Every body posture matter

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Your Body Language

Shapes who you are..

-Amy Cuddy

Every Posture matters

Be interested in people’s postures andtheir doings .

Non-Verbal Communication

Observe and respond to the postures of the person you are communicating with

Now what could communication Be ?

Communication isunderstanding the unspoken

Our non-verbals govern howother people think and feel about us.

It yourself

High Power poses

Low power poses

Our behaviour depends upon the way we use them


Involuntary Expressions

Students showingNon-verbal communicationBoys dominate

Success mantra

Fake it till you make it

Voluntary smile

-Feeling happy

Involuntary smile -May cause happiness

What would you do if you want To be powerfull?

Fake it till you make it.

According to her, powerfulPeople are….


2.Certain and Optimistic

3.Think abstractly

Physiologically speaking

Don’t let them feel you don’t Deserve to be there

Fake it till you become it

Have never say die spirit.

Just do it


->Maintain your posture because posture matters->Non-verbal communication->Observe people’s postures and accordingly respond->Our body postures change our minds and minds change our body postures->Fake it till you make it : the success mantra->Powerful people are “1.Confident2.Certain and optimistic3.Think abstractly

Created By Yovan SethiIIIT Allahabad

during an internship by Prof. Sameer Mathur

IIM Lucknowhttp://www.IIMInternship.com