Evolución de la comunicación en la ciudadanía digital en ingles

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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1. TheEvolution of communication inthe Digital citizenshipGnesis Agosto RomnZolimar Figueroa cruz 2. What is the communication?Effective communication is composed by: 3. Channel Cell Phones Computers Aplications 4. Advantages Is common to meet people Facilitate teachers work Business world 5. It is more than obvious that communicationhas evolved in recent years and all we haveadapted to it, from children to the adults.This renewal in the communication haspositively impacted the world. It promotesthe human being to be more sociable, itfacilitates the work and allows you to keepin touch with the whole world. 6. References Thompson, Ivan. (2008). Definicin de la comunicacin. Recuperadode http://www.promonegocios.net/comunicacion/definicion-comunicacion.html Mike S. Ribble, Gerald D. Bailey, y Tweed W. Ross. (2004-11-13).Ciudadana Digital. Recuperado dehttp://www.eduteka.org/CiudadaniaDigital.php