Exceptions and side-effects in atomic blocks Tim Harris.

Post on 20-Dec-2015

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Exceptions and side-effectsin atomic blocks

Tim Harris

Atomic blocksvoid put(int val){ atomic (!this.full) { this.full = true; this.val = val; }}

int get(){ int result; atomic (this.full) { this.full = false; return this.val; }}

Basic syntax: ‘atomic (cond) { statements; }’ Block until the condition is true… …then execute the statements (doing

all this as a single atomic step) The statements can access fields &

local variables, invoke methods, instantiate objects etc.

Atomic blocks (ii)General principle in single-threaded


atomic (E) { S } behaves the same as {E;S} after blocking until a state in which E is

known to yield true The compiler and VM are responsible for making this

work well in multi-threaded systems:

first implementation used a software transactional memory

memory accesses in E and S remain thread-private

most non-conflicting operations can commit in parallel

Atomic blocks (iii)

A motivating (and stylized!) example:void serverLoop(ServerSocket s){ while (true) { Socket c = s.acceptConnection(); Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { atomic { dealWithClient(c); } } }}

Try to deal with non-conflicting client requests concurrently

If something goes wrong (e.g. client triggers DivisionByZero) then try to contain failure

atomic means “all or nothing”

Aborting atomic blocks

What about this code to move an object between collections:boolean move(Collection s, Collection d, Object o)


atomic {

if (!s.remove(o)) {

return false;

} else {

if (d.insert(o)) {

return true;

} else { ? }




Option I: put it back again

What if source rejects it too?

Conceptually read-only but underlying transaction is not

if (s.insert(o)) { return false;} else { ???}

Option II: abort the transaction

Should STM be exposed?

Does it prevent non-STM implementations?

STM.abort();return false;

Option III: use exceptions

Semantics don’t involve STM

Make AbError checked => don’t ordinarily need log for roll-back

throw new AbError();

throws AbError

Aborting atomic blocks (ii)

Here still be dragons:void badException() throws AbError {

atomic {

AbError e = new AbError() {

Object payload = new String(“Aborted atomic block“);


throw e;



try { badException(); } catch (AbError exn) { … }

Solution: propagated exception behaves as a deep-copy of the one thrown

“Allocated in …

External side-effects

Original implementation forbade native methods

Some I/O ‘lucky’ and absorbed by buffers

Want a more general solution – e.g. Full range of operations potentially available Controllable semantics, e.g. for debugging

or client/server example Appropriate level for buffering and

conflict detection

External side-effects (ii)

General model: Allow a customized library implementation (or

wrapper) to tell if it’s executed within an atomic block

Allow it to temporarily execute ‘global’ operations, e.g. to perform its own buffering of output associated with the block

Register call-backs to receive notification when the block is committed or aborted

Many similar problems to exception propagation: Code running outside the block mustn’t see

partial updates made within the block

Execution contexts

Execution contexts represent the views that different threads may have on the heap at the same time

Invariant: objects and stack frames can only hold references to objects in ‘more permanent’ contexts


Heap StackExecution outside atomic block

o3 Execution in specialized library

o1 o2 Execution within atomic block

External actionspublic class ExampleAction { static int x = 0;

static VoidExternalAction printX = new VoidExternalAction() { public void action(Context caller_context) { System.out.println (“x=“ + x); }};

static void increment_x() { atomic { x++; printX.doAction(); } printX.doAction(); }}

Combined examplevoid doCombinedUpdate(Connection conn,

int new_value, boolean do_commit) throws …

{ atomic { PreparedStatement pst; pst = conn.prepareStatement (“UPDATE TESTDATA “

“SET field = ? WHERE ID = 1“); pst.setInt(1, newValue); pst.executeUpdate(); shadow = new_value;

if (!do_commit) { throw new AbError (“Not committed“); } }}

Performance evaluation in a real application

Experiment with ‘external object’ abstraction Export and bind to in RPC-like style May make parameter passing mode more intuitive

Avoid problems of writing lots of wrappers

Static analysis for avoiding taking copies Parameters usually seem to be handed off to callee Result usually seems to be handed off to caller Allocate & initialise directly in target context

Future directions