Exercise Bingo -2 · 2020-05-15 · 28 26 You can play exercise bingo in two ways: 1 15 10 14 9 30...

Post on 14-Aug-2020

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1 15 10 14

28 9 30 12

26 19 21 5

11 26 7 4

What you require to play exercise bingo • A clear space you can move around in without hitting anyting (Garden/Living room). • A random number generator app (if you do not have access to an app, write all the numbers from 1 to 30 on a bit of paper then cut each number up indiviudally and place

them in a cup). • A bingo card – divide a blank piece of paper into 16 boxes, and pick 16 numbers

between 1 and 30. An example can be seen below. • Stop Watch – This can be a phone or a stop watch

Exercise bingo card example

How to play exercise bingo You can play exercise bingo in two ways:

1 – If your number is called out (either on the number generator or from your handmade numbers) you have to complete the exercises below. 2 – If you don’t have the number which has been called out then you have to complete the exercise. Please see the breakdown steps if you are unsure of any of the exercises beside the numbers. Please make sure you warm up before and cool down after playing exercise bingo.

1 – Low Plank * 2 - Squats 3 – Dips 4 – Sit ups 5 – Tuck Jumps*

6 - Burpees 7 – Push Ups 8 – Star Jumps* 9 – V-sits 10 - Lunges 11 – Russian Twist

12 – High Knees*

13 – Mountain Climbers*

14 – Jumping Lunges

15 – High plank/low plank

16 – Hand Walk outs

17 – Low Plank* 18 - Squats 19 - Dips 20 – Sit ups

21 – Tuck Jumps* 22 - Burpees 23 – Push Ups 24 – Star Jumps* 25 – V-sits

26 - Lunges 27 – Russian Twist

28 – High knees* 29 – Mountain Climbers*

30 – Jumping Lunges

Please see the below a table which will provide an exercise per number. How many reps should I do per exercise?

Under 12s – 6/8 reps Over 12 – 10/12reps

If the exercises have a Star * next to it then the excerise has to be completed against time (20 seconds)

Low Plank Step 1: Position your elbows directly beneath your shoulders Step 2: Make and maintain a straight body line from head to heels Step 3: Squeeze your butt and the front of your thighs Step 4: Brace your abs like you’re going to take a punch

High Plank/ Low Plank

Step 1: Straight in a high plank position, position your hands directly below your shoulders, making sure that you maintain a straight body. Step 2: Start to bend your right so that your elbow is on the floor whilst keeping your arm straight, once your right elbow is on the group, you can then bend you left elbow to the floor Step 3: Pause for a few seconds before straightening your right arm the left arm to return to a high plank. repeat all the steps

Hand Walk Outs Step 1: Stand with your feet hip width apart and bent at the waist so that you are able to place your hands or figure tips on the floor Step 2: With your legs as straight as possible, start to walk your hands forward on the floor. Step 3: Once you are in or near to a plank position start to walk your hands back to your feet, to repeat the process

Dips You can use a chair or stairs to complete this exercise Step 1: Make sure that your hands are hugging on the edge of a chair or step. Your fingers should be pointing towards your feet Step 2: Your legs should be extended, and your feet should be shoulder width apart Step 3: Push into your palms to lift your body up. Lower yourself until your elbows are bent between 45 and 90 degrees. Step 4: Slowly push yourself back up to the start position

Burpees Step 1: Start in a standing position, feet shoulder width apart Step 2: Lower your hands to the floor in front of you so that they are just inside your feet Step 3: Place your weight on your hands, kick your feet back so your body weight is on your hands and toes (plank position) Step 4: Frog jump your feet into your chest then stand up and repeat

Push Ups Step 1: Get down on all fours, placing your hands slightly wider than your shoulders Step 2: Straighten your arms and legs Step 3: Lower your body until your chest is nearly touching the floor Step 4: Pause, the push back up to the starting position

V – Sits Step 1: Begin by lying down on the floor with your legs straight Step2: Contact your core muscles and lift your legs up off the floor, whilst lifting your arms up to touch your toes. Step 3: Hold this V-Shaped position for a few seconds, then slowly return to the straighten position

Mountain Climbers Step 1: Place both hands and knees on the floor Step 2: Place your right foot near your right hand whilst your left leg is extended behind you Step 3: In one motion, switch your legs and keep your arms in the same position Step 4: Repeat this motion

Squats Step 1: Set your feet shoulder width apart, toes slightly turned out. Pull in your lower abs, and keep your eyes forward Step 2: Slowly bend at the knees and drop your hips to lower your body. Keep your heels flat on the floor. Step 3: At the bottom of the exercise take a short pause, strongly push back up to the starting position.

Sit Ups Step 1: Lie down on your back. Bend your legs and place them your feet firmly on the ground. Cross your hands to opposite shoulder over your chest. Step 2: Curl your upper body all the way up so that your elbows touch your knees. Exhale as you lift Step 2: Slowly, lower yourself back down and retuning to the starting position, inhale as you lower back down

Russian Twist You can add. Extra weight to make it harder (tins, water bottles etc) Step 1: Sit on the floor with your feet out in front of you at 90 degrees with your knees slightly bent, your feet should still be on the floor Step 2: Lean your torso back (bend at your waist). Make sure that your chin is up and your torso is strong and straight Step 3: Breathe in, as your breath out slowly twist your torso to one side, keeping your arms in line with your torso. Step 4: Breathe in as you move back to the centre, then repeat on the other side.

High Knees Step 1: Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart Step 2: Quickly drive one knee up roughly to at the height of your belly button, then bring the same leg back to the ground immediately before driving the opposite leg up Step 3: As you are alternating knees, try and get into a hopping motion with staying on the balls of your feet

Tuck Jumps Step 1: Start with your feet shoulder width apart Step 2: Drop your butt back and down Step 3: Drive your arms up and push off the floor Step 4: Lift your knees up towards your chest Step 5: Bend your knees as you land

Star Jumps Step 1: Stand upright with your feet together and your hands by your side Step 2: Bend your knees slightly, and jump into the air Step 3: As you jump, spread your legs to about shoulder-width apart as well as moving your arms over your head Step 4: Jump back to the starting position then repeat

Lunges Step 1: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart Step 2: Take a large step forward with one leg Step 3: Keep the majority of your weight on your front foot as you lower your hips, make sure your feet are facing forward Step 4: Bent at the knee so that your rear knee is almost touching the floor

Jumping Lunges Step 1: Prepare to jump by bending your knees and sinking down into a deep lunge. Step 2: Sink your weight down before explosively driving both feet into the floor to launch your body upwards Step 3: As you jump into the air, bring your feet quickly together and switch position as you land Step 4: As you land, maintain your balance and bend your knees

Make sure you let us know how you get on by using our #SCAKids on instagram or facebook