Evolution of java script libraries

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Evolution of JavaScript“ Java is to JavaScript as Car is to Carpet”

- Chris Heilmann

the early days of JavaScript

• a dynamic scripting language

• kind of quirky but lots of features.

• introduced by Netscape to have a language that can run client side code in a browser.

• has absolutely nothing to do with the Java language.

• they share similar syntax both derived from the "C" style of languages.

• Microsoft entered with their "compatible implementation" called "Jscript"

AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

• used to send data from client to server you would post a form or click a link with data. browser would then load a whole new page. effective but real fast and not real efficient.

• can use XML with AJAX but it's not required, and today very few do, most developers today just use JSON.

AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

• along came XMLHttpRequest, this allowed JavaScript to send and receive data in the background.

• using DHMTL along with AJAX allowed the script to only update portions of a page to reflect the new data.

• it took years for XMLHttpRequest to standardize across browsers to the point where it was widely used.

• first apps using cross browser Ajax Gmail (2004) and Google Maps (2005)

JSON - JavaScript Object Notation

• a text-based format for data exchange

• mechanism for encoding data as text

• similar to XML in a way that is readable by humans and parsable by computers

• more compact and lighter weight than XML

• has fewer features does not support things like meta-data or attributes.

• yahoo began to offer Web Services in JSON 2005

• Google started offering JSON feeds of GData web protocol in 2006

JQuery• a framework

• a DOM manipulation library

• circa 2006, an open source JavaScript library for client side development

• allows the developer to find and manipulate elements of document far easier than anything before

• smooth's over browser incompatibilities so that browser can be treated mostly the same.

• simplifies HTML document traversing

JQuery• JQuery's tag line is "Write Less Do More"

• Suddenly client-side code was small and concise and working in almost ever browser

• ability to reduce client-side code

• now worth the effort to start moving functionality from the server to the client

JQuery• One of the most successful and widely adopted libraries around

• Estimated by Wikipedia to be used by 65% of the 10,000 most visited web sites.

change the background color of a body tag


Function changeBackground(color){

Document.body.style.background = color;





Post JQuery - frameworks

• JQuery and AJAX let web developers do more with JavaScript, and generated a lot of new frameworks

• CoffeScript: a programming language that transcompiles to JavaScript

• large following in Ruby community

• CoffeeScript support is included in Ruby on Rails

Post JQuery - frameworks

• Frameworks: offers developers client-side MVC, templating and databinding on the client side.

• Knockout.js

• AngularJS

• JavaScriptMVC

• Backbone.js

• Ember.js

why use client-side MVC frameworks?

• It's all about balance.

• finding the right balance between server and client

• good candidates for use in SPA (single page applications)


• AngularJS• HTML binding expression baked-in

• Ember • uses Handlebars template engine, extension of Mustache.js

• Backbone• integrated with third party template default choice is Underscore

Angular templating example

In Angular when we reference template I would mean the view of the HTML enriched by the various Angular directives and the markup used for data binding (the expression in double curly braces {{}}).

We can go a step further and not only regard a whole HTML document as a template but also any HTML fragment, often referred to as partials.

templating example

an Angular template example to display the full name of every person in a simple list

<body ng-app="myApp">

<div ng-controller="PersonCtrl">

<div ng-repeat="person in persons">

{{person.last}}, {{person.first}} {{person.middle}}




popular community facts

Post JQuery - to the server

• Node.js

• a different animal entirely.

• server side application using JavaScript

• used to create lightweight HTTP server applications such as Web services that do support client-side code.

a little humor