Euro france1815 1871

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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France: A study in anarchyLots of chaos

Louis XVIII, brother of dead Louis

Ruled from 1814-1824, with exception of 100 days in 1815

Ultra-Royalists and liberals scrambled for power

Forced to grant Charter of 1814, a constitution limiting his powers

Duc de Berry

Son of Louis XVIII’s younger brother

Ultra-royalist leader

Assassinated in 1820

Charles X

Father of Duc De Berry

Ruled from 1824-1830

Very unpopular

Brought back Ancient Regime and death penalty for sacrilege

Dissolved Chamber of Deputies

Issued July Ordinances

Revoked Freedom of Press

Installed Ultra-Royalist leader and dissolved Chamber of Deputies

Limited right to vote

Limited powers of future Chambers of Deputies

!!!!Revolution of 1830!!!!

Three days long

People of Paris revolted

Installed Louis-Philippe in his place with a constitutional monarchy


“King of the French” 1830-1848

Friend of the Middle-class

Rich got richer

Lost popularity as the poor became powerless and dissatisfied

!!February 1848 Revolution!!

Louis Blanc proposed worker

ownership of means of


Nationalized industries

Parisians more liberal than the countryside

Conservative national government cracks down on Paris

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

Socialist/anarchistfamous for saying “all

property is theft.”

!!!!!July Revolution!!!!!

Second French Republic

Had a President as chief executive

guaranteed the “right to work” for all males

Set up workshops where men were paid, but no work to be done, so workshops shut down as financial disasters

Louis NapoleonElected President of Second Republic 1848 with 75% of vote

Had previously tried two coups in 1830 an 1840

The National Assembly was too conservative and limited suffrage, so he led a .........

Coup in December 1851!!!

Second French Empire 1852-1870

Became emperor in 1852

Approved by national plebicite

Ruled authoritatively in 1860’s

Involved France in Crimean War 1854-56

Crimean War

Based on France’s claim to be protectors of Christians in Holy Land instead of the Russian claim

British and Turks supported French claim, and Russians invaded Turkish territory in Europe

Austria stayed Neutral

Haussmann’s City Planning

Wide, easy-to-invade boulevards

1860’s - Napoleon III’s Liberal Empire

Eased up on restrictions of Press

Allowed open opposition in National Assembly

Encouraged French construction of Suez Canal

Helped Italy and Germany become united countries by either assisting or remaining neutral to their formations

Anger of French CatholicsNapoleon III’s

assistance to the Italian rebels, despite earning France the areas of Nice and Savoy, angered Catholics because the Italians had stolen land from the Pope and endangered his authority and security

Mexican diasaster

Napoleon III tried to set up a French zone in the Americas by supporting a puppet king, Maximilian in 1863

US unable to stop it

Mexican rose up against French influence

Franco-Prussian War

After helping Bismarck get Germany free of Austrian domination, Napoleon III realized he now had a united Germany in his face

He opposed growth of Germany

Bismarck trapped him into fighting a losing war

Ems Dispatch“Count Benedetti spoke to me on the promenade, in order to demand from me, finally in a very importunate manner, that I should authorize him to telegraph at once that I bound myself for all future time never again to give my consent if the Hohenzollerns should renew their candidature.” I refused at last somewhat sternly, as it is neither right nor possible to undertake engagements of this kind à tout jamais. Naturally I told him that I had as yet received no news, and as he was earlier informed about Paris and Madrid than myself, he could clearly see that my government once more had no hand in the matter. “His Majesty has” since received a letter from the Prince. His Majesty having told Count Benedetti that he was awaiting news from the Prince, has “decided” with reference to the above demand, upon the representation of Count Eulenburg and myself, “not to receive Count Benedetti again, but only to let him be informed through an aide-de-camp that his Majesty” had now received from the Prince confirmation of the news which Benedetti had already received from Paris, and “had nothing further to say to the ambassador.” His Majesty leaves it to your Excellency whether Benedetti’s fresh demand and its rejection should not be at once communicated both to our ambassadors and to the press.[34]

French defeat August, 1870

And surrender at Sedan - 125,000 captured, including Napoleon III !

New French Republic fights on!

And loses by January, 1871!

Germans crown Emperor Wilhelm I in Hall of Mirrors, Versailles