EU-OEA Newsletter 2007.06

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European Ocean Energy Association – EU-OEA 1 

Renewable Energy House – Rue d’Arlon 63-65 B-1040 Brussels, BelgiumTel: +32 2 400 10 40 Fax: +32 2 791 90 00

Email: Website: 

Newsletter 1 – June 2007 


The European Ocean Energy Association is off and floating ! Weare happy to send you the first issue of our newsletter which willkeep you informed about our activities and achievements.

The oceans cover 75% of the world surface and as such oceanenergy represents one of the largest renewable energy sourceavailable on a global scale.

Major technological achievements have taken place over the lastfew years with various ocean energy systems having beendeployed at sea in several countries but fragmentation is a seriousobstacle to taking advantage of these efforts at the Europeanscale.

The European Ocean Energy Association was formed in 2006 inresponse to the expressed need by the European Commissionand members of the Coordinated Action on Ocean Energy for aforum that facilitated the ongoing development and

commercialisation efforts in the field of ocean energy and relatedtechnologies.

We officially established our office in the Renewable EnergyHouse in Brussels in January 2007 under the EREC umbrella.

The EU-OEA is open to membership from all stakeholders inocean energy (both within and outside Europe): project andproduct developers, researchers and national OE Associations aswell as those interested in providing services or finance to thisemerging industry.

You will find more information about us and our activities on ourwebsite

We warmly invite you to become a member of the EU-OEA and toparticipate in our activities to strengthen European cooperation inthe ocean energy sector !

Alla WeinsteinPresident EU-OEA


Introduction 2

News from EU-OEA 4

Project news 6

Events 9

Funding 10


Wave Dragon

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European Ocean Energy Association – EU-OEA 2 

Renewable Energy House – Rue d’Arlon 63-65 B-1040 Brussels, BelgiumTel: +32 2 400 10 40 Fax: +32 2 791 90 00

Email: Website: 

Newsletter 1 – June 2007 


The EU-OEA established its office in the Renewable Energy House in January 2007. Overthe past 5 months, the objective has been to make those involved in the ocean energyfield aware of the existence and mission of the European Ocean Energy Association.

The updated website has been online since May 2007. You will find a lot of generalinformation on ocean energy technologies as well as more specific information about theEU-OEA. In a second phase and as a part of the membership benefits, we are now

working on developing a ‘members only’ platform that will be used as an interactive tool toestablish a steady information flow to and between all our members.

As another tool for disseminating information, we have now produced this newsletterdemonstrate our commitment to communicate regularly with our members. The main aimof this newsletter is to highlight the key messages and evolutions in the ocean energysector.

Our achievements to date :

- EC has approved a project proposal to provide the EU-OEA with working capital bymeans of a Specific Support Action grant (SSA), expected starting date July 2007;

- We have submitted a proposal for a follow-up project of the currently running‘Coordinated Action on Ocean Energy’ in the FP7- ENERGY.2007.2.6.2 call underthe topic ‘A strategy for ocean energy’. The project is anticipated to start at thebeginning of 2008, subject to approval by the EC;

- We are a major partner in the approved WAVEPLAM project, expected starting dateSeptember 1st, 2007;

- We have participated in the consultation meeting with the EC for the preparation ofthe SET-Plan and we will report to the EC our opinion on the future development ofthe ocean energy industry;

- We are cooperating actively with our members on several projects.

- We are planning our first conference and will hold our General Assembly meeting inPorto during the 7th European Wave and Tidal Energy conference in September.

As you can see, we have been actively developing the EU-OEA !

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European Ocean Energy Association – EU-OEA 3 

Renewable Energy House – Rue d’Arlon 63-65 B-1040 Brussels, BelgiumTel: +32 2 400 10 40 Fax: +32 2 791 90 00

Email: Website: 

Newsletter 1 – June 2007 

This newsletter will be sent to you on a quarterly basis. Please feel free to contribute newsand information and to make suggestions for future issues to .


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European Ocean Energy Association – EU-OEA 4 

Renewable Energy House – Rue d’Arlon 63-65 B-1040 Brussels, BelgiumTel: +32 2 400 10 40 Fax: +32 2 791 90 00

Email: Website: 

Newsletter 1 – June 2007 


The first General Assembly meeting of the European Ocean Energy Associationwill be planned in conjunction with the 7th Wave and Tidal Energy Conference inPorto, Portugal that takes place from September 11th till 14th, 2007, where theworkplan for the first year will be presented. Our members will receive an invitationfor this meeting well in advance.

EU-OEA will participate in the “Wave Energy Planning and Marketing” project,(WAVEPLAM) funded by the programme Intelligent Energy for Europe, coordinatedby Ente Vasco de la Energia, with the participation of European institutions from 7countries.

The purpose of WAVEPLAM is to develop tools, establish methods and standards,and create conditions to speed up introduction of ocean energy onto the Europeanrenewable energy market, tackling in advance non-technological barriers andconditioning factors that may arise when these technologies are available for large-scale development, by means of a series of activities geared towards supportingcreation of a ocean energy market that will harness the great potential of this kind of

energy that exists in Europe, contributing to decrease European external energydependency and leading to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

On May 7th, 2007, the EU-OEA participated in a joint small hydropower / oceanenergy meeting with the European Commission in consultation for the StrategicEnergy Technology Plan  (SET-Plan). The SET-Plan is part of the EC’s “EnergyPackage”.

On May 3rd, 2007 we submitted a proposal for a follow up project of the currentlyrunning European project “a Coordinated Action on Ocean Energy”. Theproposal was submitted to the FP7-  ENERGY.2007.2.6.2  call under the topic ‘A

strategy for ocean energy’. The title of the proposal is “A Coordinated Approachtowards a Strategic Research Agenda for Ocean Energy”. The project groupconsists of 28 contractual partners and 62 associated partners.

The project aims at :

• Strengthening cooperation within the ocean energy sector;

• Identifying and proposing solutions to overcome technological as well asnon-technological barriers so that the ocean energy sector can contribute asignificant amount of renewable energy;

• Finding solutions to kick-start markets in the ocean energy sector;

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European Ocean Energy Association – EU-OEA 5 

Renewable Energy House – Rue d’Arlon 63-65 B-1040 Brussels, BelgiumTel: +32 2 400 10 40 Fax: +32 2 791 90 00

Email: Website: 

Newsletter 1 – June 2007 

• Proposing a strategy to create more synergy between existing R&Dcapacities, to identify and propose new types of research capacities for thesector;

• Developing a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for ocean energyaddressing how the EU and national targets and industrial developmentobjectives can be reached.

The EU Copper Institute has set up, in cooperation with the EU-OEA, the“Blue Power Blog” on the Leonardo Energy website. This blog covers theemerging field of ocean power, including offshore wind, wave power, tidalpower, OTEC, methane hydrates, saline power, ... We monitor ongoingdemonstration projects. On this page you will find a new LEONARDOENERGY eBOOK on ocean energy. 

Seawave Slot-Cone generator  Pico plant 

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European Ocean Energy Association – EU-OEA 6 

Renewable Energy House – Rue d’Arlon 63-65 B-1040 Brussels, BelgiumTel: +32 2 400 10 40 Fax: +32 2 791 90 00

Email: Website: 

Newsletter 1 – June 2007 


Wavehub names 4th developer

The fourth wave device developer has been chosen for the £28 million Wave Hubproject off the coast of Cornwall in South West England. Australian-based Oceanlinxwill deploy its unique wave energy converter, which combines the established scienceof the Oscillating Water Column (OWC) with its own patented turbine technology. A full-

scale operational unit has been successfully constructed and tested at Port Kembla inNew South Wales, Australia. Full article 

£212,5 m investment for Wavehub

The world's largest wave farm planned off the coast of Cornwall in South West Englandhas been approved for £21.5 million of funding.

The investment, which was agreed this week by the South West of England RegionalDevelopment Agency (RDA), means Wave Hub has the necessary £28 million neededto build it, subject to final Government and EU approval. The rest of the funding hasalready been secured. Full article 

Ocean Energy qualifies for Canadian 'Flow-Through' tax benefits

Vancouver, Canada - Finavera Renewables would like to acknowledge theGovernment of Canada for extending flow-through tax credits to the ocean renewableenergy sector. In its 2007 budget introduced March 19th, the Canadian governmentmade ocean energy eligible for the Canadian Renewable and Conservation Expense

and the Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance.

The new tax credits will significantly incentivise capital to move into the ocean energysector. The 'flow-through' tax credit (which is currently available for mineral explorationand qualifying renewable energy development and test projects) now encouragesinvestment in ocean energy resource assessment as well as for certain capitalexpenditures on equipment that generates electricity from ocean energy, through theoffering of tax incentives to investors. Full article 

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European Ocean Energy Association – EU-OEA 7 

Renewable Energy House – Rue d’Arlon 63-65 B-1040 Brussels, BelgiumTel: +32 2 400 10 40 Fax: +32 2 791 90 00

Email: Website: 

Newsletter 1 – June 2007 

Finavera Renewables granted FERC preliminary permit for a proposed 100MW Coos County wave energy project in Oregon

The preliminary permit is valid for a period of three years, and allows FinaveraRenewables to conduct various studies, including analyses of oceanographic conditions,commercial and recreational activities, and other impacts potentially associated with theplanned project. The company will rely on the studies and stakeholder consultations inframing its application to FERC for a project operating license. Full article 

WaveRoller proto successfully installed in Peniche, Portugal

The WaveRoller proto now successfully put in action was the first proto of the pilot plantwhich is to be constructed in Portugal in 2008. If the winds and waves prove to befavourable during the April-May test period, AW-Energy will be able to estimate the energyproduction potential in different types of circumstances. First results will be available inJune 2007.

The installation was completed on the 13th of April in co-operation with the Portuguese

marine constructor SETH S.A.

WaveRoller No1 is a fully submerged unit with dimensions of 3.5 by 4.5 by 6 meters andweighing about 20 tons. The unit includes "the green wing", the concrete bed, thehydraulic circuit and the generator which transform the energy from ocean waves intoelectricity.Full article 

Wave Dragon Submit Environmental Impact Assessment Statementand Offshore Consents 

Friday April 27 2007 wave energy developer Wave Dragon Ltd has taken the first majorstep to deploy the World’s Largest Wave Energy Converter (WEC) by submitting theirEnvironmental Impact Statement. This follows almost two years of Environmental ImpactAssessment consultations, studies and surveys. The Wave Dragon Project is part fundedby European Objective 1 funds through the Welsh Assembly Government. Full article 

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European Ocean Energy Association – EU-OEA 8 

Renewable Energy House – Rue d’Arlon 63-65 B-1040 Brussels, BelgiumTel: +32 2 400 10 40 Fax: +32 2 791 90 00

Email: Website: 

Newsletter 1 – June 2007 

Oceanenergy enthusiastically looking forward to final stage of winter testingof the OE Buoy 

The OE Buoy has been undergoing testing in the Marine Institute test site in Galway Baysince December 2006. Oceanenergy Ltd have continued to receive and monitor data fromthe buoy in what are a different set of Summer ocean conditions to those experiencedduring the Winter and Spring storms !!!.

Oceanenergy have been excited at the results achieved to date with Data Monitoring beingcarried out by Hydraulic Maritime and Research Centre of UCC, and the device has

exceeded expectations.Having now firmly established the OE Buoy's ability to survive the harshest of seaconditions and with a consistent flow of data supporting and endorsing the previous trialsand development tests Oceanenergy are enthusiastically looking forward to the final stageof testing over the Winter of 2007 as the last stage of this particular developmentprogramme following which they will look to review, revise and advance our strategicdevelopment model and construction planning for the full scale prototype.More information 

OE Buoy

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European Ocean Energy Association – EU-OEA 9 

Renewable Energy House – Rue d’Arlon 63-65 B-1040 Brussels, BelgiumTel: +32 2 400 10 40 Fax: +32 2 791 90 00

Email: Website: 

Newsletter 1 – June 2007 


The following events are of high relevance to all actors in the ocean energy field :

“the 1st US – EU roundtable on Energy & Technology”, taking place from June25th till June 26th, in Madrid, Spain. This high-level international event will examineand analyze from a business perspective the existing and future technologies toincrease energy efficiency, reduce fossil fuels emissions and help combat climatechange in the near future. Members of EU-OE A wanting to participate in this eventare offered a 20% reduction on the registration fee.

“7th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference” taking place from September11th till September 14th in Porto, Portugal. This conference is a major showcase forboth European research and development and technology demonstration activities.Additionally, international participation is a major feature of the event.

Other upcoming events that may be of importance to our members :

“Ocean07 Europe” taking place from June 18th till June 21th 2007 in Aberdeen,Scotland. In conjunction with this conference the “Eurocean2007”  conferenceorganised by the European Commission will take place on June 22st, 2007.“Oceans07” will provide the premier forum for scientists, engineers and end-usersworld-wide to present their latest research, innovation, ideas and developments inall areas of oceanic engineering in 2007.“Eurocean2007” will give the scientific community the opportunity to contribute tothe consultation process on the ‘Green paper on a maritime policy’ by providing amaritime science vision and strategy input to the European Commission in relationto this paper.

“ISOPE07” taking place from July 1st till July 6th, 2007 in Lisbon, Portugal.

“Oceans2007 Americas”, taking place from September 29th till October 4th, 2007in Vancouver, Canada.

“World Energy congress 2007” taking place from November 9th till November15th, in Rome, Italy.

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European Ocean Energy Association – EU-OEA 10 

Renewable Energy House – Rue d’Arlon 63-65 B-1040 Brussels, BelgiumTel: +32 2 400 10 40 Fax: +32 2 791 90 00

Email: Website: 

Newsletter 1 – June 2007 


The Intelligent Energy Europe Agency has launched its 2007 call for proposals,which focuses on 5 policy objectives: enabling policies, market transformation,behavioural change, and access to capital and training.

Approximately €52 million will be available to finance around 65 grants for projectsand around 12 new energy management agencies. The call documents areavailable on the IEEA website. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 28

September 2007.

Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE), which has become the main community tool totackle non-technological barriers to the spread of efficient use of energy and greateruse of new and renewable energy sources, builds on the experience of the first IEE(2003–2006) programme.

DISCLAIMER: EU-OEA prepares this newsletter to enhance access to information about news, policies and eventsconcerning the ocean energy sector and renewable energy in general. Our goal is to keep this information timely andaccurate. Therefore, EU-OEA compiles this information from different available and reliable sources and selects newslettercontent in the best efficient way it knows. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. However, EU-OEAaccepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on this paper. This information is of a generalnature, not necessarily complete or accurate and sometimes linked to external sites over which EU-OEA has no control andfor which the EU-OEA assumes no responsibility.