Evalution part 3

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Pre-production stage The media institution film 4 played a big part in the planning and

research stage of my work as the brief stated that my production was for Film 4 and should fit into the British Social realism genre.

In this stage I tried to watch as many Film 4 film’s, that fit into the British Social Realism genre, as I could to find out how their films are usually constructed.

In my research stage I took notes on each of these films. I tried to work out who film 4 films are usually aimed at, what the institutions' production style and narrative is usually like and its representation of Britain and being British. I found that film 4 films are usually aimed at working class people and film 4 normally use unknown actors so that their films storylines are the most important aspect of the production. I found out that the dialogue in film four films does not usually help the narrative of the film progress and that many film 4 films narratives look at real life day to day issues, through characters from working class backgrounds. Such as, This is England and Four Lion. (Click RESEARCH INFORMATION link below PowerPoint for more research information I found on This is England).

From the note taking I took whilst watching film 4 films and researching these films on IMDb, I had a greater understanding of how to plan my production so that its style suited the British Social Realism genre and Film 4’s usual production style, whilst still remaining original.

Production stage Film 4 had a big impact on the production stage of my work as the

opening sequence needed to fit into the British Social Realism genre. Film 4 films helped me to do this, giving me ideas on what the mise-en-scene, sound and camera work of my production should be like, to enable it to fit into the genre.

Film 4 impacted on the mise-en-scene of my main characters house as, in my research, I found that British Social Realism films usually represent those from working class societies as having small, messy houses. This can be seen in films such as Looking for Eric, (top right). The picture here shows how small Eric’s room is and connotes his social standing through Eric having posters on the walls instead of paintings. Film 4 use these types mise-en-scenes regular in their films and have are a way of showing their characters class. To fit the brief I was giving, I stuck to how film 4 use the mise-en-scene to connote a characters class. The mise-en-scene of Eric’s bedroom also helps to show that Eric is interested in football. In a similar way to this, I used protest banners to help connote my main characters interest in politics.

This impacted on how I set out my character’s bedroom, which was messy and tried to give ideas to the audience as to what kind of person the character was through props, such as a lighter and protest banners.As I had found out that Film4 film’s mainly use unknown actors in their films so that the main focus of the film is on its narrative and not its actors, I did the same.

Distribution stage

As I tried to make my product in a similar style to Film 4’s, my product’s distribution strategy will be impacted in a similar way to Film’s Fours.

My production’s distribution will be impacted by this, because I tried to produce the film in a similar style to film 4 films. Due to controversial themes, such as questioning the government, my film may only be distributed in more liberal countries.

Due to the similarities between my production and other Film 4 productions, my film’s distributers may also be impacted. This is because it’s narrative about rebelling against the government may be seen as controversial, therefore mainstream distribution companies will be less likely to distributor the film, because the film may effects its reputation.

My distributors may also be companies such as Artificial Eye, MK2 Diffusion and SP Films, as these companies distributor films including Fish Tank which could be said to be similar to mine, as both of are films include similar themes, such as aspirations. In Fish Tank the theme of aspiration is explored through a young girl named Mia, the main character in the film. Mia aspires to get out of Dagenham and become a professional dancer. (See FISH TANK ANALYSIS link below PowerPoint for more information). This is similar to my film, as the theme of aspiration in ‘Heart Of The Left’ is explored through a young girl called Hayley, who is also the main character. Hayley aspires to go to university and make it possible for everybody who wants to go to university to have the opportunity to do so. The main aspiration of both Mia and Hayley is to achieve their goals, either of becoming a dancer or of changing the governments decision to increase university fees, in order to go to university.