Evaluation question 2

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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‘Fan girls/boys’

A person obsessed with an

element of video or electronic

culture, such as a game, sci-fi

movie, comic or anime, music,

etc; a person obsessed with any

other single subject or hobby

Overly obsessed fans are often very

knowledgeable of who they support and

want to know every detail about them. This

is quite common in the pop industry,

especially with fans of:

One Direction: ‘Directioners’

Taylor Swift: ‘Swifties’

Justin Bieber: ‘Beliebers’

The pop genre tends to attract more

‘fangirls’ than ‘fanboys’ because the girls

are normally supportive of either males

they find attractive or females which they

aspire to be/look like. Whereas males tend

not to be as phased.

My magazine is

aimed at both boys and girls, however I

feel the magazine will more popular with

the female fans.

‘Fangirls’ are often mostly interested in

males, especially as a boy band. The leadsinger is often the most objectified and is

seen as the most attractive. The lead male

is often portrayed as dominant and

powerful in images, which is what I’ve tried

to re-create here:


This is the ‘dominant male’ of the image. I have stood him slightly in

front of everyone else, and his pose suggests a serious attitude and

someone who is in control. His outfit suggests a ‘bad boy’ look in

comparison with the rest, making him seem like the most important.

‘Fan girls’ often aspire to women that

they want to look like or are very powerful

and successful.

Here, I have tried to

portray the ideology

that this girl is new to

pop, innocent and


However, is

someone ‘fangirls’

may aspire to look


However, both of these images create a powerful and successful

ideology of women. These ‘fangirls’ look up to successful artists for

guidance. Both models are in a quite serious and strong stance, for

example the ‘hands on hip’ pose suggests she’s in control. This

ideology of women being strong for themselves and being powerful

independently, and as a group, is what young females look up to.

The young adult audience I’m targeting

will be more interested in the content,

however I didn’t make it too boring to



By putting areas of

text in boxes and

changing the text

colours, I’ve made it

more visually

interesting to look

at. This also suits

anyone of any


‘Fan girls’ are also mostly interested in facts about the artist

and try to relate the artist to them and link themselves with their

idol somehow, to feel like they’re on the same level.


emphasising the

fact she’s ‘16’

makes the

younger target

audience feel

closer to their idol

and like they can

relate.I included Q&A’s in

my article, so the

target audience

could find out more

about the actual


Enthusiastic Headlines

When picking up a magazine, fans look straight for any

artist’s name that they aspire to. Enthusiastic headlines

stand out to the reader, especially ‘fan girls/boys’.

Emphasis on particular

words makes a big

difference. ‘Ellie

Goulding’ is a well

known name, which

would catch the

readers eye, being in a

different colour.

Underneath the ‘inside’

is in an even larger

font, emphasising the

need to buy the


The ‘boy band’

being in bold


reaches out to

the ‘fangirls’ who

love to know

everything about

their favourite


The outfits I have dressed my models in arecolour-co-ordinated and in fashion. ‘Fan

girls’ often want to dress like their idol andso the outfits tend no to be too over thetop, but still look expensive. Costumedesigners also like the model to wearmatching jewellery and accessories for ashoot.


I have made the jewellery

match. The outfit is also

wearable for ‘fan girls’ and

is a fashionable dress, that

would appeal to their style.

Here, I have

specifically made

the outfit match

and it’s something

her fans could

easily replicate

and find in a shop
