Executive Branch

Post on 13-May-2015

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Executive BranchExecutive Branch

Executive Agencies3 point clue

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Head positions appointed by the president

Created by Congress to deal with specific areas of national and international affairs.

The heads of these agencies can be removed at any time by the president.

Chief of Staff3 point clue

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His or her duties originally were placed in the hands of the President’s private secretary

“Second- Most Powerful Man or Woman in Washington”

Highest ranking member of the Executive office of the President of the United States and a senior aide to the President.

Ad Hoc Structure3 point clue

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Used for a while by President Clinton

A way of organizing personal staff of the president

Task forces, committees, and informal groups of friends and advisers deal directly with the president

Gulf of Tonkin 3 point clue

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Passed August 7, 1964 and repealed by Congress in 1970

Joint Resolution, officially the Southeast Asia Resolution, Public Law 88-408

Gave US President LBJ authorization, without a formal declaration of war by Congress, for the use of military force in Southeast Asia

Lame Duck3 point clue

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Coined in 18th century at the London Stock Exchange, to refer to a broker who defaulted on his debts.

Known to cause last minute, “midnight regulations,” and executive orders. Dating back to the Judiciary Act of 1801.

The period between elections in November and the inauguration of officials early in the following year.

Executive Agreement3 point clue

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Does not require Senate approval

The Supreme court has held up their validity

Agreements that are made by the president and other heads of countries; under international and U.S. law they are as binding as a treaty

Pyramid Structure3 point clue

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Used by Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and later on Clinton

A way of organizing personal staff of the president

Most assistants report through a hierarchy to a chief of staff, who then deals directly with the president.

Representative3 point clue

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A president is meant to be a _______ for the people

A person who advocates someone else’s policy or purpose

A person who represents others

National Security Council

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Chaired by the President and largely free from congressional oversight.

Amended in 1949 and placed the Council under the Executive Office of the President.

President’s principal forum for considering national security and foreign policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet officials.

Circular Structure3 point clue

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Used by President Carter.

A way of organizing personal staff of the president

Cabinet secretaries and assistants report directly to the president.

Perks3 point clue

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These are considered to be non-wage compensations that are added in addition to salaries.

Fringe benefits of office that include limousines, expense accounts, free air travel, fancy offices, and staff assistants.

The real term is “perquisites”

Commander in Chief3 point clue

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Only one man has ever been “this” of the US armed forces without being president.

Outranks any military officer and has the inherent right to assume command in battlefield.

The president’s role in the US armed forces.

Delegate Model3 point clue

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Founded by Edmund Burke, a British philosopher.

An elected representative acts as a mouthpiece for the opinions of his or her constituents.

A model of representative democracy.

Bureaucracy3 point clue

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Social Security Administration, IRS, United States Postal Service.

“The Office”

The combined organizational structure, procedures, and set of regulations in place to manage activity.

OMB3 point clue

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Peter Orszag

It is a cabinet level office and is the largest within the Executive Office of the United States.

Stands for Office of Management and Budget

Secretaries3 point clue

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Hilary Rodham Clinton

Defense, state, and treasury.

Manages budges, does bookkeeping, maintains websites, and makes travel arrangements.

Hatch Act3 point clue

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Made it illegal for federal civil service employees to take an active part in political management or political campaigns.

Passed by Congress in 1939.

Senator Carl Hatch.

Iron Triangle3 point clue

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Ralph Pulitzer, January 17th 1919

Term used to describe the policy making relationship among the congressional committees, the bureaucracy and interest groups.

Congress, interest groups, bureaucracy

Issue Network3 point clue

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“This seeks to support the public interests, not private ones.

A network of people in Washington-based interest groups, on congressional staffs, and in the mass media, who regularly discuss and advocate public policies.

Talks about health care and auto safety regularly.

Line Item Veto3 point clue

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Was granted to the President of the Confederate States when the Civil War broke out.

This power is held mostly by the governors in the US.

The power of an executive to veto some provisions in an appropriations bill while approving others.

Divided Government3 point clue

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This results because of separation of powers in the U.S political system

When Clinton was president, this was the form of government that took place

A situation in which one party controls the white house and another controls one or both houses of congress

Cabinet3 point clue

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Established in Article II, section 2 of the Constitution

Are next in line for presidency if Secretary of State is killed

Secretary of agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Education, heath and human services, Labor, Transportation, etc.

Unified Government3 point clue

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“ end of gridlock”

This type of government allows for political parties to more easily accomplish their party objectives

When the same party controls the presidency and congress

Veto Message3 point clue

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President Jackson wrote one regarding the Bank of the United States- July 10,1832

It accompanies a veto

A document or message giving the reasons of the executive for rejecting a bill

Impeachment3 point clue

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Article I, sections 2 and 3Articles II, section 4

Andrew Johnson and William J. Clinton

A process that is used to charge, try, and remove public officials for misconduct while in office

Impoundment3 point clue

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Budget Reform Act of 1974 was put into play because of this

Ex- Truman did not spend all the money congress gave to spend on armed forces. Johnson didn’t spend all that congress gave for highway construction

The refusal of the president to spend money that has been appropriated by the U.S congress

War Powers Act 3 point clue

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I Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush the younger sent troops in foreign land without regard to this

Passed by Congress over President Nixon’s veto

Tried to place restrictions on the president’s ability to use military force

Legislative Veto 3 point clue

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Naturalization Service v. Chadha, declared this practice a violation of the separation of powers doctrine

Authorized by the Reorganization Act of 1939

Refers to the repeal by Congress of Federal agency or presidential actions

Pocket Veto 3 point clue

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Article I, Section 7

President Coolidge committed this when he was presented with a bill from native tribes to claim loss of tribal lands- and he ignored it

When the president fails to sign a bill within the 10 days

Electoral College3 point clue

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No Senator, Representative , or any person holding an office of trust under the U.S , can hold this position

538 Electors

The real electors of the president