Ethnicity camera angle and mise en scene cover lesson

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Analysis of camera angles and mise-en-scene


Representation: Ethnicity

How are representations of ethnicity shown through mise-en-

scene, camera angles and composition?

Write a paragraph analysing the shot.

Remember to: Name shot/ describe shot/ how does it show counter/ stereotypes/ How does mise-en-scene further support this?

Example paragraph for image on slide 4

By using a high angle shot, the director enables the viewer to see a number of features of the setting. These features include stalls, colours such as gold, orange and red and chinese script on a banner. Overall, the mood of this setting is dark and dirty - added to by the large black banner in the foreground of the shot. The costumes of the figures is also dark and gloomy, covering up most of their body, adding to the sense of shadiness and mystery.

The high angle, plus the man on the left of the shot who looks poor (almost like a beggar) in his stance and body language, creates the impression that this ethnicity is inferior and full of poverty.

Write a paragraph analysing the shot.

Remember to: Name shot/ describe shot/ how does it show counter/ stereotypes/ How does mise-en-scene further support this?

Write a paragraph analysing the shot.

Remember to: Name shot/ describe shot/ how does it show counter/ stereotypes/ How does mise-en-scene further support this?