Evaluation questions

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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Question 1

In this shot, it is clearly showing a low

level of intellect, due to the spelling of

„Buyed‟ when it should be „Bought‟ and

the spelling of „bbe‟ which is an

abbreviation of „babe‟

For the characters, I have Over

exaggerated the vein, and over tanned

look of „TOWIE‟ The make up is applied

badly, and very thick to challenge the

conventions. The clothes were in some

cases, over the top. The hair has to be

full of gel, and over the top.

Close up. Eye level is in the

top half of the shot. Both

talking to a person behind

the camera. The mise en

scene of fake tan is

challeneged as it is applied

to an over-the-top amount.

Medium close up sat in the

car facing the camera, the

mise en scene is matched

due to the clothes, and fake

tan is applied badly to

challenge the conventions.

Here, I have created the

scene of a “vajazzle” but

played on the conventions,

and made it so it is two

males. they are both two


Here, I have challenged the shot, by

using a scene where make up is

being applied, but changed it by

making it a two shot.

Here, the original close up has been

changed into an extreme close up, I

have changed it so it is only the

hands seen in the shot, there is also

a zoom that has been applied to it.

This shot has been challenged by

using a medium close up instead of a

normal close up, it is also a two shot


Large bold


Branding of



Main star



Masthead- top 1/3rd of the

page – Bright and bold


Button with an image of a

character inside – with a

caption. The picture comes

out of the button slightly.

No house style/colour


Price in a


Strapline – include new

info, prizes and competitions

Other Soaps are used on

the cover

Eye contact

Anchoring the cover star

with the main feature –

audience know this is the

feature relating to the cover


Main Feature is one

snappy word/phrase, bright


Halo effect is used around

the cover star(s).



Branding is anchored

with the strap line

Cover Star is large in the

frame – mid close up.

„We love telly‟ has 3 cover stars

on the cover, which would be

ideal to use on my own piece, as

it suits the storyline I wish to use,

which is typical cheating,

therefore needing 3 characters

on view on the cover. This type

of magazine is trashy, chaotic

and busy.

„TV buzz‟ has a character

displayed as a plastic doll.

Which plays on the audiences

knowledge of the programme,

and intertextually, how

everybody is „plastic‟. This type

of magazine is less chaotic,

more simplistic and clean.

Typical storylines:

- Cheating on another's boyfriend/girlfriend

- Secret love

- Pregnancy

- Death

- Found in bed with someone

- 2 characters pregnant with 1 male

- Weddings

Other soaps to use on the cover:

-Made In Chelsea

- Jersey Shore

- Geordie Shore

- Desperate Scousewives

The cast of the soap are sat

and stood up all together. The

way each character is

displayed is important, the

anchorage and the position of

who is beside who is


Here you can see how I have recreated

the ancillary using conventions for other

shows, in both posters, it contains the

whole cast look classy and expensive,

which I have recreated, using the gold

title and a crown. All characters are

looking at the camera and are pulling off

a pose which is can also be seen in the

other two shows.

How did you use

technologies to create

your product?• To Create my product, I used My iPhone camera, as it is, in my opinion, easier to upload than a camera. However I didn't havethe ability to use a tripod, as I don't own one for the iPhone.

• I uploaded my photos to Microsoft PowerPoint to make them play together at a fast speed, I put the animation speed at 00:00.01, to make the photos look like they’re playing like a video. I then uploaded it to slide share, which is a website that allows you to upload slideshows and further edit them. i had the choice to use YouTube, but I thought slideshare is better.

• I didn’t use many props, and my product was pretty Simple in my opinion, I could not really have used anyMore props for this stop motion, as it only involved the Bowl.

Here I can upload the pictures

straight into slideshare

How did the task

enable you to be

creative?• All these technologies allowed me to be more creative by offering me a more diverse way of creating a product.

• building a narrative was fairly easy, there wasn‟t a story to mine, it was just something developing. I had many ideas but I did not

know how to create them as they were very complex, the idea I went for was very simple and I am thinking of creating it again. I

thought of creating words with beads, maybe spelling out „Stop-motion‟ but I didn't think about it hard enough.

• I decided what to use at the time I took it, as it seemed like a good idea, however when I uploaded the slides I didn't realise it was

going to be that short, I would like to create one where I can make it longer. I did use YouTube to help me with ideas, it help me

create inspiration and I got ideas through other YouTube users.

• I should have done more drafting to make sure that I had a wide variety of ideas. I only thought about the ideas and didn't write

them down or storyboard, which would have helped a lot, as I could plan it out a lot better and actually create an effective narrative.

I used someone to take the fries away one by one, while I took the photo‟s. This

made it a lot easier and quicker for me.

This is a very well known and symbolic shot for The

opening scene of Eastenders. It is a pan view that

zooms out on the river Thames, therefore, before the

programme starts, everyone knows where it is. It shows

the 02 arena, showing that it is regularly updated.

The soundtrack is so well known that even if they‟re in

another room and hear the “drums” they will know it‟s

Eastenders. The way the music sounds is also a key

way of telling the lifestyles of the characters, due to the

boring style of it, it indicates that the characters lifestyle

is quite dull and boring to, this is also indicated by the

dark, gray colours, the music is quite dull and not much

to it, there's only about 2 or 3 instruments.

Football, sporty child.

„surf dude‟ implying

that she is the mother

a boy.

Felt tips, hinting that

the child is young.

Clothes hanging on

the banister, showing

she is a busy woman.