Euro Credit Risk_Company Presentation_EN

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  • 8/14/2019 Euro Credit Risk_Company Presentation_EN


    Global Due Dil igence Local Expertise

  • 8/14/2019 Euro Credit Risk_Company Presentation_EN



    Who we are

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    Euro Credit Risk Identity Euro Credit Risk (ECR) objectives are to excel in due

    diligence and allied consulting services and to provide

    our clients with world class products and services not

    presently available to the quality demanded

    ECR Directors have more than 170 years of

    accumulated experience across the world in the field of

    expert due diligence provision weve been around a bit! ECR is a British company with global reach; currently

    with operations in UK and Ireland, Spain and Portugal,

    Italy, Germany, Holland, and the United States

    ECR offers flexible services. Our methodologies and

    analytical resources enable us to assist clients in the

    evaluation, assessment and management of current or

    targeted portfolios, performing or NPL, and to facilitateappraisal and servicing in anticipated new business

    across residential mortgage, SME, commercial, auto,

    secured and unsecured debt

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    ECR Mission

    To increase our clients asset value through



    Local expertise,



    technical skill



    loan level

    and portfolio




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    ECR Principles

    HonestyWe tell our clients how things really are; we provide you with facts, and share our

    knowledge, our expertise, our experience

    QualityThe combination of state-of-the-art methods and deep understanding produces

    clear, useful results aiding clients towards better risk decisions and profitability

    from their assets

    Punctuality We meet your project deadlines, always

    IndependenceWe strongly believe in clarity in our client relationships. ECR shareholders do not have

    conflicts of interest and are not connected to asset servicers, are not brokers, or in any

    way connected to lenders or portfolio owners. We hold no skin in the game whatsoever

    ValueWe conclude our assignments at the agreed price no hidden

    surprises if its not in the quote, its free

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    What we do

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    ECR SolutionsEuro Credit Risk combines deep technical expertise

    across a wide range of asset classes.

    Risk reviews of performing and non-performing loan

    portfolios, RMBS, CMBS, secured and unsecured debt

    including auto, personal loan, credit cards and credit

    provision to SMEs

    Data integrity checks

    Data analytics

    Title verifications

    Property revaluations

    Loan servicing reviews and oversight

    Third party service supplier reviews

    Compliance reviews, monitoring, and quality control

    Provision of interim and permanent staffing

    Bespoke consulting

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    ECR ReferencesECR Directors and Team have worked wi th a range of

    clients across the world. These include:

    Investment Banks

    Hedge Funds


    Issuers Insurers



    Building Societies

    Mortgage and Loan providers

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    Some of our Assignments (1)

    Client: Swiss bank

    Project: Consulting

    White label partnership with local banks in Italy, research and design suite of innovative

    residential mortgage loan products for the Italian market resulting in a range of new retail

    products designed to better manage risk and allow packaging for securitisation


    US investment group

    Project: Due Diligence

    Provision of full granular due diligence of 3000 cases originated by 5 Spanish lenders

    to include title verification, data integrity, portfolio management, loan collection analysis

    and case planning.

    Clients: Canadian

    and US banks

    Project: DD and


    Multi jurisdictional bank audit in Central America on behalf of seller to prepare reports

    on asset quality and performance of residential and SME loans for potential purchaser.

    Clients: US bank and

    US car manufacturerProject: Compliance, DD,

    Data Integrity

    Analysis of tranches of personal auto finance agreements. Re-underwrite, data

    verification and capture, regulatory compliance, vehicle value check, customer

    servicing & complaints, insurance & gap add-ons.

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    ECR Approach

    Seller provides pool

    tape to client and/orECR, ECR cleans

    data tape

    Confirmation criteria


    Case selection made

    by client or ECR

    Data integrity

    verification confirmed(QC part 1)

    Review on-off site

    (QC part 2)

    Results analysed

    /interim reporting as

    required by client

    Grading and final

    evaluation of eachanalysed case

    Discussion with the

    seller as required

    regarding case issues


    Result conclusion -

    QC part 3 Reporting to client

    1. Set-up 2. Analysis 3. Evaluation 4. Reporting

    Why make it more complex than it needs to be? ECR clients want swift, accurate, reliable intelligence to enable

    better decision making, lower risk exposure and increased profitabilit y.

    ECR project management enables quality, cont rol, and clear communication.

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    The team

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    George PatellisGeorge has held a variety of executive positions internationally including

    several in the UK. He has over 23 years experience in the financial

    services arena including: Branch Manager for Great Western Financial

    Services in charge of consumer lending for South Florida, Operations

    Director and Managing Director for Preferred Mortgages (UK) a start-up

    specialist mortgage lender, Managing Director for Pepper Home Loans

    (Sydney, Australia) another start-up specialist mortgage lender, Bear

    Stearns UK and CEO of Tiuta plc. UK. George has significant

    international lending experience from start-up to fully functional lenders,spanning north America, Europe, Australia and Asia.

    George was part of the senior management team at Preferred Mortgages

    as Director of Operations. Preferred was re-launched through a

    management buy out backed by Barclays Private Equity in March of

    2001. The company was successfully sold in record time to Lehman

    Brothers in late 2003. After the sale to Lehman Brothers, George was

    appointed Managing Director.

    For the past 16 years every position George has held, has been in the

    international mortgage arena. George brings untold experience to ECR

    and further demonstrates ECRs desire to achieve excellence.


    UK Office:

    123 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5EA

    T: +44 (0)20 7101 0670

    M: +44 (0)7788 271329


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    Rod MoultonRod started out as a management trainee at Avco Trust (Citibank)

    rising to Regional Director before moving on to co-found the consumer

    credit division of National Home Loans (Paragon) as Operations

    Director. With LBG Rod spent four years as Regional Director in the

    development of sales in retail banking focused particularly on secured

    lending and residential mortgages.

    In 1996 Rod founded Euro Risk Management, the pioneer specialist

    due diligence provider in the UK, rapidly growing that business andgaining both international clients and assignments. Rod sold his

    interest in ERM to Clayton in 2007 but remained as Managing Director

    until 2011. Rod is also Chairman of Moulton Haus Group a real estate

    business he founded in 2011.

    A Senior financial services professional with a proven track record over

    30 years in Europe, Central and North America. Inspired by strategic

    challenges, building high-performing teams, delivering profits for clients

    and significant long term solutions, Rod brings consummate skill toECR as Chief Executive.

    Chief Executive Officer

    UK Office:

    123 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5EA

    T: +44 (0)20 7101 0670

    M: +44 (0)7802 580181


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    Giuseppe ElveticoGiuseppe has worked in financial services since 2006. At Clayton

    Euro Risk, he was involved in projects in Italy, Spain and the UK for

    several financial institutions including Morgan Stanley, UBS, Merrill

    Lynch, Barclays, Lehman Brothers, Bawag/GE, mainly on mortgage

    loan (performing and distressed) and personal loan pools, servicer


    Previously, Giuseppe has been Senior Consultant for the world's

    leading pricing consultancy, Simon-Kucher & Partners. Leadingprojects in a variety of industries, he has also been responsible for

    the opening of the company's Italian office.

    Giuseppe is co-author of the Italian edition of Hidden Champions:

    Lessons from 500 of the World's Best Unknown Companies, originally

    published by the Harvard Business School Press

    Giuseppe has a Degree from the University of Naples "Federico II"

    and an MBA from SDA Bocconi, Milan.

    Director of Sales and Marketing

    Studio Legale Innocenti

    Corsetto di Sant' Agata, 22

    I-25122 Brescia

    T: +44(0)20 7101 0670

    M: +39 335 8390024


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    Hannah MesshamHannah has 17 years international experience holding management

    positions at HBOS, The Funding Corporation, deVere Group, Honda

    UK & Clayton Euro Risk.

    Specialising in Sales and Risk Management, she has a wide

    knowledge and extensive experience in personal and auto finance,

    underwriting of secured and unsecured personal loans and

    mortgages, credit risk management and surveillance of non-

    performing portfolios, as well as off-shore financial products &investments.

    Hannah has completed a number of successful projects for

    International Financial Institutions in Central America, Spain,

    Germany, Middle East, Africa, Netherlands , UK & Ireland.

    As Client Services Director Hannah works alongside COO Kevin

    Graham in project delivery and quality control, client liaison,

    recruitment and training.

    Client Services Director

    UK Office:

    123 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5EA

    T: +44 (0)20 7101 0670

    M: +44 (0)7967 634679


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    Howard DavisHoward has been in practice as a qualified accountant for over 20 years.

    A Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales,

    Howard trained and qualified as a Chartered Accountant with the

    international accountancy practice Grant Thornton. Howards

    experience ranges across both public and private sectors including a

    period working with the Serious Fraud Office and Thames Valley Police

    providing forensic accounting on large multi mortgage loan fraud

    investigations.Howard established his own accountancy practice, Price Davis, in 1997,

    which now looks after over 400 clients. He has enjoyed roles as

    Finance Director and Managing Director in industry and brings a wealth

    of experience in strategic planning and financial reporting.

    Chief Financial Officer

    UK Office:

    123 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5EA

    T: +44 (0)20 7101 0670

    M: +44 (0)7836 515701


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    Kevin GrahamKevin has 35 years of experience in the mortgage industry latterly as

    Head of Operations at Clayton Euro Risk. Kevin held the position of

    Head of Sales and Products for the Bristol and West Central Mortgage

    Services, part of the Bank of Ireland group. Prior to this Kevin held

    management appointments at the National and Provincial Building


    Kevin has extensive practice in all forms of lending including residential

    mortgages, personal loans, secured loans , credit cards, commercial

    loans, overdrafts and invoice discounting. He has completed more than

    200 due diligence reviews across Europe, including whole loan trades in

    commercial bank portfolios, credit cards, non performing loans,

    overdrafts, personal loans and performing loan trades.

    With experience gained working in the UK including Northern Ireland,

    Republic of Ireland, France, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Czech

    Republic, Russia as well as deep product knowledge Kevin heads up all

    aspects of project delivery and quality matters.

    Chief Operating Officer

    UK Office:

    123 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5EA

    T: +44 (0)20 7101 0670

    M: +44 (0)7831 628415


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    Manuel GoudieManuel joined Citibank in Madrid in 1979, where he held a variety of

    roles including Corporate and Financial Institutions Relationship

    Manager and Transaction Banking Head to Iberia Risk Manager. For Citi,

    he spent 4 years in London as Senior Credit Officer and Risk Manager in

    different business areas and a year in Lisbon as Country Risk Manager.

    Since 2002, he has done consulting work, spent 18 months in a start-up

    company, actively collaborated with two Spanish non-profit organisations

    (The Spanish Cancer Association and Antares), and was the Country

    Manager for Clayton Euro Risk.

    Over the years, Manuel has also taught finance and accounting at

    various institutions and, while at Citi, was actively involved in internal

    training. He is currently Director of the Masters in International Finance

    program and Finance professor at the IEB and Management Accounting

    and Corporate Finance Associate professor at the Universidad Carlos III

    in Madrid, at the American University (CIS) and at CEPADE (Polytechnic

    University of Madrid) in Madrid.Manuel studied Business Administration at the Universidad Complutense

    (1977) and holds an MBA from the University of Miami, Florida (1978).

    Sales Director, Spain & Portugal

    Principe de Vergara, 94

    28006 Madrid

    M: +34 619 276 541


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    Banking ExpertiseQuantitative Foundation of

    our Recommendations

    Implementable SolutionsCreativity

    Why ECR as a Partner?

    Solid experience gained from a

    variety of projects covering a wide

    spectrum of topics

    World-wide project experience

    Skilled, multifunctional, local teams

    Specialists in consulting services

    ECR delivers creative, flexible, implementable solutions and a sound quantitative foundation.

    All recommendations have a

    quantitative basis

    State-of-the-art" methods

    Disciplined, systematic procedures

    Projects, audits and analyses

    conducted by our own teams

    No standardised solutions

    Visionary thinking

    Lateral thinking, made possible by

    experience in a variety of


    The ability to translate technicallycomplex scenarios into

    manageable solutions

    Pragmatic recommendations



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    ECR as a Partner will provide you with:

    ECR offers you

    Flexibility and adaptability

    Experience (countries,

    products, team)

    Solid analysed data for swift

    and better decision making

    Cost-effectiveness, higher

    profitability, lower risk

    Delivering what

    the client wants on

    time at lower cost at higher quality

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    Thank you


    Studio Legale Innocenti

    Corsetto di Sant'Agata, 22

    I-25122 Brescia

    M: +39 335 8390024E:

    United Kingdom

    123 Pall Mall


    SW1Y 5EA

    T: +44(0)20 7101 0670E:


    Principe de Vergara, 94

    28006 Madrid

    M: +34 619 276 541E:

    2013 Euro Credit Risk Ltd. All rights reserved