Examples of Printing Bleed and Vector Logo | Penrose Creative Projects

Post on 26-May-2015

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Are you looking for examples of printing bleed and vector logo? visit Penrose Creative Projects and increase your knowledge about printing bleed and vector logo with examples.


Printing Bleed and

Vector Logo

Printing Bleed

Bleed is a printing term that refers to printing that goes beyond the edge of the sheet before trimming. In other words, the bleed is the area to be trimmed off. The bleed is the part on the side of a document that gives the printer a small amount of space to account for movement of the paper, and design inconsistencies.

what is printing bleed? If you ever request print design

like a business card or flyer, then chances are that you’ll be asked to include bleed or your designer

may ask you how much bleed your printer wants.  

Why is bleed important?When you get a design printed you want it printed right to the

edge, not with a border of white.  How this is done, is by allowing a little extra all around the edge and trimming it off later.  That

little extra is called bleed.

Why do I need a Vector of my Logo? What is a Vector?

A common request from us will be that we are provided with a Vector of your logo when we are working with your brand. It’s essential that we have one but the reason behind why is often a mystery for most.  Well it’s all about scaling, if we ever go to scale your logo up, 9/10 it’ll end up a pixilated mess and that reflects on your brand and business.  Vector logos aren’t made of pixels, they’re basically just made up of colours assigned to areas.  They can be blown up to the size of billboards or could cover the whole side of your building without distortion or pixilation.

To know more about Printing Bleed, visit: Printing Bleed

To know more about Vector logo, Visit

Penrose Creative Projects