Esther Chap 7-9

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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A Nation Saved (Esther 7-9)BMGC22nd Dec 2013

BMGC Sunday Ministry

Name of God never used

God’s voice is never directly heard

BMGC Sunday Ministry

BMGC Sunday Ministry

Refuse to obey an order from King Xerxes

King Xerxes ruled the Persian empire from 486 to 465BC

A young Jewish woman chosen to be the Queen to replace Queen Vashti

Cousin to Esther, government Official serving the king

= modern day Hitler

BMGC Sunday Ministry

BMGC Sunday Ministry

Esther 4:14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place…

Esther 4:15…”And if I perish, I perish”

Esther 4:11-17

Daniel 3:16-18

BMGC Sunday Ministry

If I have found favor with you, Your Majesty, and if it pleases you, grant me my life-this is my petition. And spare my people-this is my request. For I and my people have been sold to be destroyed, killed &annihilated. Ch7:3-4

Chess game, keep your eyes on the ‘Queen’

Unfortunately for Haman, he never did

Three offenses of Haman:1. His plot against the Jews which is a direct threat to the king’s own wife2. The king saw the threatening manner he’s posing to Queen Esther on

the couch she’s reclining3. He planned to hang Mordecai pointed out by Harbona the eunuch

v6 An adversary and enemy! This vile Haman!

The triumph of Mordecai over Haman

BMGC Sunday Ministry

The triumph of Israel over the enemies

2nd edict requested by Queen Esther & Mordecai to the king that allow the Jews to defense themselves Issued on the 23rd day in the month of Sivan Applicable on the 13th day in the month of Adar On that day, 75k enemies were killed throughout the 127

provinces, in Susa alone, 510 on the 13th day & another 300 on the 14th day additionally requested by Queen Esther

Feast of Purim Pur means ‘lot’ or ‘dice’ Haman casted lot the day the Jews should die but God turned

it to a victory day for the Jews To be celebrated on the 14th & 15th day in the month of Adar Observed with feasting, joy, giving presents of food to 1

another & gifts to the poor (Ch9:22)

BMGC Sunday Ministry

The triumph of Israel over the enemies

The name of God is never used & God’s voice is never directly heard

But let’s LISTEN again….

Just so happened

Just so happened

Just so happened

Just so happened

Just so happened

Just so happened

Just so happenedJust so happened

Just so happened

Key learnings Queen Esther

Ch4:14 “Who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time of this?

Esther decided to identify herself with the God of Israel Ch4:16 “I will go to the king, even though it is

against the law. And if I perish, I perish

Are we willing to risk our lives to identify with Christ & HIS church when we’re hit with crisis or make a stand?

Mark 8:34-35 If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up the cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. BMGC Sunday Ministry

Key learnings


BMGC Sunday Ministry

Key learnings

The Jews Ch9:10,15,16 “..they did not lay their hands on the

plunder Rom 12:17-21 (read)

BMGC Sunday Ministry

“As I walked out the door towards the gate that would lead to myfreedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness & hatred behind,I’d still be in prison” Nelson Mandela



for us. He allowed us to come to this place in our life for a definite purpose “for such a time as this”

God loves to perform it for people who view their circumstances as part of HIS appointment & who live to do HIS will right where they are

Who will we choose to identify with when we are facing trial, difficulty & challenging times?

BMGC Sunday Ministry