Ethanol Blended Petrol and Diesel

Post on 10-Apr-2017

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Presented By

Furkan AhmadElectrical Engineering


AMU Aligarh

Ethanol Blended Petrol and Diesel




Ethanol blended petrol

Ethanol blended diesel


Advantages and Disadvantages





A "blend" is a mixture of two or more different things or


Several common ethanol fuel mixtures are in use around the


Ethanol blended petrol

Ethanol blended diesel

Ethanol has been a gasoline additive since late 1970s

Primary role was air quality improvement

The use of pure hydrous or anhydrous ethanol in internalcombustion engines (ICEs) is only possible if the engines aredesigned or modified for that purpose.


Ethanol Blended Petrol

Mixer of hydrous or anhydrous ethanol in Petrol called

Ethanol blended petrol

Ethanol fuel mixtures have "E" numbers which describe the

percentage of ethanol fuel in the mixture by volume

E85 is 85% anhydrous ethanol and 15% gasoline

Low-ethanol blends, from E5 to E25, are also known as


Internationally the most common use of the term refers to the

E10 blend.


Ethanol Blended Diesel Blends of ethanol with diesel fuel are often referred to as “E-

Diesel” or “eDiesel”.

Ethanol-diesel blends are also called “oxygenated diesel”

To get a stable blend able to use as a fuel, there is also a need

for an emulsifier or a solubiliser additive, half percent to 5


As diesel blends containing methyl ester called biodiesel

In e-diesel blends, standard diesel fuel is typically blended with

up to 15%5

ED-diesel ED-diesel is a new fuel technology for low blend in diesel.

Instead of using pure bio-ethanol in diesel, which also requires

a stabilizing additive, an ethanol derivative is used.

This component is a molecule developed from ethanol, but has

more hydrophobic properties, and can easily be mixed with

diesel without any separation will occur.

The special ethanol derivative could alone be mixed up to

fifty-fifty in diesel, forming a stable blend, but for practical

use about 15 percent is an optimum



E10 was introduced nationwide in Thailand in 2007

E10 is commonly available in the Midwestern United

States. It was also mandated for use in all standard

automobile fuel in the state of Florida by the end of 2010

Many petrol stations throughout Australia now also sell

E10, typically at a few cents cheaper per liter than regular


Mandatory blending of ethanol was approved

in Mozambique, but the percentage in the blend has not

been specified



From January 2011, all 95-octane fuel in Finland is E10

South Africa approved a biofuel strategy in 2007, and

mandated an 8% blend of ethanol by 2013

A 2007 Uruguayan law mandates a minimum of 5% of

ethanol blended with gasoline starting in January 2015

The Dominican Republic has a mandate for blending 15% of

ethanol by 2015

Chile is considering the introduction of E5,

and Panama, Bolivia and Venezuela of E10.



A blender pump is a multi fuel

blend dispenser that allows

customers to choose between

E20, E30, E85, or any other

preselected blend.


Advantages of Ethanol blended fuels Ethanol is good for the environment

1. Lower CO, CO2, hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen emissions

2. Also has fewer volatile components than gasoline, which means

fewer emissions from evaporation.

Ethanol is widely available and easy to use

Ethanol is good for the economy

1. Ethanol production supports farmers and creates domestic job,

which also reduce dependency over foreign oil.

2. According to industry sources, the government can save

anywhere up to $3 billion a year, by blending E10.

The biggest advantage of e-diesel is its partially renewable character

Ethanol is an anti-freeze (ethanol-blend fuels will not freeze when air

temperature below freezing.


Disadvantages of Ethanol Blended

fuels The energy content of ethanol is about 33% less than "pure"

gasoline which lead lower fuel mileage.

Ethanol can absorb water which may lead to metal corrosion,

phase separation.

It highly flammable and explosive compared to gasoline, need

more attention to handle in daily life.

Aldehyde a function of ethanol volume, is a threat to nose,

eyes, throat and possibly causes cancer.



Changing consumer choice to ethanol can

1. Reduce dependency on foreign oil

2. Reduce pollution and clean the atmosphere

3. Slow climate change

4. Provide a more renewable fuel source

The use of ethanol blends in conventional gasoline vehicles is

restricted to low mixtures up to E10, as ethanol is corrosive and

can degrade some of the materials in the engine and fuel

system. Also, the engine has to be adjusted for a

higher compression ratio as compared to a pure gasoline engine

to take advantage of ethanol's higher oxygen content



Alcohols/ethers as oxygenates in diesel fuel: Properties of

blended fuels and evaluation of practical experiences. IEA

Advanced Motor Fuels. Annex XXVI final report. Report

TEC 3/2005

Performance Evaluation of Alcohol-Gasoline Blends in 1980

Automobiles. Coordinating Research Council. No 527. July,


Potential Air Quality Effects of Using Ethanol-Gasoline Fuel

Blends: A Field Study in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Environ. Sci. Technol. Vol. 31, No. 11. 1997. Pgs. 3053-


Setting the Ethanol Limit in Petrol. An Issues Paper Prepared

by Environment Australia 2002, ISBN: 0 642 54804 8

