Exercise For beginners - lower body

Post on 18-Feb-2017

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Lower Body



This booklet is designed for a beginning exerciser who wants to start off with a general exercise program.

Complete 15-20 repetitions of each exercise

Complete 2 sets of the each exercise

Rest as needed between sets (30-90 seconds)

Be sure to go through full range of motion for exercises

Adjust any machines to fit your body

-Set seat at notch that has your legs bent close to a 90 degree angle.

-Feet should be high enough on platform so that your knees are over your ankles.

Life Fitness Leg


-Adjust seat notch to where your knees are in alignment with the red dot mark on the machine.

-Adjust pad roller height so that the pad is at mid shin.

Life Fitness Leg


-Adjust seat notch to where your knees are in alignment with the red dot mark on the machine.

-Adjust leg starting height according to your comfort and flexibility

-Adjust pad roller height so that the pad is at lower-mid calf.

-Be sure that top pad is locked all the way down on your thigh.

Life Fitness

Seated Leg Curl

-Feet should be shoulder width apart on platform.

-Ankles should be lined up directly under knees and knees should never pass toes.

-Stand up straight to unlock the lever up top.

Nebula Squat

-Place feet shoulder width apart on lower bar.

-Only the balls of your feet should be resting on lower bar.

-Push through your toes to lift the pads up and release the lever.

Seated Calf


-Place heels and mid calf on stability ball.

-Hands should be placed by sides.

-Perform a bridge by lifting hips in the air and curl the stability ball towards you and then back out.

Stability Ball

Hamstring Curl

-Lower the cable pulley to the bottom with a leg

strap attached.

-Stand sideways next to the pulley and place outside leg into the attachment.

-Stand up straight, & hold on if needed, and bring leg out to your side as far as you are able and then back.

-Turn around to repeat for other side.

Cable Machine

Leg Abduction

-Lie on back with knees bent and feet flat on floor.

-Place hands on either side of head.

-Perform a crunch by lifting head and shoulders off of floor and back down.



-Lie on back with knees bent and feet flat on floor.

-Cross one ankle over the opposite knee.

-Place hands on either side of head.

-Perform a cross crunch by bringing opposite elbow towards knee and back down.

Abdominal Cross


-Lie on back with knees bent at 90 degrees in the air.

-Hands should be placed by your sides.

-Perform a reverse crunch by brining knees towards chest and straightening out legs (bottom will lift up off the floor) and then back down.


Reverse Crunch