Evaluation digi pack

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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By Gaby Rock

Digi Pack Evaluation

PurposeOnce I had created my music video, I needed to also create a package where the CD would be stored, this is also known as a digi pack. Packaging is used to glamorise the product. Digi packs are a form of packaging and is used as a form of advertisement, having a brightly coloured artistic digi pack will also draw attention to audiences who are looking to buy music. Using images also can illustrate the type of music which the artist is trying to sell, for example, if I was trying to sell a pop CD I would use bright colours such as pink. The song in which I have made to go with the digi pack is a slow serious song, I also decided to make the digi pack linking with the song, and put the theme of the music video in my digi pack which was ‘Time’. Although the digi pack I created is for an album which means there is more then one song I decided to have the song ‘Time’ as the main song as some artists use their most popular song to help sell their album and make people aware of their other songs.

ThemeThe Digi pack needs to link to the theme of my song because I have made the song one of the main selling points for my album and digi pack. As the song was an emotional love song I decided to use colours which would link to this such as, red, black and white these are the main colours used through out the digi pack. I decided to use black and white because they are simple colours and the main song is quite a simple song. I also used red to illustrate the emotional side of the song as the song is based on love and a relationship. I also wanted to make my digi pack look glamorous by adding yellow; the colour connotates a sense of star glamour and Hollywood which links to how music and music artists are represented these days as highly glamorous. The theme time is also illustrated throughout my digi pack, I have used clocks to show time literally and keep a similar theme throughout the digi pack.

Front CoverThis is the front cover of my digi pack, this is the main focus as it is used mainly to attract audiences. I used the main song as the name of the album which meant that I also wanted to link the illustrations to the song and theme which is ‘Time’. I placed the artists name at the top of the cover so it would draw attention from the audience and it stands out, at the bottom I also did the same with the name of the album, I used white writing against a red banner to make it stand out. By using various amount of clocks I illustrated time literally, unlike most Digi packs which are used to glamorise the artist I have not used the artist to promote the album mainly, instead I have promoted the theme. I also included a close up picture of the artists face as it helps sell the album to already made fans. It is also the main focus of the front cover as the sides are shaded and the actual face is made out of brightly coloured clocks. As this is my front cover I wanted to use bright colours, I decided the use mainly red and yellow as it attracts people, it also adds a sense of fame and a hint of glamour.

This is the second page of my digi pack, this is where the CD would be placed. I have kept the image of the artists face, and merged it with a clock to keep with the theme. I faded the clock out to make a subtle background. I decided to keep this page of the digi pack simple as it is only used for the CD. I wanted to use round shapes, such as a round clock and her face is round because the shape of the CD is round. I also decided to keep the colours simple mainly black and white, I also used a hint of red to stand out and contrast also to keep with the colour scheme.

I also included a dedications page, which are usually found in digi packs, and written by the artists. The background once again is faded out clocks. This page has a hint of age which links with time and the effects caused by time. The writing is angelic, and I have used a white glow on the outside of the title which is kept inline with the glamorous side of the digi pack. Using the colours black and white and cracking effect in the background which also conotates age which is caused by time. I have decided to keep the two inside pages minimal colour because the focus would be on the outside as it is the main selling point. I used the vines to illustrate the way love is shown in my video, the love between the couple with neglected which I have also tried to illustrate on this page by using vines, which are shown to be overgrown and unkempt, I have also included this in other pages of the album as to illustrate unloving and neglect .

This is the list of songs which are on the album. Once again I have linked back to the front cover using a similar design throughout the Digi pack. I have faded the clock into the background once again and used the effect ‘noise’ it gives a fizzled broken look which links to the song ‘time’ and the broken relationship between the artist and her partner. I also kept the main colours black, red, white and yellow in line with the theme. I illustrated the word ‘Time’ with a red and yellow banner so it linked with the front cover. I have decided to place this at the back of my digi pack and needed the front and the back to look similar. Having the song tracks at the back is also used to promote the artists other songs and show the audience what is on the CD, this is another strategy used to help sell the album. I used clocks to illustrate the numbers, each clock shows the track number and I have also faded each clock from one to eight, one being the most faded. By using glow effects on certain letters has also kept the sense of glamour within the album.

Overall I feel that my digi pack is successful as it fits the conventions of a authentic digi pack. I feel that my digi pack is successful because it completes its main purpose which is to attract audiences. I

have created an eye catching front cover, with the use of bright colours and maintained a sense of glamour. I have also used the same colour scheme throughout the digi pack and kept to my

theme. I also feel that my digi pack represents the song which I am trying to sell as the theme and the song also link. Digi packs are also used to represent artists because audiences who have

already herd the artists music would be more likely to be interested in what new music the artist is producing, In my digi pack I have also included pictures of the artist and the artists name on the

front so it appeals to fans also. To have an appealing digi pack it must also be creative and interesting, as there are so many Digi packs these days I feel that have a creative and different digi pack is more likely to stand out, this is why I didn’t just base my digi pack on the artist but

also included the theme.