Examples of TV Drama Conventions Used in Eastenders

Post on 18-May-2015

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Examples of TV Drama conventions used in EastendersBy Kirsty Steward

SettingFamiliar backdrops are used in Eastenders for example people’s homes, a café and a pub. This is so the audience can easily relate to the characters’ situations that occur in the particular locations. Characters’ homes are always present to give a more in depth, personal view into the characters’ lives and settings like the café and the pub are there to connote the social areas where all the characters can share experiences and be brought together as a community which is typically seen in the sub genre that is a soap opera.

NarrativeThere are usually many storylines within the dub genre that is soap opera. This can be seen in Eastenders as it follows many different character’s stories, mainly through the form of families.This is conventional as it allows the audience to experience similar situations as all the families are diverse so there is an opportunity for the audience to apply the fictional families’ affairs with their own.

CharactersKey characteristics are always identifiable with certain characters in soap operas. There are usually ‘good’ and ‘bad’ characters and an example can be seen with the picture on the right of Kat who is displaying more of ‘bad’ , vixen- like character.This is seen through the use of black clothing to connote a darker side to her which accompanies the amount of makeup she is wearing to try and make her appear as more appealing.This type of character is conventional as the audience will know they will be amidst of any trouble caused and be able to tell what type of situations they will find themselves in.

ThemesThe themes that appear in TV dramas are usually ones that are exaggerated, but realistic enough so that they are easily to relate to. This is evident in Eastenders where the two young male characters fight in a pub because of one of their girlfriends.The themes violence and relationships always appear in dramas as they are two things that audience are likely to experience or witness and conflict within dramas provides excitement and allows the audience so sympathise with a particular character/characters.

MusicAlthough dialogue is the main form of sound in the sub genre, ambience music is also present as seen in the link opposite. Chart radio music is conventional in soap operas as in places like pubs or family homes, it creates a modern feel as locations like those are rarely silent. So in effect, the ambience music makes the situations appear more realistic and make the situations less awkward for the audience as the ambience music usually adds to whatever theme is being portrayed.


CameraworkCamerawork that that is always seen in continuity editing is conventional and always present in dramas, for example in Eastenders one camerawork technique used is ‘shot reverse shot’. This is key in the genre as dialogue is the main form of sound therefore conversation between characters is always going to be apparent. Therefore the technique is conventional as it helps the audience follow the conversation clearly and feel as if they are in the character’s place.