered a key phase of their trial.

!These are 2 of the most important emails that you can implement.

The “Get Some Value” Email

This email should be sent when a customer first signs up for your app. The main goal is to welcome them, introduce one or more of the humans behind the app, and let them know that you’re there for them.

Subject: [DemoApp] Need help getting started?

Hi Sydney!

I’m Your Name, Founder of DemoApp (

I noticed that you signed up for a DemoApp account about a week ago, but haven't begun using your account yet. If you don't have time to install our JavaScript snippet in your site, we offer free Concierge installation, where we install the snippet in your app for you.

We'd love to help, especially because we're sure that once you get all set up, you're going to love DemoApp, because it will help you to communicate with your customers more effectively. Please just reply to this email if you want Concierge installation, need any help, or if you have any questions at all.

I know that sometimes things get busy and that you might not have had time to dig into DemoApp during the normal trial period, and I completely understand. 

If you just need a bit more time to get started, that is totally ok. We're happy to extend your trial for another 15 days. Just reply to this email and I'll get you set up. Whatever you need, I'm here to help.

Thanks, Your Name Founder DemoApp

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The “Checking In” Email

This email should be sent when a customer first signs up for your app. The main goal is to welcome them, introduce one or more of the humans behind the app, and let them know that you’re there for them.

Subject: How’s DemoApp working out for you? !Sydney- !It looks like you added our JavaScript snippet to your app recently, so I'm just checking in to make sure that everything is going ok for you. !Please let me know if there are any features that you were looking for that we don't have (we are always working to add things that will help our customers to be more awesome), or if you have any questions or comments at all. !We built DemoApp for you, so we'd love to hear from you. !Thanks so much! Your Name Founder DemoApp

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Retention EmailsThese emails keep your customers (and ex-

customers) coming back for more!

A Feature Introduction Email

This email should be sent when a customer hasn’t used a particular feature. The goal is to explain the feature to them and get them to start using it, because the more that customers are invested in your app, the longer they tend to stay customers.

Subject: [DemoApp] Set up DemoApp to pull in more information about your customers! !Hi Sydney,

We noticed that you’ve added the JavaScript snippet to your app, and we’re pulling your customers in successfully. Did you know that you can also pass in more information about your customers (such as user id, name, phone number, or trial start date)?

When you pass in more information about your customers, DemoApp gets smarter, and we can show you more information about your customers on one page.

Just thought you’d like to know! We have detailed information about passing in more data at this link: LINK

If you need some help getting this set up, we’re here to help. Just reply to this email and we’ll get right back to you.

!Thanks! Your Name Founder DemoApp

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An Inactivity Email

This email should be sent when a customer hasn’t logged in or gotten value out of your app in awhile.

Subject: [DemoApp] We haven’t seen you around in awhile! !Sydney- !We just realized that we haven’t seen any events come in from your app recently, and that you haven’t logged in in awhile. !Is there anything that you’ve been having trouble with? If you don’t mind taking a couple of minutes to let me know what we can be doing better, or where you’ve gotten stuck, I’d really appreciate it. !We’d be happy to add a month’s worth of credit as a thank you for helping us to make DemoApp better. !Thanks! Your Name Founder DemoApp

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A Targeted Offer Email

Emails like these are normally sent to customers who are already getting value, to encourage them to upgrade to a plan that has more features/functionality that would be beneficial to them. It’s good to offer an exclusive discount in this email.

Subject: [DemoApp] Make your DemoApp account more awesome. !Sydney- !It looks like you’re getting a lot of use out of DemoApp! You’ve added a ton of customers to the system lately. Did you know that we have Weekly Summary Emails on the Medium plan? !Weekly Summary Emails are a great way to keep your eye on the pulse of what your customers are doing within your app, as we gather up all of the most important activity and send it to you without you even needing to log in. !If you’re interested in this feature (and since you’re one of our most favorite customers) we’d be happy to give you an upgrade to the Medium plan (which includes Weekly Summary emails and many more awesome features) at a 25% discount for 2 months. !Just let us know! !Thanks,Your Name Founder DemoApp

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A Trial Re-activation Email

Trial Re-activation emails should be sent to people who went through the trial at some point in the past, but did not become paying customers. It should tell them how the product has improved since they last used it, and invite them back for another trial.

Subject: [DemoApp] Since You’ve Been Gone (New 15 day trial of DemoApp) !Sydney- !Firstly, thanks for checking DemoApp out in the past. I just wanted to let you know that DemoApp has been improving steadily since your trial ended, and we have some new features that I think you’re going to love. We’re offering you a new 15 day trial so you can check them out if you’re interested. !Here are some of the things that we’ve added since you’ve been gone: - Custom Domain support - The ability to pass customer information directly into your emails - Integrations with Stunning, Retained and Dispatch - Better user profiles, with social data - Mobile apps for iPhone and Android !If you’re interested, just reply to this email and we’ll get you all set up. !Thanks for your time.Your Name Founder DemoApp

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A Getting Started Email

The Getting Started Email is basically a quick start guide to using your app. It should be sent after a personal welcome email from a founder.

Subject: [DemoApp] Getting Started with DemoApp !Sydney- !It looks like you’re ready to get started with DemoApp. Here’s what’s next. !1. Install the JavaScript snippet (you can copy it from this page: SNIPPET_PAGE_LINK) 2. Check the activation page to make sure that we are receiving data from your app (we’ll also email you) 3. Add a DemoApp support link to your app (instructions for doing that are here: SUPPORT_LINK) 4. Log in to the Dashboard and start giving your customers amazing support! !If you have any questions at all about getting started, we’re here for you. Just click the Support link on top of your dashboard, or reply to this email. !Thanks! Your Name Founder DemoApp

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A Product Update Email

Product Update Emails are sent to let your active customers know what you’ve changed/improved recently. Keeping your customers in the know shows them that you’re always working on making the product better. Send these every month or so.

Subject: [DemoApp] DemoApp is having an Awesome April! !We’ve been releasing new features left and right this month to make DemoApp better. Here’s what we’ve been working on.

Custom Domain support  Now, you can use your own domain for your Help site, so your customers don’t ever leave your domain, which they know and trust

The ability to pass customer information directly into your emails In your app settings, you can now select custom fields from your data that are passed into the email that you receive when a customer emails you for the first time. !Mobile apps for iPhone and Android You requested them and we have delivered native applications for both iPhone and Android. Both of them have push notification support, so you’re notified of incoming support requests immediately.

Thanks for reading our April update. If there are any features that you’d love to see in DemoApp, please let us know!

Thanks! Your Name Founder DemoApp

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Need help implementing emails like this in your own


If you’re using Stripe subscriptions to run your SaaS, Stunning has many of these email types built in for you, so you can add these emails to your SaaS app with just a few clicks. You’ll save time now, and revenue later!