Evaluation question six – what have you learnt

Post on 23-Jul-2015

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Evaluation Question Six – What have you learnt about

technologies from the process of constructing the product?

•When planning our opening sequence we used the search engine google for research, as it is fast and reliable, and as our genre is a mystery thriller we chose a film of a similar genre to research.

• The 2008 film Taken was distributed by 20th century fox and made over $145 million dollars. It has a similar plot to our film, a young girl goes missing.

•We used the search engine IMDB to get the information about the technologies used when making this film.

•On the website you can view the trailer, read a brief synopsis of taken and view multiple camera shots from the film itself.

•Here we have a low level close up shot of the protagonist from Taken. The mise-en scene shows her looking scared which creates the ideology that the audience should feel sorry for her and fear for her. We have used this idea and incorporated it into our own sequence.

•When researching which song to chose for our background music, we used the search engine YouTube as has thousands of songs we could easily search and listen to. We also used YouTube to research and learn how to use the software final cut pro. Lastly we used YouTube to upload our work and audience feedback.

• To film our title sequence we used an apple iPhone as we could access them easily as all the members of the group have one and they are extremely portable so we could record our sequence from angles that would have been difficult to achieve with a camera on a tripod.

• To film our opening sequence we used a Samsung HD video camera as it abled us to get a high definition picture to make our film look as professional as possible.

•We also decided to use a tripod to hold our camera as it allowed us ensure that the camera would stay still when filming whereas if we would of filmed free-hand with an iPhone the camera work may have looked shaky.

• To edit our title sequence we used windows live movie maker as it was easily accessible to us and so we could edit our clips together and add our sound easily.

• Finally to edit our opening sequence we used the apple software final cut pro, as appose to movie maker as it abled us to insert many non-diegetic and diegetic sounds easily and we could also add some interesting and complex transitions to make our film look as high quality as possible.