Exam registration form: Stockholm Centre ... · Exam registration form: Stockholm Centre,...

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Exam registration form: Stockholm Centre, Folkuniversitetet, Sweden

1. Which exam do you want to take? Tick box: Date:

Cambridge English: First (FCE) Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)

Cambridge English: Business Vantage (BEC Vantage)

Cambridge English: Business Higher (BEC Higher)

Cambridge English: Legal (ILEC) 2. Your details First name(s) (Please write clearly: This is the name that will appear on your certificate)

Family name(s)

Full address (This is the address that your confirmation of entry and certificate will be sent to, please include postcode)

Email address Telephone number

Date of birth (day/month/year) Gender: Tick box

Male Female

Name of school/ institution where you are doing a Cambridge English exam preparation course

3. Do you have any special requirements? For example, modified materials for visual difficulties, or special requirements because of a medical condition. (Please contact the Centre Manager for further information)

4. I wish to be admitted for the selected Cambridge English examination at the centre listed on this form. By signing this form I declare I am aware of and agree to comply with the regulations for this examination and have read the Conditions of Entry provided by the centre.

Signature of candidate: Date:

Please return this form to the centre of registration along with the Candidate Declaration form

Important information concerning exam dates, enrolment and Conditions of Entry for examinations in Stockholm

January 2016 – June 2016 Schools and teachers who make entries on behalf of candidates have a responsibility to see that their students are informed about the conditions of entry.

Exam dates and closing dates for entries

Spring/summer 2016

Date of written exam Closing date for entries Cambridge English: First (FCE) Saturday 5th March Friday 22 January

Tuesday 7th June Friday 8 April

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Saturday 12th March Friday 29 January Saturday 23rd April Friday 11 March Saturday 21st May Friday 8 April Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) Saturday 5th March Friday 22 January Saturday 7th May - cancelled due to public holiday Kristi Himmelsfärdsdag

Thursday 9th June- extra date!* Friday 8 April

Cambridge English: Business Vantage (BEC V) Saturday 28th May Friday 8 April Cambridge English: Business Higher (BEC H) Tuesday 7th June Friday 22 April * The written exam will be held at Folkuniversitetet Uppsala due to student graduation in Stockholm.

Speaking tests Most speaking tests take place in the afternoon/early evening and are generally held in the weeks before the

written exam. You take the speaking test with another candidate and it lasts 15-20 minutes depending on the

level. You will be scheduled for a particular date and time which cannot be changed. If for any reason, you

cannot come to the appointed speaking time, please contact the Centre Manager as soon as possible. Any

changes made to re-arrange a time after a missed exam slot will be charged at 450:-.

Exam fees: All exams 2050:- (see page 2 for instructions on how to pay the fee)

Enrolment is binding after the closing dates above. Please note that you will not receive a

confirmation of your enrolment but only the exam notification by post with dates, times and

practical information approximately one month before the written exam. (Please note that this

will not be sent by email, so write your address clearly on the registration form)

(Please see next page for how to enrol and pay for an exam and the Conditions of Entry)

How to enrol for a Cambridge Exam

If you are enrolling as a private individual (your school is not enrolling you) there are two forms you need to fill in

and return:

1. The registration form found on the website or from your teacher. When you sign the form you agree to comply

with the rules and conditions of entry for Cambridge English exams at the Stockholm Centre.

2. The Candidate Declaration form where you give us permission to take a passport style photograph of you on the day of the speaking exam. This a Cambridge English requirement.

3. The exam fee needs to have reached us before the closing date of entry.

How to pay the exam fee The exam fee should be paid to Folkuniversitetet’s plusgiro account number 5 68 08-9. Please pay in good time, at least 3 days before the final date, as it takes some time for the payment verification to reach us. Your payment must contain:

- the name of the exam (e.g. CAE, BEC Vantage) - the name and date of birth of the person taking the exam

Remember that we will not be able to link an anonymous payment with your exam enrolment form. If you don’t have your own bank account you can pay in cash through a Forex foreign exchange office. Would you like us to invoice your employer for the exam fee? If you would like us to do so, we can send an invoice direct to your employer for your exam fee. In this case please send in your exam registration form as early as possible together with the following information:

- your employer’s company name, ‘organisationsnummer’ and invoicing address - telephone number to the company - reference name or order number which we should write on the invoice

Special arrangements

Please inform us if you need us to make special arrangements for you during the exam. This could be due to disability (for example hearing, visual or physical disability) or learning difficulty (for example dyslexia).You must inform us as soon as possible and before the entry deadline. We must have supporting letters/documents with the application and not afterwards. Please contact the Centre Manager for more information.

Conditions of Entry 1. You must take both the written and speaking tests during the same exam session and at the centre where you

enrolled. It is not possible to do any of the following: - to postpone one part of the exam to the next session - to postpone the whole exam to the next session - to do part of the exam at another centre - to change your enrolment to another exam after the final date for enrolment - to transfer your enrolment to another person

2. Your completed exam registration form and fee must have reached us by the closing date as stated above. Exam registrations for which we have not received fees will not be accepted. We reserve the right to cancel an exam if we do not have the minimum number of participants required by Cambridge. In this case you will be informed immediately after the closing date. 3. Your enrolment is binding after the closing dates given above. Cambridge English does not accept cancellations

and your money cannot be returned. However, if you are ill during the period of the exam, Folkuniversitetet will compensate you for part of the fees (900 kr) providing: - you have a doctor’s certificate covering the period of the exam - you have not taken part in any of the tests (if, for example, you have already taken the speaking test you will

not receive any compensation). Please note that you only receive an exam result if you complete all parts of the exam.

4. You are responsible for informing us if you change your address. We do not accept responsibility for any exam information, results or diplomas which have been lost due to inaccurate addresses.

Please send your completed exam enrolment to: Folkuniversitetet, Att Cambridge Centre Exams Manager, Box 6901, 102 39 Stockholm or scan and email both forms to lily.evans@folkuniversitetet.se

Candidate Declaration form Declaration to be completed by all individuals applying to take a Cambridge English exam and to be returned to Folkuniversitetet together with the exam registration form. If you are 18 years of age or over please fill in this section I wish to be admitted for a Cambridge English exam at the Stockholm Centre on the date I have given on my exam registration form/the date my school has registered me for. I will bring a valid photo ID with me on the test day, and I consent to have my photo taken by the centre on the day of the Speaking test. I agree for this photo to be held on the secure Cambridge English Language Assessment Results Verification site. The photo shall only be available to organisations/individuals that I give my details to or that I authorise to view my result. Additionally, if I use my exam result for a visa/immigration application I agree for the exam result to be available on other sites shown at http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/cambridge-english-for/visas-and-immigration/ By signing this form I declare that I am aware of and agree to comply with the rules and conditions of entry for the Cambridge English exams at the Stockholm centre. --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Signature of candidate Date --------------------------------------------------- Name of candidate (print)

If you are under 17 years of age or under, your parent/legal guardian must fill in this section I am the parent/legal guardian of the candidate named on this form and I give consent to this person to take the Cambridge English exam indicated on the accompanying exam registration form. The candidate will bring a valid photo ID on the test day, and I consent to them having their photo taken by the centre on the day of the Speaking test. I agree for this photo to be held on the secure Cambridge English Language Assessment Results Verification site. The photo shall only be available to organisations/individuals that I give the candidate’s details to or that I authorise to view the candidate’s result. Additionally, if the candidate is to use their exam result for a visa/immigration application I agree for the exam result to be available on other sites shown at http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/cambridge-english-for/visas-and-immigration/ By signing this form I declare that I am aware of and agree to comply with the rules and conditions of entry for the Cambridge English exams at the Stockholm centre. --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Signature of parent or guardian Date --------------------------------------------------- Name of candidate (print)