Europeana @ NISO Bibliographic Roadmap Meeting

Post on 19-Jan-2015

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Presentation for NISO Bibliographic Roadmap Meeting


Antoine Isaac

NISO Bibliographic Roadmap Meeting

Baltimore, April 16, 2013, Europe’s cultural heritage portal

Audiovisual collections

National Aggregators

Regional Aggregators


Thematic collections


26M objects from 2,200 European galleries, museums, archives and libraries

What types of objects does Europeana gives access to?

Text Image Video Sound 3D

From a flat interoperability format


dc:title or dc:description

One of dc:coverage, dc:subject, dc:type dcterms:spatial

europeana:type with value of TEXT, IMAGE, VIDEO, SOUND or 3D

dc:language for objects with edm:type value of TEXT.

europeana:rights with controlled values (Public Domain, CC-BY, etc)

europeana:isShownAt or europeana:isShownBy




dc:contributor, dc:creator, dc:date, dc:format, dc:identifier, dc:language, dc:publisher, dc:relation, dc:source, dcterms:alternative, dcterms:extent, dcterms:temporal, dcterms:medium, dcterms:created, dcterms:provenance, dcterms:issued, dcterms:conformsTo, dcterms:hasFormat, dcterms:isFormatOf, dcterms:hasVersion, dcterms:isVersionOf, dcterms:hasPart, dcterms:isPartOf, dcterms:isReferencedBy, dcterms:references, dcterms:isReplacedBy, dcterms:replaces dcterms:isRequiredBy, dcterms:requires dcterms:tableOfContents


To a more complex data model - EDM

Properties for skos:Concept EDM properties Corresponding values in the original dataskos:PrefLabel xml:lang="en" Buccin

Properties for skos:Concept EDM properties Corresponding values in the original dataskos:PrefLabel xml:lang="en" 423.22 Labrosones with slides

Properties for edm:Place EDM properties Corresponding values in the original dataskos:PrefLabel xml:lang="en" France

Better accomodate domain practices

Museums , e.g. ATHENA aggregator


Archives – e.g. APEnet


Libraries – e.g. The European Library


Workshops were organized with experts during EDM design

Running « data watch » effort with partner projects, task forces

Keep in touch with friends

Re-use of existing standards

Coordinate model development with other projects

Domain-specific projects (CARARE – archaeology)

Similar initiatives to Europeana (DPLA)

Having a data model that is in principle flexible and re-uses a lot of stuff helps

Easy vs. hard requirements for EDM

1. Distinguish the real object from its digital representation

2. Distinguish the object from its metadata record

3. Allow multiple records for same objectcontaining potentially contradictory statements about an object

4. Support for objects that are composed of other objects

5. Be compatible with different levels of description

Generic/interoperable vs. specific/domain-centered

6. Flexible support for describing contextual resources, including concepts

7. Re-use and extend elements from existing standards

Main obstacle is maybe lack of agreed practice

Challenge #1: getting good data, still!

Providers contributing richer and interoperable data in EDM


Europeana and third-parties?

Validation (open world) and quality measures

Versioning and persistence of living Europeana data

Challenge #2: interoperability, still!

Data in

• Mapping EDM to what Europeana providers want or can use

• Sharing patterns

Data out

• Identifying data consumer needs

• Different channels with their own flavors / levels of complexity


Challenge #3: opening data, still!

The Europeana network is doing very good

A licensing framework for metadata and content

Pushing openness across the board

There will always be interesting corner-cases

Some institutions regard metadata as content

User-generated data (annotations) could raise issues

Challenge #4: measuring value

An old friend, too

Many challenges are old foes, in factCf. W3C Library Linked Data report

Thank you