Ethics legalization of online.pdf

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Legalization of Marijuana



Presentation outline: Introduction-Leanne

Impact on:

Patients and Nursing – Gil and Rei

Healthcare system - Christine and Leanne

Government/Society- Sasha and Modupe

Summary – Sasha

Questions & Answers


Legalization of Marijuana


Common Street Names Weed Pot Grass Ganja MJ Skunk Blunt

What is it?A preparation of the Cannabis plant

intended for use as a psychoactive drug or medicine.

The main psychoactive part of cannabis is a tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Sativa Indica

Uplifting and energetic Cerebral, spacey or hallucinogenic Best suited for day use

Relaxing and calming Body buzz or ‘cough lock’ Best suited for night use

Younger Canadians are still the biggest consumers of marijuana

But the percentage of teens between the ages 15 and 17 who reported having ever used marijuana dropped to 25% in 2012 from nearly 40% in 2002

People age 18-24 reported having used the drug at least once fell to about 54% from 62%

Legalization of Marijuana

Impact on patientsGIL please open the link in new window

Alleviates Chronic and Neuropathic Pain

Appetite stimulant

Antiemetic effect

Treatment for Glaucoma and Seizure

Legalization of Marijuana

Impact on nursingREI

Heightened Psychoactive properties

Substance clearance

& elimination


Increase marijuana users

Accidental ingestion in children

Sending the wrong message

Ethical dilemma please open in a new window

Legalization of Marijuana

Impact on Health Care SystemCHRISTINE

Impact on health care systemThe use of Marijuana can be recreational and


Most of legislative bodies in Canada oppose, even using medical marijuana is the only effective relief for pain, anxiety and symptoms.

Reference:Canadian News by Derek Thaczuk

Impact on health care systemOne study demonstrates the high

prevalence of drug use among the homeless population of Toronto.

Drug use is associated with a substantial negative impact on mental health, as well as earlier onset and longer duration of homelessness.

Impact on health care system

No clinical trials on the medical uses of marijuana have been completed in Canada.

Impact on health care system

Making good on a promise made in December 2002, the federal government has tabled a bill that would decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana.

Impact on health care system

However, the bill would also toughen penalties for growing large amounts. The bill is part of a renewed Canada Drug Strategy that emphasizes the need to discourage cannabis use.

Impact on to health care system

The American Academy of Pediatrics opposes the legalization of marijuana.

Impact on health care system

The American Academy of Pediatrics supports rigorous scientific research regarding the use of cannabinoids for the relief of symptoms not currently ameliorated by existing legal drug formulations

Do you want Marijuana to be legalized in Ontario for ther-

apeutic use?




Total population of class-39Total participants of mini survey-32


Legalization of Marijuana

Impact on governmentSASHA

Government Pros:

Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse found:

Cannabis-related health costs were $20 per user

Tobacco-related health costs are over $800 per user

Alcohol-related health costs were $165 per user

Enforcement costs added $153 per drinker and $328 for cannabis user - cons

Economic benefits Legal marijuana production is worth an estimated $80-

to $100-million in Canada

An impact analysis for Colorado predicts a $12-million saving in enforcement costs in the first year, rising to $40 million “as courts and prisons adapt to fewer and fewer violators.”

Arrests and Judicial Savings in Colorado:

Marijuana possession arrest have dropped by 84% since 2013

In 2010, 9011 people were arrested and it cost roughly $300 in adjudicatory costs per arrest

Arrests for cultivating and distributing marijuana dropped by more than 90%

Decrease in Crime Rates:Violent crime rate in Denver went down by 2.2%

Burglaries decreased by 9.5%

Overall crime rate decreased by 8.9%


Tax Revenue Collected almost $70 million in marihuana taxes but only $ 42 million from

alcohol taxes

Decrease in Traffic fatalities 3% drop in traffic fatalities in 2014 in Colorado

Marihuana Revenue would build schools and roads $17 million towards school security upgrades


Legalization of Marijuana

Effects on Society and Community


Cons: Unemployment (due to instability)

Low work force

Medical resources

Education (negative effect to self-esteem

Government funds/resources

Cons Cont’d

94 % of the cost to society of cannabis comes from keeping it illegal

Increase in stoned driving

Gateway drug status

Addictive nature

Altered perception

Summary:Legalization of Marijuana

Impact on: Pros and Cons

Patients and Nursing – Gil and Rei

Healthcare system - Christine and Leanne

Government/Society- Sasha and Modupe

Questions & Answers


Questions for the audience:

Name two pure strains of cannabis?




Questions for the audience:

What is the main psychoactive part of cannabis?


Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

Questions for the audience:

How legal is legalized marihuana in Canada?

ReferencesCanadian Centre on Substance Abuse. (2015, 29 10). Marijuana and Youth. Retrieved from CCSA: (2015, 09). NIH. Retrieved from National Institute of Drug Abuse:, S., Livingston, M. D., B.A., & Wagenaar, A. C., PhD. (2013). Effects of state medical marijuana laws on adolescent marijuana use. American Journal of Public Health, 103(8), 1500-6. Retrieved from:, C. (2015). Kids and Marijuana Edibles: A Worrisome Trend Emerges. American Journal of Nursing, 115(9), 15. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000471234.77585.9e Silva, A. Pediatric emergency: Unintended marijuana ingestion. Nursing, 44(11), 12-13. doi:


Welsh, J. (2014). Medical Marijuana: A Hazy State of Affairs for Nurses. American Journal of Nursing, 114(8), 19-20. doi: 10.1097/

Scriber, K.C. (2014). Marijuana legalization in Colorado: a nursing student’s experience. Colorado Nurse, 114(2), 14. Retrieved from: