Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOS ......Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated...

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INF3410 — Fall 2016

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics


Bias Current Steering (book 7.2)

CS, CG, and cascode configuration (book 7.3-7.5)

Improved Current Mirrors/Sources (book 7.6)

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 2


Bias Current Steering (book 7.2)

CS, CG, and cascode configuration (book 7.3-7.5)

Improved Current Mirrors/Sources (book 7.6)

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 3

CMOS Current Steering

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 4

Dynamic Input Currents, Current Amplifier

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 5


Bias Current Steering (book 7.2)

CS, CG, and cascode configuration (book 7.3-7.5)

Improved Current Mirrors/Sources (book 7.6)

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 6

Intrinsic Gain from Small Signal

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 7

Intrinsic Gain vs Bias Current

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 8

CS Amplifier with Current-Source Load

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 9

CS Amplifier Analysis

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 10

Home Assignment last week: Inverter SmallSignal Analysis

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 11

CG amplifier revisited

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 12

Rin of a CG amplifier

vx = (ix + gmvgs)ro + ixRLExcerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 13

Rout of a CG amplifier

vx = (ix − gmvgs)ro + ixRLExcerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 14

CS with source degeneration no RL

RO ≈ (1+ gmRS)ro

gm→ g′m =gm

1+ gmRsNo net-increase in gain!

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 15

CS with source degeneration with RL

Av = g′mRORL


≈ gmroRL

RL + (1+ gmRS)ro

... and more degradation to Av due toload RL!

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 16

Cascode Amplifier

Can be looked upon as a CS and CG in series where theCS serves as high quality voltage controlled currentsource delivering id ≈ gm1vi and the CG buffers thatcurrent to a high output resistance ≈ gm2ro2ro1.

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 17

Cascode Amplifier with Infinite LoadResistance

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 18

Folded Cascode with Infinite Load Resistance

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 19

Cascode Amplifier with Finite LoadResistance (1/2)

The load RL must be of equal magnitude as RO to getthe benefit of the increased gain AV! So here with asimple pFET we are back to square one.

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 20

Cascode Amplifier with Finite LoadResistance (2/2)

Better: employ a cascoded current source.

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 21


Bias Current Steering (book 7.2)

CS, CG, and cascode configuration (book 7.3-7.5)

Improved Current Mirrors/Sources (book 7.6)

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 22

Cascode Current Mirror

Increased output impedance, but quite a bit of outputvoltage headromm necessary ...

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 23

Modified Wilson MOS Current Mirror

Excerpt of Sedra/Smith Chapter 7: Integrated CMOSAmplifiers Basics 24

A CD-CS Amplifier

Larger bandwidth than simple CSamplifier (explained later in chapter 9).

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