European Master Programs in Wood Science and Technology

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SWST, 53rd International Convention Geneva, SwitzerlandOctober 11 - 15, 2010

European Master Programs in Wood Science and Technology

Bern University of Applied SciencesArchitecture, Wood and Civil Engineering

Heiko Thoemen Marc-André Gonin

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin


• General trends: 11 years after Bologna• Master programs in wood science and

technology• MHT: A Swiss-German co-operation• Summary and conclusions

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

The Bologna process

• Standardization of higher education• Improved flexibility of individual qualification• Deficiencies within the concept and problems

during implementation • Development is irreversible


1. General trends2. Master

programs3. MHT4. Conclusions

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Students enrolled in Swiss universities *)







othersProfessional TrainingPh.D.MasterBachelorDiplom


Students x 1000


*) Incl. Univ. of Appl. Sci. (FH) and teacher training colleges (PH)

Source of data: Federal Statistical Office, 2010

Students x 1000



1. General trends2. Master

programs3. MHT4. Conclusions

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Consequences of new system... in the D-A-CH countries *)


1. General trends2. Master

programs3. MHT4. Conclusions

Source: DAAD (modified)

Higher EducationEntrance Qualification

1st year

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

5th year


Univ. of AppliedSciences (FH)




„Diplom (FH)“

Before Bologna

Higher EducationEntrance Qualification

3 - 4 years

After Bologna

1 - 2 years


Univ. of AppliedSciences (FH)

*) D = Germany, A = Austria, CH = Switzerland

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Differences to Anglo-American system

• Typical duration of bachelor + master− North America: 6 years− UK: 4 years− Central Europe: 5 years (300 credit points)

• Consecutive programs *)


1. General trends2. Master

programs3. MHT4. ConclusionsAnglo-American system

European system *)


traditional link

Bachelor Master PhD

*) not relevant to all countries

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin


• General trends: 11 years after Bologna• Master programs in wood science and

technology *)• MHT: A Swiss-German co-operation• Summary and conclusions

*) Name of the programs may vary

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

European Master Programs in Wood Technology *)

No guaranty forcompleteness

Turkey: 8 master programs

*) Without civil engineering,teacher training courses, and paper making programs.Other names of the programsare possible. Content

1. General trends2. Master

programs3. MHT4. Conclusions

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Need for master programs

• Situation of European wood sector *):− 5 % of the global forest area, but 25-30% of world

production of forest-based products− Strong supplier industries (machinery, chemicals,

instrumentation)− European forest-based industries: 8 % of the total

value added in the manufacturing industry− 3 – 4 mill. jobs in industry

Considerable demand on skilled employees


1. General trends2. Master

programs3. MHT4. Conclusions

*) According to CEI-Bois (2005): Vision 2030

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Need for master programs (cont.)


1. General trends2. Master

programs3. MHT4. Conclusions

Higher EducationEntrance Qualification

3 - 4 years


1 - 2 years


Univ. of AppliedSciences (FH)

Higher EducationEntrance Qualification

Wood Technology

3 - 4 years

1 - 2 years


Univ. of AppliedSciences (FH)

• Situation in the D-A-CH countries *)

*) D = Germany, A = Austria, CH = Switzerland

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Need for master programs (cont.)


1. General trends2. Master

programs3. MHT4. Conclusions

• Increasing demand on postgraduate programsfor students from overseas

Programs in English are needed

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin


• General trends: 11 years after Bologna• Master programs in wood science and

technology• MHT: A Swiss-German co-operation• Summary and conclusions

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Master of Engineering in Wood Technology (MHT)

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Features of the MHT

• International, involving two universities• Research and project oriented• Full time or part time• Employment as research assistant

is possible


1. General trends2. Master

programs3. MHT4. Conclusions

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Structure of the MHT

1. Semester (Rosenheim) ManagementMathematics and

natural sciencesResearch

& development

3. Semester Project work + master thesis

Master of EngineeringWood Technology

2. Semester Foreign

languageSpecialization Electivemodul

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Master Research Units (MRUs)

MRUWerkstoffe undHolztechnologie

MRUProduktion und


MRUHolz- und


Master of EngineeringBFH / HRO

MRUBauphysik und


MRUMöbelkonstruktion und



Leichtbau und Innenausbau

MRUFenster, Fassade,

Wintergärten,Türen und Tore


Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Master Research Units (MRUs)

MRUWerkstoffe undHolztechnologie

MRUProduction and


MRUHolz- und

VerbundbauMaster of Engineering


MRUBauphysik und


MRUMöbelkonstruktion und



Leichtbau und Innenausbau

MRUFenster, Fassade,

Wintergärten,Türen und Tore


Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Master Research Units (MRUs)

MRUWerkstoffe undHolztechnologie

MRUProduktion und


MRUTimber and

Composite StructuresMaster of Engineering


MRUBauphysik und


MRUMöbelkonstruktion und



Leichtbau und Innenausbau

MRUFenster, Fassade,

Wintergärten,Türen und Tore


Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Master Research Units (MRUs)

MRUMaterials and

Wood Technology

MRUProduktion und


MRUHolz- und

VerbundbauMaster of Engineering


MRUBauphysik und


MRUMöbelkonstruktion und



Leichtbau und Innenausbau

MRUFenster, Fassade,

Wintergärten,Türen und Tore


Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Master Research Units (MRUs)

MRUWerkstoffe undHolztechnologie

MRUProduktion und


MRUHolz- und

VerbundbauMaster of Engineering


MRUBauphysik und


MRUMöbelkonstruktion und



Leichtbau und Innenausbau

MRUFenster, Fassade,

Wintergärten,Türen und Tore


Abbildung: Ducta

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Research and developmentat BFH-AHB

R & D Services:

• Applied research and development• Contract services• Accredited testing• Knowledge and technology transfer

About 100 full-time equivalent emplyees

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin


• General trends: 11 years after Bologna• Master programs in wood science and

technology• MHT: A Swiss-German co-operation• Summary and conclusions

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Summary and conclusions

• Bologna Process: Most profound restructuring of the European system of tertiary education within the last 200 years

• Improved flexibility of individual qualification• Need for graduate programs in wood science

and technology• Great diversity of programs

Architektur, Holz und Bau

European MasterPrograms in

Wood Science and Technology

SWST Convention

GenevaOct. 11 - 15, 2010

Heiko ThoemenMarc-André Gonin

Thank you