Euram 2013 Conference

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Presentation held in EURAM 2013 conference in Istanbul, Turkey 26.-29.6.2013.


Emergent Working Practices: Cases from Knowledge-based


Kateryna Bondar / CeTIM / University BW Munich, Germany

Tero Peltola / CITER / Tampere University of Technology, Finland

EURAM Conference | 26.-29.6.2013 | Istanbul Congress Centre | Turkey


• Motivation• Methods• Results• Conclusions

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER


13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER

What is happening to organizations?

• Blurring boundaries• Ease of information dissemination• Flat hierarchies• Loss of control over resources• Virtual teams

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER

New Ways of Work

• Represents challenges to organizational structures & new attitude to work

• Emerges from introduction of new social media & information technologies

• Challenges “all” existing assumptions about knowledge work and organizational structures

• Puts the question of whole organizational restructuring in front of senior managers

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER

Management innovation

• Dominant perspectives (by Birkinshaw, Hamel & Mol 2008)

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER

Institutional ”Longwaves” Progressive

change Not individual-


Fashion Hype Wave-like

Cultural Recognizes

contribution of the org. Levels

No individual drivers

Rational Individual driven Some analogies

to technology innovation

New Working Practices?


13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER

Qualitative approach

• 9 Case studies x 5 interviews


45 semistructured interviews

• Different organization levels were interviewed• management directors, senior managers, project

managers, team leaders, employees

• European wide• Spain, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Finland

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER


• Transcribed interviews coded using ATLAS.ti software

• Triangulation of the data based on multiple sources (such as printed and online documents, observations, interviews, and informal follow-ups)

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER


13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER

Institutional ”Longwaves” Progressive

change Not individual-


Fashion Hype Wave-like


Cultural Recognizes

contribution of the org. levels

No individual drivers

Rational Individual driven Some analogies

to technology innovation

New Working Practices

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER

Institutional ”Longwaves” Progressive

change Not individual-


Fashion Hype Wave-like


Cultural Recognizes

contribution of the org. levels

No individual drivers

Rational Individual driven Some analogies

to technology innovation

New Working Practices

Rise of the individualOpportunities rather than orders

Requirement of shared knowledge

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER

Institutional ”Longwaves” Progressive

change Not individual-


Fashion Hype Wave-like


Cultural Recognizes

contribution of the org. levels

No individual drivers

Rational Individual driven Some analogies

to technology innovation

New Working Practices

Rise of the individualOpportunities rather than orders

Requirement of shared knowledge

New collaborative tools: For digital natives typical way of working

Constant demand from int. and ext. environment to work a new way

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER

Institutional ”Longwaves” Progressive

change Not individual-


Fashion Hype Wave-like


Cultural Recognizes

contribution of the org. levels

No individual drivers

Rational Individual driven Some analogies

to technology innovation

New Working Practices

Main attributes: Trust, results-orientation, opportunities for promotion, informal communicaiton, a learning environment, encouragement of

improvements-Communal working practices, trust, results driven

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER

Institutional ”Longwaves” Progressive

change Not individual-


Fashion Hype Wave-like


Cultural Recognizes

contribution of the org. levels

No individual drivers

Rational Individual driven Some analogies

to technology innovation

New Working Practices

Main attributes: Trust, results-orientation, opportunities for promotion, informal communicaiton, a learning environment, encouragement of

improvements-Communal working practices, trust, results driven

Workplace is a community that have to be also accessed virtually

Access to relevant information/knowledge is crucial

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER

Institutional ”Longwaves” Progressive

change Not individual-


Fashion Hype Wave-like


Cultural Recognizes

contribution of the org. levels

No individual drivers

Rational Individual driven Some analogies

to technology innovation

New Working Practices


13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER


• New Working Practices seem to increase both information transparency and the amount and quality of communications– Easier to locate needed knowledge

• Organizational members network outside the organization is emphasized, and managerial actions can be used to utilizing that potential.

• The role of key users for implementing technology innovations

• Self-actualization should be recognized by the managers

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER


• It is challenging to fit NWP in any existing dominant perspectives of management innovation.– Need for the new perspective on innovation

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER

Thank you

13.04.2023Tero Peltola / CITER