Examcorrectionsiceageii 130501060557-phpapp02

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Exam Corrections Ice Age II


Download this presentation in your notebookCorrect as many sentences as you can. There

is one incorrect sentence from each of youUpload it to the wiki again before the end of

the class.https://fluwiki.wikispaces.com/Error+correction+exerciseDo not forget to CHANGE THE TITLE: Write

the names of your group, and the members who worked in this

If someone was missing, or did not contribute, you should NOT write his/her name

Teacher tip

Remember you can use some of these sentences for your Learning Diary!


Error Correction Explanation

Ellie I like Mannie Ellie LikeS Mannie A sentence cannot have two subjects

The 3rd person singular needs an S in present simple

Error Correction Explanation

Paris Hilton is a girl very beautiful

Paris Hilton is a very beautiful girl.

Perquè els adjetius van davant

Error Correction Explanation

Sid it is a lazy Sid is a lazy Com que ya esta "Sid" que es el subjecte "it" no fa falta posar it .

Error Correction Explanation

Ice Age II to start when the ice “se descongela”

Ice Age II to start ed when the ice “se descongela”

la segona part s'ha de posar en pasat.

Error Correction Explanation

Ellie think she possums

Ellie think’s she possums

A la segona part falta el verb

Error Correction Explanation

Sid loves sing and talk too much

Sid loves singing and talking too much

la frase esta en present continious i a "sing" se li añadeiz -ing .

Error Correction Explanation

Diego, Mannie and Sid is good friend.

Diego, Mannie and Sid are good friend.

“friend” es singular i s'ha de fer al plural es a dir “friends”.

Error Correction Explanation

At first sight he is a lot of kind.

At first sight he is very kind.

Perquè “kind” es un adjectiu i sempre es posa “very”.

Error Correction Explanation

In the Ice Age II have a very characters.

In the Ice Age II have a lot of characters.

Perquè “lot of” es posa davant de un nom.

Error Correction Explanation

Manny search her herd.

Manny searches his herd

"Her" sutilitza per a les dones i Manny es un home..

Error Correction Explanation

I’m a prey of the love. I’m a prey of love. L’article sobra

Error Correction Explanation

Ellie she very confused

Ellie is very confused No te que haver dos sujectes.

Error Correction Explanation

You prefer either a ice cream or a rattle snakes.

You prefer either ice cream or rattle snakes.

Sobren les “ a” perquè nomes s’utilitzen per a els noms contables.

Error Correction Explanation

Either study english for next day or play PS3

Study english for nex day or play PS3

perquè either i next day es refereixen al mateix

Error Correction Explanation

Ellie she is shy and thinks that it is a possum

Ellie is shy and thinks that it is a possum

No te que haber dos sujectes.

Error Correction Explanation

Many is fat but and Ellie like.

Many is fat but Ellie likes

falta especificar que es el que li agrada.

Error Correction Explanation

Possums are heavies. The Possums are heavies.

es posa "the" per que no es refereix "possums" de la pelicula.

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I don’t eat junk food never

I don’t never eat junk food

‘never’ ya es una negació y no es necesita posar ‘don't’

Error Correction Explanation

Manny is a bad because not have family.

Manny is bad because he don’t have family

La preposició a no s'ha de posar y la segona part no necessita subjecte .

Error Correction Explanation

Mannie and Ellie they are very big

Mannie and Ellie are very big

la frase nomes nesesita un subjecte

Error Correction Explanation

Diego a fraid of water Diego afraid of water Perquè ‘afraid’ s’ha escriu junt

Error Correction Explanation

His friends are intelligents and not speak with he.

His intelligent friends do not speak with

Els adjectius van avans del nom.