Ethic of Leader Live in Islam, Case Study Best Practice Service Leadership in Pacitan Region East...

Post on 23-Jan-2017

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3 Ethic Of Leader Live

In IslamCase study : Best Practice Service Leadership In Pacitan Region East Java

Challenger Learning CenterKank Hari Santoso , Asian HRD Motivator Spesialis & Smart Parenting Indonesia

Good Government

Prophet Said : “As good as possible your government loves you and you them, you keep up and strengthen ties of friendship to them and they are too”. Imam Muslim

Good Leader




The Best Performan


You are good people that were brid on human being did the right deed’ and combat

the wrong deeds . Ali Imran 110

“Trully Allah commanded you that you restore deposits to their owners” An Nisa 58 .

Muslim sould keep an to take care mandate as good as posible, the example the mandate is one of prophets and to good man and devotion.


Abu Musa tell from Rasulullah saw, he said: “ the believer to the other like the building who strong then each other”.

Islam covering all aspect of human life , islam direction active life and responsible social activities. A muslim is the one who is happy to see other in happiness especially if that other is happy because of him self


The Best Service


    3ث  اإل على تعاونوا وال قوى والت 3ر الب على والعدوان وتعاونوا

“Muslim must ordered to help each other in goodness and prohibit helping each other in bed deed”. Al Maidah 2Islam commands to people to do just (right for) and always to do goodnes for every body As a universal religion , islam en compassess many thing and it puts emphasis a lot on guiding how to adopt an ethic of social life.