European Exploration and Colonization power point

Post on 16-May-2015

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OF THE NEW WORLD Christopher Columbus landing on an island in the Caribbean Sea in 1492.

Map Insert: Shows what Europeans thought the world looked like in 1492.

Main Map: Shows route of Columbus on his first voyage in 1492.

Map showing the original 13 English Colonies in North America.







Europe in the year 1000: Europe was dominated by England and France with Spain as a growing power.


Med. Sea



1. In the year 1095, people were shocked in Western Europe by the words of Pope Urban II, "The Muslims have conquered Jerusalem." The Muslims forbade Christians to come to Jerusalem to pray and visit the holy sites. Pope Urban wanted the Christians to retake Jerusalem from the Muslims. People shouted "God wills it.” All over Europe these were the words of the Christians.

2. Christians from all over Europe went on the Crusades. The word Crusade meant "a war of the cross.”

3. When the Crusaders came home, they brought goods and luxuries home from the Middle East (spices, silks, foods). Europeans liked these and wanted more.

Crusader uniforms

Pope Urban II

Battle between a Crusader Knight and Muslim warrior


Saffron Cinnamon








4. Europeans wanted these goods from the Middle East. Merchants in the Middle East (Muslim merchants) charged too much for these goods. European kings/queens wanted to find faster and cheaper ways to get to India/China where they could trade for these goods.

-European kings and queens began sending explorers to search for a water route to India and China.

-In 1492, the search for this all water route to Asia would lead Christopher Columbus to make a discovery that would change not only the old world of Europe but also the unknown new world which would become known as the Americas. He would never really understand what he had done. He called the people from this new world Indians because he thought he was in the Indies. His name was Columbus.

-He believed that he could reach Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean.


He believed that the world was round so his voyage was possible. He was off in his calculations by about 10,000 or more miles…


Maps of the World: Before 1492

Leaving Spain

Landing in New World



-Columbus was a brave and skillful sailor and his voyage brought two very different worlds in contact with each other.

-His search for gold and glory led him to enslave the people he met in this new world.

-Columbus did not discoverAmerica nor did he prove thatthe world is round. He thoughtthat he was near Asia. He wasthe 1st of many European explorers who would come to the Americas.

-Wherever Columbus landed he claimed the land for the King of Spain. This was the beginning of the Spanish colonization of America.


-Columbus did not find a new route to Asia, but word of his discovery spread and soon all the major countries of Europe were sending explorers to the New World. They came for God, Gold, Glory, and a new all water route to Asia.



The Spanish explorers used the island of Cuba as their starting point. From there the Conquistadors explored and claimed land in southern and southwestern US, Mexico, Central and South America.

CONQUISTADORS: Spanish explorer and conqueror who came for gold and glory.

1. 1519: Hernando de Cortez used courage and treachery to conquer the Aztecs.

2. 1532: Juan Pizarro conquered a very civilized and very wealthy Indian tribe known as the Incas, thereby giving Spain lots of gold and silver and the land known as Peru.

All of the land from Florida to California, including Mexico, Central America and most of South America would become known as NEW SPAIN.


-After Columbus discovers the New World, Europeans will begin exploring and creating colonies in the America’s. This will lead to contact between the Europeans and Native Americans. This contact will cause Native Americans and Europeans to learn about new animals, plants, and products from each other. Europeans will take these back to Europe and they will spread to other parts of the world. Things from around the world will begin to arrive in the America’s.


*Before Columbus, the land thatwould be known as America waspopulated by groups of Native Americans or Indians. They had no way of knowing how contact with the Europeans would forever alter or change their way of life.

4. But it was the English who would make the biggest impact on America. England would send thousands of English men and women to a land called North America that was rich in natural resources and land. To the English people who came to live in the 13 colonies, America would become their home.




*With each new explorer came a new land claim. The Europeans viewed America as blank or empty land just waiting for them to claim and settle it.

1. The Spanish found their gold and conquered parts of Central and South America and the Caribbean Islands.

2. The French found a land that was rich in furs and soon sought the help of Indian tribes in creating a profitable fur trade.

3. The Dutch developed the land along the Hudson River and created a profitable trading relationship with local Indian tribes.

3000 miles

They came from the island nation of England and made the dangerous voyage across the Atlantic Ocean for the promise of a better life in the wilderness known as America. They would be at the mercy of the weather and the strange people who already lived there. Many of them would die during the first year of settlement, but the survivors would build homes and towns. More would come from England and America would grow and prosper.


Atlantic Ocean


World Spain


British Flag: Union Jack

Roanoke Island


1. The first English colony in the New World was Roanoke and was created by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1585.

-Sent 7 ships and 600 soldiers to establish settlement.

-Created colony on Roanoke Island (N.C.)

-Named territory Virginia after the “Virgin Queen”, Elizabeth I.

-Abandoned and returned to England due to food shortages and trouble with Indians.

2. The second English colony in the New World was created by John White in 1587.

-Called Roanoke and built on same site as original.

-Took 120 men, women, and children.

-White returned to England when supplies ran low.

-When he returned, colony abandoned and colonists not found.

COLONY: A settlement ruled by a distant parent country.

*Both colonies at Roanoke failed!!!!!

Even though colonies failed, merchants were interested in creating colonies in America for economic reasons.

-Continue to search for gold/silver -Fish, whale oil

-Trade with Native Americans -Animal furs

-Soil for crops - Lumber and sap from trees

English Parliament did not want to give money to merchants to start colonies.

PARLIAMENT: England’s law-making body.

Merchants joined together to form joint-stock companies to send colonists to New World to create colonies.

JOINT-STOCK COMPANY: Company owned by several investors through stock.

STOCK: Ownership in a company.

The English Crown (King/Queen) gave charters to the companies or nobles who started colonies in the New World.

-The charter made the colony legal and gave it rights under the English government.

CHARTER: A paper giving certain rights to a person or group.

PROPRIETOR: Noble who used own money to start colony in New World.

JAMESTOWN COLONY: London Company (Virginia Company): Given charter by King James I to create colony in New World.

-Company sent 144 men to create colony.

-Company sent 3 ships to create colony. Colony created along James River in Virginia in 1607. Called Jamestown.

-Men more interested in looking for gold/silver than working. Food supplies ran low, no houses, no defenses, problems with Native Americans.

-Captain John Smith arrives in 1608 and forces men to work for food.

-1612: John Rolfe develops new type of tobacco that can survive shipment. Tobacco becomes popular in Europe and Jamestown colonists sell entire crop. Begin growing more. Tobacco becomes CASH CROP and helps colony succeed.

CASH CROP: Crop grown in order to be sold for money. Tobacco


Jamestown Colony

King James I

Captain John Smith

Many English people were attracted to the colonies and wanted to move there. However, they could not afford to pay for their passage.

-London Company used ads to create interest. Attracted settlers by saying how great the New World was.

-Merchants and nobles created system called Indentured Servitude.

INDENTURED SERVANTS: Workers who sold their labor for a period of time in exchange for passage to the colonies in America.

-They were not slaves. Once their contract was over, they were free to do whatever they wanted.

Indentured Servants: Came to New World by having someone pay for their passage. They agreed to work for them for an agreed upon number of years. After term of service, they were free to start their own farm.

-Contract stated conditions of agreement such as food, drink, clothing, housing, and what they would get after length of service was over.

-Farmers in Jamestown colony needed workers to farm the land due to success of tobacco. At first, they used indentured servants from England.

Advertisement in London newspaper.

Tobacco was so successful, colonists increased farm land in order to grow tobacco. Tobacco farming required more workers.

-At first, they were white indentured servants from England.

-1619: Dutch merchant ship arrives in Jamestown with about 20 Africans.

-Sold to tobacco farmers as indentured servants, not slaves.

-More Africans brought to colony due to demand for tobacco. By 1662, Africans brought over as slaves.

SLAVE: Person forced to work against their will for no pay and no freedom.

Tobacco leaves drying in shed.


GOVERNMENT: When the colony was first created, it was run by officials from the London Company.

-1619: Company allowed colonists to create Representative Gov’t and elect representatives.

-Representatives met together in House of Burgesses in colony.

-Made daily decisions for colony.

-To far away from England for English gov’t to control them or make quick decisions.

-Beginning of Representative Government in the English colonies.

REPRESENTATIVE: Person elected by

citizens to run government.


which people elect those who make

laws and decisions.




1. The Jamestown Colony was the first successful English colony in the New World.

-This would lead to other colonies being created by the English.

2. The English Colonies would become known as the THIRTEEN COLONIES and were settled by people who brought with them the beliefs, laws, and customs of England.

PLYMOUTH COLONY: 2ND successful English colony in New World.

-1620: 40 Pilgrims (Saints) and 62 other English (Strangers) colonists sailed to the New World on the Mayflower.

-Headed for Virginia: Winter storm blew them off course and landed far to the north. Landed out of the land controlled by the Virginia Company so they created a plan for running their colony.



MAYFLOWER COMPACT: Document created and signed by the Pilgrims and other colonists aboard the Mayflower used to make laws for the benefit of the whole colony.

-This document represents self-government. The Pilgrims were to far away to depend on the gov’t back in England. They had to handle their own affairs.

The Mayflower Compact


“In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord, King James, by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, e&.

Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia; do by these presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid; And by Virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the General good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.

In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, King James of England, France and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domini, 1620.”

1. Pilgrims named the new colony Plymouth, after the town in England from which they sailed. -Arrived in December, 1620 -1st winter; ½ died

2. In the spring, local Wampanoag Indians, Samoset and Squanto, helped the Pilgrims to plant crops and trap animals.

3. After the 1st harvest, the Pilgrims celebrated their survival by holding Thanksgiving feast with Native Americans.

The Pilgrims were Separatists (Christians) from England.

-Separatists did not like the way the Church of England was being run and wanted to be able to worship freely.

-They came to the New World in order to worship God the way they wanted to without being told how to worship by the English government. RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.

4 Northern (New England) Colonies:

1. Massachusetts (Plymouth & Mass. Bay Colony)

2. Connecticut

3. Rhode Island

4. New Hampshire

12 3




Massachusetts Bay Colony: Colonies in New England were created for religious freedom.

-Massachusetts was created in 1630 by Puritans from England who came to the New World for religious freedom.

-Puritans led by John Winthrop.

-By the end of 1631, over 1,000 Puritans living in colony.

-Colony became successful by creating trade relationships with local Indian tribes, fishing, whaling, and creating industries to produce needed goods such as shipbuilding.

-By 1640, more than 20,000 colonists lived in colony. Larger and wealthier than Plymouth Colony. In 1691, English gov’t joined Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth together to create Massachusetts Colony.

-Puritans religious beliefs dominated colony: gov’t controlled by Puritans, non-Puritans had to pay higher taxes, non-Puritans could not practice their own religions.

-Many Puritans did not like the way the colony was being run and decided to leave to create their own colonies.

-1636: Roger Williams leaves Mass. and creates Rhode Island Colony. Colony was created to give people absolute religious freedom.

-Anne Hutchinson followed Williams and created 2nd settlement in Rhode Island Colony.

-1636: Thomas Hooker leaves Mass. and creates Connecticut Colony.

-1639: Connecticut settlers wrote Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.

-Example of representative gov’t.

-All adult men could vote.

-1679: Colony of New Hampshire created by joining small settlements together that were north of Mass.

New England Colonies: Agricultural life was difficult due to rocky soil, short growing season, and harsh winters.

Farms tended to be small, family farms that grew mainly corn.

Many New Englanders made their living by fishing, whaling, merchant sailing, and manufacturing.

***Most colonists made a living by farming.

4 Middle Colonies:

1. New York

2. Pennsylvania

3. New Jersey

4. Delaware






The Middle Colonies were settled mainly for economic reasons. The land was very fertile, so farming was very important. Called the “Bread Basket of the Colonies” because of the huge amount of wheat and corn grown in the area.

New York: Originally settled by the Dutch and called New Netherlands. In 1664, the English took it over and renamed it New York. King of England gave colony to his brother, the Duke of York. New Amsterdam renamed New York City.

New Jersey: Duke of York gave land to other nobles south of New York. They created colony and called it New Jersey.

Pennsylvania: William Penn given charter by King of England to create colony for Quakers. Quakers were Christians who wanted to leave England and come to the New World for religious freedom.

Delaware: Created from piece of Penn.

5 Southern Colonies:

1. Virginia

2. Maryland

3. North Carolina

4. South Carolina

5. Georgia







The Southern Colonies were created for religious freedom and economic reasons. These colonies had very fertile soil that allowed them to grow crops almost year round. This resulted in the growing of a variety of crops. The most important crops were cash crops such as tobacco. Later on, cotton, rice, and indigo will be grown. These crops required large numbers of farm workers. Southern plantation owners had started using slaves in the mid-1600’s to work the fields. Slaves were a cheap source of labor.

Virginia: The Virginia colony started with Jamestown in 1607. Became successful due to tobacco as a cash crop.

Maryland: Created as a place for Roman Catholics to go to practice religious freedom.

North and South Carolinas: Created by English nobles for the purpose of growing tobacco, indigo, and rice.

Georgia: Created by James Oglethorpe as a place for debtors to go and start a new life.

Most colonists living in the American Colonies were English. They came to the colonies in search of a better life. They wanted to own their own land, practice their religion freely, and create a better life. When they came to the colonies, they brought the English culture with them. This include the English language, English customs and traditions, English laws, and ideas about government.

In all of the colonies, most colonists made a living by farming.

By the 1700’s, the American colonies were becoming very wealthy due to the natural resources found here and the manufactured goods being produced.

England wanted to take advantage of the natural resources. They began treating the colonies, not as equals, but as a source of materials.

England began to follow a policy of Mercantilism.

MERCANTILISM: System of trade based on colonies and desire for wealth. -Colonies supplied home country with natural resources. -Colonies bought finished goods from home country.

England passed laws to control colonial trade. Navigation Acts: 1660’s -Laws passed by Parliament to control trade with the colonies. -Colonists angry with laws. Allowed England to control colonies.