Evaluation Question

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Fonts Reader Profile



We chose a sans serif font as its informal. The whole point of our magazine is to communicate with our niche audience and make a connection to make them feel comfortable and want to read our articles. An informal presentation connects to our audiences hierarchy of needs with them not having to be at a certain standard and have high expectations of themselves but for the magazine to like them for who they are. The informal writing also acts as though we are talking to the audience directly as though a one to one and so makes them feel more involved rather than a formal font that acts to the audience as though their being told rather than speaking ‘with’. The audience for our media product is young new comers and so the font needed to appeal to a younger generation and not look to formal that it put them off reading it. The ability to read a sans serif font is easier and are often used in short pieces of text, heading and headlines and so was appropriate for our audience of our media product.

Our audience for our media product is teens and young adults because of the type of magazine it is. Its giving advice for unknown bands and artists to make it big and get know. At the moment in the music industry its the younger generation who are finding it hard to get their foot in the door of this industry and so we want these people to be our audience as we aim our magazine at them. They obviously have jobs because they are paying for recording and studios to rehearse in and so must be earning money. We wanted our audience for our media product to appeal to as wide an audience as possible to engage more readers and to help a wider variety of people out and so aimed the product at both genders. The product is aimed at festival goers because anyone who is passionate about music would go to festivals and concerts to idolise bands and artists as they look up to them. This is one of the reasons why we have advice from famous bands that give advice to help these unknown bands/artists as their attracted from knowing these bands from festivals. Our audience is also aimed to festival goers as many festivals, their genre is based on indie/rock bands and artists which is our chosen genre. Our choices are all shown in our reader profile on the blog.

We choose our demographic with purposeful meaning. We did this by doing research into what a young generation would want to hear about and looked at local bands. Many bands that we know who were unsigned were rock/indie players and many bands arising in the industry are with this genre of music. We also found out what to involve in the magazine and what to put on it by asking teens and young adults which was a direct way to target specific needs. We did this through our questionnaire. We chose who would be our audience through the responses to the questions and then choose who the audience is and what the magazine will contain to meet their choices. The results are shown through a vidcast on the blog Follow This Link.

Our genre relates to who our audience is for our media product as all the unknown upcoming bands are into the indie/rock genre. “Musicians classified as indie rock are typically signed to independent record labels” . Many local unsigned bands are going into independent record labels and are aiming to get their career by themselves performing gigs in local pubs and getting their name known that way. This research(Follow Link) helped to find out our audience for our media product.

The audience for our media product is local unsigned bands/artists. So what better way to interview a real life artist and member of a band to use for our writing copy (which is interviewing a member of a band). The questions used for the writing copy, we sent in an email to Dennis Goulding ( A friend who has actually produced his own single) and Will Davey ( who is a member of a local unsigned indie band) all the answers in our writing copy are legitimate and are combined answers from our two friends. Actually interviewing people who have actual significance to our language and writing copy helped us to know our audience. Our language contains slang and colloquial language due to the generation of our audience. Its

young and fresh new people and so we wanted to talk to our audience like they would normally talk as though having a conversation with them. Informal language is used as its what teens and young adults speak to each other like nowadays and would make this our audience.