
Post on 08-Mar-2016

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The Great WarToby Farmer

The Cause of World War 1

Unlike World War 2, the cause of the Great War was complicated, and was not the result of just one occurrence. Such prospects of imperialism, militarism and nationalism were pleasing to countries like Austria-Hungary and Germany. However, the immediate cause linked to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria-Hungary. The murder was performed by a Serbian nationalist, in protest to Austria-Hungary having control over this region. The consequence of this was Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia. After Russia decided to mobilise due to its alliance with Serbia, Germany declared war on Russia. Such disturbances triggered all those involved in the mutual defence alliances to intervene, thus breaking out in a first world war.

German soldier marching band

Serbian soldiers Russian soldiers

Franz Ferdinand, Former Archduke of Austria-Hungary

Nations Involved

✤ Allied Powers✤ Great Britain✤ France ✤ Russia

✤ Central Powers✤ Germany✤ Ottoman Empire✤ Austria-Hungary

...and 34 more

Definitions of War Terms

alliancenouna union or association formed for mutual benefit, esp. between countries or organisations: a defensive alliance between Australia and New Zealand | divisions within the alliance.• a relationship based on an affinity in interests, nature, or qualities: an alliance between medicine and morality.• a state of being joined or associated: his party is in alliance with the Greens.

militarismnoun chiefly derogatorythe belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.

imperialismnouna policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force: the struggle against imperialism | figurative : French ministers protested at US cultural imperialism.• chiefly historical rule by an emperor.

nationalismnounpatriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.• an extreme form of this, esp. marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries.• advocacy of political independence for a particular country.