Everything You Wanted to Know About Lake Levels But Were Afraid to Ask

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Everything You Wanted to Know About Lake Levels But Were Afraid to Ask. Public Information Meeting John P. McCulloch Oakland County Drain Commissioner. Today’s Discussion Topics. Lake levels Why they’re established Why lake levels fluctuate Available options Establish a new lake level - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Everything You Wanted to Know About Lake Levels But Were

Afraid to Ask

Public Information Meeting

John P. McCullochOakland County Drain Commissioner

Today’s Discussion Topics

Lake levels Why they’re established Why lake levels fluctuate

Available options Establish a new lake level Augmentation wells/pumps Do nothing

Historical Rainfall Data


Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec total2002 1.88 2.01 1.94 3.24 2.69 1.69 2.16 1.21 1.69 0.87 2.02 1.12 22.52

Year 2001 1.00 3.73 0.86 2.62 4.07 2.36 0.56 2.59 4.43 7.38 3.05 1.35 34.002000 1.52 1.79 1.19 3.03 4.86 6.74 5.02 3.09 6.7 1.69 1.38 2.7 39.711999 3.07 1.50 1.12 4.60 2.62 3.59 3.08 2.46 1.56 0.89 1.1 3.2 28.79

Data from Oakland County rain gauge #841 at Orchard Lake Village City Hall.

Causes of Water Loss

Jan-June evap33%

June-Oct evap43%



Why Levels Are Established

To provide the greatest public benefitTo protect public health, safety, welfareTo preserve the natural resourcesTo protect property values around the lake

Factors Impacting Lake Levels

Natural causes such as rain or snow meltDrought or excessive dry weatherAdjusting the height of the damsPumping water from another source

Existing Conditions

Orchard Lake Rain and surface runoff Augmentation pump (Cass Lake) Pine Lake overflow

Methods to Increase Lake Level at Orchard Lake

Establish new, normal lake level To capture more water in the spring

Construct augmentation well

Action Plan for Orchard Lake

Residents determine what steps to take They can decide to do nothing Whether they want a new normal level If they want to build an augmentation well

Initiate a study To show if it is feasible to raise the normal level To show whether augmentation well is feasible

Economic Impact for Orchard Lake

Cost of engineering study - $20,000 +Augmentation well costs - $500,000 +

Costs would be distributed among current lake level assessment district residents Approximately $81 per district parcel for the

study Approximately $2,016 per district parcel for the


Existing Conditions

Upper Straits Lake Level dependant on rain and surface runoff Currently no augmentation well/pump

Methods to Increase Upper Straits Lake Level

Establish new, normal lake level To capture more water in the spring

Construct augmentation wellAdd Upper Straits into augmentation pump

district with… Middle Straits Lower Straits

Action Plan for Upper Straits Lake

Residents determine what steps to take They can decide to do nothing Whether they want a new normal level If they want to build an augmentation well

Initiate a study To show if it is feasible to raise the normal level To show whether augmentation well is feasible To show whether Middle/Lower Straits augmentation

pump can accommodate the addition of Upper Straits

Economic Impact for Upper Straits Lake

Cost of engineering study - $20,000 +Augmentation well costs - $500,000 +

Costs would be distributed among current lake level assessment district residents Approximately $59 per district parcel for the

study Approximately $1,475 per district parcel for the


Existing Conditions

Middle & Lower Straits Lakes Level dependant on rain and surface runoff Level maintained by augmentation pump

From Huron River Currently experiencing no low level issues

For more information about lake levels please visit our web site
