Evaluation Question Number 6

Post on 18-May-2015

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Evaluation Question Number 6

What have you learnt about

technologies from the process of

constructing this project?

During the process of making my Magazine I have learnt about

different technologies and softwares which have helped me in the

making of my project. I have used:

→ Camera

→ Adobe Photoshop

→ Blogger

→ Microsoft Powerpoint

→ Microsoft Word

→ Slideshare


I have used Nikon D3100 for taking all the pictures I have used in my

magazine. I got to learn about the exposure settings of the camera


Adobe Photoshop is an image editing software. I’ve

found this software very helpful in the development

of the magazine. At first I didn’t knew how to use

photoshop but then I started working on it and

watched online tutorials.


This program has proved to be extremely useful

during my evaluation and assignments. I recorded all

my research work on slides using this software.


I have used Microsoft Word for planning and making

all the schedule for shoots.


Slideshare was the most important and helpful thing

for me in this project. By the help of slideshare I

uploaded all of my research work recorded in the

presentations onto my blog.


At first it was very hard to get the hang of using Blogger

as it was something I have never used before. As time

lapsed, I was able to create successful labels on on each

post. And then I designed the blog on custom settings.


Overall I feel that all of the technology

that I used helped me to gather new

skills as well as making it easier to

complete my work on this project while

making everything look as professional

as possible. From editing pictures,

taking pictures, uploading documents

and everything.