Evaluation question pictures

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Photo shoot oneThis was my first attempt to a photo shoot for my magazine front cover.

I did not use this image for my front cover because mainly the background is very dark so it does not give a sense of where she is. Her eyes are too squinted so her face does not convey the correct attitude for my Indie magazine. Also the guitar is not fully in the image mistaking that it was not purposely meant to be there.

In this image the model is not giving direct address. This will not attract the audience and pull them in. As well as that I think the camera shot is too long, so the audience wouldn't get the right feeling of the magazine.

This image is very disappointing as I really like her facial expression. As it conyed an indie attitude very smug yet suttle. However there is too much space above her head so the image looks very small and squashed. The medium close up was the wrong choice for this image as I would of liked her outfit to of been seen. Due to the colour “red” being a popular colour with the Indie fans. Along with that the strap on her arm was not meant to be shown. Her hair also fades into the background and because the background is very dark, so she does not stand out. Lastly her hair on some of the shots is in her face.

This shot is too far away. Cant really capture her facial expression due to the model is not giving direct address. As well as this her facial expression looks very dazed and that is not the attitude I want for my magazine. There is too much space above her head . And captured and un wanted speck of light in the background.

In this shot the model is standing quite awkwardly and conveys a sweet attitude also due to her smile being very wide. The lighting of this shot makes her skin look very ghost like, too pale. Also she looks very small compared to her surroundings and I would like my artist to stand out.

These images I did not use because they can easily be mistaken for a fashion magazine . As you can hardly see the guitar she is holding and the bag is a lot more noticeable. The images above are also very dull with the dark background, in some cases it would make the model stand out but because they contrasting. But in this case the images are too far away ,so again she fades into it. There's nothing very attractive and appealing about these images as her attitude could be stronger.

I did not use this image because there is too much space above her head. Her head is not positioned in the correct way to get full affect of her facial expressions. The low angle shot gave the effect of the artist having power which was good for the image but overall she looks awkward and out of place.

I can not use these images as the flash has caused an unwanted shadow. As well as that I do not want to use images as it is too far away and it does not capture an indie attitude as much as it could.

I did not use these images because the background is too dull, and she does not stand out as much. So these photographs do not have much appeal. Lastly the photograph on the left does not have enough space above her head. And the image on the right has too much.

I did not use these photographs because none of them look interesting enough to go on the front cover. None of the these images are conveying the indie attitude I wanted. Also the clothing choice is quite dull and boring.

Photo Shoot 2This is my second photo shoot attempt for my front cover magazine.

These images didn't convey an indie attitude so I chose not to use them. They are also quite awkwardly taken this was another reason I did not choose to use them Lastly they are too long and far away so it looks quite dull.

These images don't look interesting enough, her facial expressions on these photos are too dull and have to much space above her head and on these three photos the headphones are not noticeable, so they just look odd.

These images I did not use cause they are also too far away and her hand gestures are too awkwardly placed.

I did not use these photographs because most of them caused an un wanted shadow but mainly because I did not like her outfit in the end. It did not match my magazine.

This was the image I chose to use in the end. It was my favourite out of them all. I thought it looked the most interesting and eye catching. There is a shadow but I easily erased that in photo shopped and changed the background so it looks less dull. But the image itself really stands out and coveys an indie attitude which fits perfectly with my magazine. I also like the hand gestures as it makes it look even more appealing.