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Vienna, September 2015

Curated by Johann Eibl, Othmar Förster, Winfried F. Pickl Layout by Barbara Biegl, www.biegl-grafik.at

Photo material kindly provided by Österreichische Nationalbibliothek and Josephinum - Medizinische Sammlungen

CONTENTINTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

THE FOUNDERSMaximilian von Gruber . . . . . . . . . . 4Richard Paltauf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Serotherapeutisches Institut, Wien . . 7

IMMUNOCHEMISTRYKarl Landsteiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Ernst Peter Pick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Friedrich Obermayer . . . . . . . . . . . 19Robert Doerr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Anna Mona Spiegel-Adolf . . . . . . . 22

SEROLOGY AND VACCINOLOGYRudolf Kraus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Ernst Löwenstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Michael von Eisler (Eisler-Terramare) . . 28

CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGYClemens von Pirquet . . . . . . . . . . . 30Béla Schick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Julius Donath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35Paul Moser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Anton Elschnig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

IMMUNOLOGY IN VIENNA IN THE 21ST CENTURYEPILOGUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38CePII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Medical University of Vienna IRC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42CeMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Vetmeduni Vienna . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

IMMUNOLOGY AROUND VIENNA IN THE 21ST CENTURYIST Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

IMMUNOLOGY IN VIENNA LINKED TO INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL SOCIETIESEFIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47IUIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48ÖGAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50


The advent of modern immunology is usually attributed to Edward Jenner, the British physician who at the turn of the 18th to the 19th century introduced the application of cowpox (vaccinia virus) to protect people from smallpox (variola), a procedure henceforth called vaccination.

Attempts to save people from a deadly infection with pox virus by inoculating them with pus from individuals suffering from a mild form of the disease are dating back to Chinese medicine before Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, wife of a Brit-ish ambassador to Turkey, became famous for advocating this procedure and introducing it to the United Kingdom.

Although it met with great criticism, King George III, after a good degree of safety was documented by the “Royal Experiment” i.e. the successful inoculation of criminals who volunteered for it to be pardoned, had his children vario-lated by the famous physician Jan Ingenhousz.

Half a century later, Empress Maria Theresia of Austria allowed this procedure to be performed on four of her chil-dren with success.

This procedure was also used in other European countries and in America, but was associated with many adverse effects and even death of some of the inoculated indi-viduals. In 1796, Jenner used cowpox virus isolated from a dairymaid who had fresh cowpox lesions on her hands and arms and successfully inoculated a boy. Vaccination with cowpox virus had fewer side effects and was a real breakthrough.




After the French chemist Louis Pasteur successfully pro-tected humans against rabies by inoculating them with an attenuated variety of lyssa virus, the idea of protection (termed “vaccination” [from lat. vacca - cow] by Pasteur to memorize Jenner’s original experiments with cowpox) against infectious disease spread quickly throughout Europe. Johann Peter Frank introduced vaccination for the general population in Vienna in the year 1802, ranking Vienna first among large cities with a vaccination program.

The identification of the causative organisms by the Ger-man medical practitioner Robert Koch – first Anthrax, later Tuberculosis – brought a great stimulus to this field of research. When it became clear that the protection against infectious disease or its toxic complications could be transferred by serum of individuals who had overcome the disease or were vaccinated against it, the door was open for widespread application of serum of immunized animals, introduced by Emil von Behring, a German army physician and his Japa-nese coworker Shibasaburo Kitasato.

Most of this progress was made during the last two dec-ades of the 19th century and led to the establishment of many research centers that studied infections, their treat-ment and prophylaxis throughout Europe, also in Vienna, then capital of the large Austrian-Hungarian Empire.

Some of the outstanding Austrian immunologists of that time will be commemorated here.


Maximilian von Gruber was born in Vienna in 1853. In 1876, he obtained a doctoral degree in medicine from the Uni-versity of Vienna. Furthermore, studies of chemistry, biology, and physiology followed. In 1882, he received his habilita-tion from the Institute of Hygiene at the University of Vienna. In 1884, he became associate professor and head of the Institute of Hygiene in Graz. He was appointed associate professor at the University of Vienna in 1887. In 1891, he became full professor of hygiene and head of the Institute of Hygiene at the University of Vienna.

In 1896, von Gruber and his assistants Durham and Grün-baum from Great Britain discovered the agglutination of bacteria by specific animal immune sera. Laboratory ani-mals immunized with suspensions of bacteria from specific species form agglutinins in their blood, which are present in the serum of the immunized animals and when com-bined with the bacterial suspension, cause the bacteria to aggregate. This agglutination reaction could now also be used for diagnostic purposes, and von Gruber and his assistants demonstrated this in a few patients. They did not have access to a greater number of patient sera, gastroin-testinal infections having been dramatically reduced in the Viennese population since the Mountain Spring Pipeline was put into operation.

* on July 6, 1853 in Vienna, Austria † on September 16, 1927 in Berchtesgaden, Germany

THE FOUNDERSMaximilian von Gruber




Fernand Widal in Paris, who discovered the agglutina-tion reaction almost simultaneously, had a great number of patient sera and was in a better position to prove the diagnostic value of the agglutination reaction. Poor work-ing conditions and differences of opinion with authorities caused von Gruber to leave Vienna in 1898 and to work in different laboratories, including the Jenner Institute in Great Britain under the leadership of Lister.

In 1902, von Gruber was offered the directorship of the Institute of Hygiene at the University of Munich, which he accepted.

Von Gruber and Pirquet heavily contradicted the side chain theory of Paul Ehrlich to explain certain immunologic reactions and a heated debate ensued between support-ers and opponents of Ehrlich’s theory. In the same year, von Gruber became a member of the Academy of Sciences in Vienna and Munich.

On his 70th birthday, in 1923, von Gruber retired from the Institute of Hygiene.


In 1880 Richard Paltauf received his medical doctorate at the University of Graz, and from 1881 to 1883 was an assis-tant to the pathologist Hans Kundrat (1845-1893) in Graz.

Afterwards, he remained as Kundrat’s assistant at the Uni-versity of Vienna, where in 1888 he obtained his habilitation to teach in pathological anatomy.

In 1892, he became associate professor of general pathol-ogy and pathological histology, and during the following year was promoted to head of the Institute of Pathological Histology and Bacteriology at the Vienna "Rudolfstiftung" hospital.

From 1900 until his death in 1924 he was serving as a full professor of general and experimental pathology at the University of Vienna Medical School.

Although Paltaufs focus of research was mainly patho-logical anatomy and histology – e. g. together with Carl Sternberg he described the typical giant cells in lym-phogranulomatosis, the so called “Paltauf-Sternberg-Reed Cells” – he was an avid promoter of immunology, serology and bacteriology.

He founded the Serotherapeutic Institute for the produc-tion of antisera against diphtheria and tetanus toxins, where many famous immunologists (Rudolf Kraus, Ernst Peter Pick, Michael Eisler von Terramare and others) per-formed their studies, as well as an institution for vaccination against rabies.

* on February 9, 1858 in Judenburg, Styria, Austria † on April 21, 1924 in Vienna, Austria

THE FOUNDERSRichard Paltauf




1883/84 Klebs discovers bacilli in croup membranes from children with diphtheria, and Löffler recognizes that they are the causative agents of diphtheria.

1887/88 Kolisko and Paltauf in Vienna detect a dermo-necrotic toxin in the culture filtrate of diphtheria bacilli. Almost simultaneously, Roux and Yersin in Paris show that the culture filtrate is lethal in animals.

1890 Von Behring immunizes laboratory animals and horses with culture filtrates of diphtheria and tetanus bacilli, resulting in protection of the animals from the respective disease. Sera of immunized animals are shown to protect other animals from the effect of the toxins.

1891 Von Behring obtains a curative serum against diphtheria toxin from immunized horses for human use.

1893 Roux reports on the therapeutic effect of von Behring’s curative serum in humans.

Children are treated with von Behring’s curative anti-diphtheria toxin serum for the first time by Widerhofer at St. Anna’s Kinderspital in Vienna.

1894 Von Behring and Ehrlich report on the production and control of, and treatment with, a curative diphtheria serum at the 60th Meeting of Naturforscher und Ärzte in Vienna. Paltauf, then pathologist in chief of the Rudolfsspital in Vienna, claims that the production of curative horse sera for human use in Austria is not only a humanitarian obligation, but is also mandated in the interest of public health.


Serotherapeutisches Institut, Wien




Widerhofer, then head of the St. Anna Kinderspital, convinces parliament to call upon the government for the production and control of the curative serum for the treatment of diphtheria.

Paltauf immunizes the first three horses in Austria, thus initiating a project for the production of curative diphtheria sera in Austria. The project is funded by an anonymous donation of 10,000 guilders and a state loan of 30,000 guilders.

At a meeting of the College of Physicians on December 21, 1894, twenty bottles of the curative diphtheria serum produced in Vienna are handed over to Widerhofer.

1895 Paltauf and Kretz, pathologist in chief at the Franz Joseph Spital as his deputy, are authorized to increase the production of curative diphtheria serum. For that purpose, the horse stables and laboratories on the premises of the Kaiser Franz Joseph Spital are extended.

1899 Production facilities for the curative diphtheria serum on the premises of the Franz Joseph Spital are further expanded.

1902 The Staatliches Serotherapeutisches Institut is first mentioned. Additional facilities are procured.

1908 The Serotherapeutisches Institut expands into laboratories and offices of the new Hygieneinstitut. Paltauf succeeds in having several scientists to join his team. Attempts are made to produce sera and vaccines for the immunization of horses against other infectious diseases.

1909 Löwenstein in Germany succeeds in detoxifying tetanus toxin by formaldehyde and red light while preserving its immunogenic properties and joins the Serotherapeutisches Institute in 1910.


1911 Eisler and Löwenstein show that this toxin inactivation is not a photodynamic process. Rather, that it is the action of formaldehyde and heat.

1914 The demand for curative sera for tetanus increases dramatically, but can be met completely, formol toxoid allowing for rapid and safe immunization of horses. Paltauf is appointed Surgeon General.

1915 Paltauf reports at the College of Physicians that his assistants Eisler and Löwenstein started immunizing solders of the K u. K army with formol toxoid.

1919 At the end of the First World War, and after the collapse of the monarchy, the Serotherapeutisches Institut deteriorates and Paltauf considers leasing it.

1923 The Council of Ministers assents to the leasing proposal.

1924 The Serotherapeutisches Institut is leased to the Austrian subsidiary of the Hungarian Serum Union, Budapest.

Paltauf dies of lung cancer a few months thereafter.

Kraus and Pribam are appointed his successors as co-heads of the Serotherapeutisches Institut.

1926 Pribam accepts a call by the University of Chicago and leaves. Kraus stays in his position as chief of the Serotherapeutisches Institut.

1928 The Serotherapeutische Institut produces human measles convalescent serum for the prophylaxis and mitigation of measles.

1929 Kraus resigns due to major difficulties encountered in the transformation of the Serotherapeutisches Institut into a commercial enterprise.

He accepts a call for a position at the National Institute for Bacteriology in Santiago, Chile and dies a few years later.




The best known figure worldwide is certainly Karl Land-steiner, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1930 for his discovery of human blood groups 30 years before. He himself considered this as one of his minor achievements and he thought that his work on the specificity of antibodies was much more important.

As a real universalist he had widespread interests in the whole field of immunology and infectious diseases. He was of outstanding intelligence and accuracy in his work, draw-ing sharp and correct conclusions.

He had several “firsts” of ever-lasting significance in his scientific carrier.

• 1901: the human ABO blood group system

• 1904: the first autoantibody (together with Julius Donath)

• 1909: transmission of poliomyelitis to monkeys (together with Erwin Popper)

• 1921: introduction of the term “hapten” for small chemical compounds which induced formation of specific antibodies in injected animals when covalently coupled to proteins (carriers) but not immunogenic when applied as single molecules.

• 1927: the MNP blood groups

• 1940: the Rhesus blood groups (together with Alexander S. Wiener)

* on June 14, 1868 in Baden near Vienna, Austria † on June 26, 1943 in New York, USA





Karl Landsteiner was born in Baden by Vienna on June 14, 1868. He studied medicine at the University of Vienna and graduated in 1891. His interest in basic science drove him to get profound training in chemistry and he worked in the institutes of outstanding chemists. He attended lectures held by Eugen von Bamberger in Munich, worked at the institute of Arthur Hantzsch in Zürich and together with Emil Fischer, the later Nobel laureate, in Würzburg.

In 1894, he returned to Vienna where he first joined the department of surgery, headed by Eduard Albert, and in 1896 he entered the Institute of Hygiene, the head of which was Max von Gruber at the time, a great bacteriologist and immunologist, discoverer of the agglutination phenome-non of bacteria by specific antisera. This was probably the point where Landsteiners interest in immunology began.

Two years later, in 1898, he moved to the Institute of Pathological Anatomy under the directorship of Anton Weichselbaum. Weichselbaum was a strong supporter of Landsteiner and provided him with a small laboratory for his scientific studies.

There he started investigations on the agglutination of erythrocytes from various species, including man, by human blood serum from healthy individuals.


In continuation of these studies he published a paper one year later, which showed that blood from human beings could be divided into three groups, which he named A, B, and C: erythrocytes from group A were agglutinated by sera from group B and C, but not from group A, erythro-cytes from group B were agglutinated by sera from group A and C, but not from group B, and erythrocytes from group C were not agglutinated by any sera.

This was the first description of human blood groups.

Tables I and II: + = agglutination, – = no agglutination from: Karl Landsteiner: Über Agglutinationserscheinungen normalen menschlichen Blutes. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. Wien 1901




In the following year, 1902, his colleagues Alfred von Decas-tello and Adriano Sturli completed his work by showing a fourth, rather rare group, erythrocytes of which were agglu-tinated by sera from groups A, B and C.

This rare group was later named AB.

Surprisingly, almost 6 years elapsed until the first success-ful blood transfusion was performed which was based on matching the blood type of the donor to that of the recipi-ent according to Landsteiner’s blood groups by Reuben Ottenberg at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.

In 1910, Emil von Dungern and Ludwik Hirszfeld in Zurich renamed group C into group O and suggested that the blood groups may be inherited as dominant traits in a Men-delian fashion.

In 1904, Landsteiner and Julius Donath performed studies about the pathogenesis of paroxysmal cold hemoglobi-nuria, a disease which was occasionally associated with syphilis – a rather common infection during these times. They could show that hemolysis was due to the binding of antibodies to the body’s own erythrocytes at low tem-peratures and their lysis by complement after raising the temperature to normal body levels, therefore the condition was also called “cold hemoglobinuria”. (Donath – Land-steiner antibodies, see below).

This was the first demonstration of autoimmunity, thereby contradicting the axioma of Paul Ehrlich of the “horror autotoxicus”, which was prevailing at that time.

Landsteiner was also engaged in studies about syphilis. He was first to show that living Spirochaeta pallida could be watched by the newly developed dark-field microscope technique.


In 1907, he published a paper together with R. Müller and O. Pötzl, demonstrating that the Wassermann reaction, a complement fixation test used to diagnose syphilis, was not caused by antibodies to spirochete antigen as thought previously, but to an ubiquitous lipid antigen, which was found in many organ extracts from non-syphilitic individuals and also from bovine heart and, therefore, was not specific for syphilis.

In 1908, Landsteiner was appointed prosector (pathologist) at the Wilhelminen Hospital in Vienna, and in 1911 he also became professor of pathological anatomy at the Univer-sity of Vienna.

In 1909, he published a paper (together with Erwin Pop-per) in which he reported the transmission of poliomyelitis to monkeys by injecting them with spinal fluid from children suffering from this disease. This was the proof that poliomy-elitis was caused by an infectious agent (virus).

During his time at the Wilhelminenspital – stimulated by ear-lier observations on chemically modified proteins by Ernst Peter Pick and Friedrich Obermayer (see below) – he also performed studies on the antigenicity of proteins, which had been coupled by diazotation to simple chemical compounds, like benzene derivatives, - so called azo-proteins - and the specificity of antibodies obtained by injecting them into rabbits. Together with his coworker H. Lampl he showed, that these antibodies reacted not only with the immunizing antigen, but also with other azopro-teins in which the same chemical compound was coupled to an unrelated protein.

The reactions could be blocked by the free compound, i.e. the antisera contained antibodies specific for the simple structure.


In contrast to Obermayer and Pick they could show, that they also reacted in varying degree with the protein used for the conjugation. This technique allowed them to define cross reactivity of antibodies to structurally closely related substances. Later, in 1921 – when he was already in the Netherlands – he suggested the term “hapten” for those simple compounds, which did not evoke an immune response when injected as such into an animal, but did so when coupled to a protein (“carrier”), a terminology which is still used today.

From: Pauline M. H. Mazumdar: SPECIES and SPECIFICITY: An Interpretation of the History of Immunology. Cambridge University Press 1995.


After the end of World War I economic but also political conditions in Austria became increasingly worse as did the opportunities to perform good research. Therefore, in 1919 Landsteiner accepted a position as a pathologist in a private hospital in Den Haag, The Netherlands. Although at this place the research opportunities were limited, he completed 12 publications during this time.

In 1923, he accepted an invitation by Simon Flexner to join the Rockefeller Institute in New York.

This position provided him with an appropriate environment to continue his research. His outstanding intelligence, scru-tiny and enthusiasm inspired many well-known scientists as his coworkers, amongst them Merril W. Chase who, together with Landsteiner, was first to show that delayed hypersensi-tivity could be transferred by living white blood cells, Philipp Levine, with whom he detected the new blood groups M, N and P and who proved the role of the Rhesus-factor in the pathogenesis of fetal erythroblastosis, and Alexander S. Wiener, with whom he described the agglutination of cer-tain human erythrocytes by antisera against erythrocytes of Rhesus monkeys – i.e. the detection of the Rhesus-factor system.

Landsteiner’s research during this time focused mainly on the specificity of serological reactions by using hapten-protein conjugates, on the role of lipids in the antigenicity of lipoproteins, on the antigenicity of erythrocytes of vari-ous species, culminating in the description of new human blood groups (MNP, Rhesus) as mentioned above. He also performed work on anaphylaxis towards azoproteins and on delayed hypersensitivity as well as on carcinogenesis.

On June 24, 1943, Landsteiner had a heart attack while working in his laboratory and died two days later, on June 26, 1943.




Ernst Peter Pick* on May 18, 1872 in Jaromer, Bohemia † on January 15, 1960 in New York, USA

Pick was born on the 18th of May, 1872 in a Jaromer, Bohe-mia, which at that time was part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. He studied medicine at the University of Prague and after his graduation in 1896 got training in biological chemistry at the institute of the well-known protein chemist Franz Hofmeister in Straßburg (“Hofmeister lyotropic series”).

In 1899 he joined the Serotherapeuthische Institut in Vienna under the directorship of Richard Paltauf. This was the time when he became engaged in studies about the properties of antigens, which he performed together with Friedrich Obermayer (see page 19).

Together with Obermayer he found that chemically modi-fied antigens – e. g. iodinated or nitrated proteins – elicited antibodies which had lost their reactivity with the unmodi-fied antigen but reacted with unrelated proteins modified in the same way. Such modified proteins could even elicit antibody formation when injected into animals of the same species from which they were derived.

IMMUNOCHEMISTRYErnst Peter Pick and Friedrich Obermayer Two other Viennese scientists working in immunochemistry at the beginning of the 20th century were Ernst Peter Pick and Friedrich Obermayer.




In 1911 Pick moved to the Institute of Pharmacology of the University of Vienna under the leadership of Hans Horst Meyer, whose successor as professor and chairman he became in 1924.

As a pharmacologist he turned his interest onto the field of endocrinology and described the antidiuretic activity of pituitary extracts, together with the later founder of the Merck Institute of Therapeutic Research, Hans Molitor.

After the “Anschluss” in 1938 he was forced to resign and he was able to move to the USA, where he became Clinical Professor at the Columbia University. He also was Associ-ated Pharmacologist at the Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, and consultant of the Merck Research Institute, Rahway, New Jersey.

The studies on this subject were summarized by Pick in a comprehensive treatise (E. P. Pick: Biochemie der Antigene, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der chemischen Grundlagen der Antigenspezifizität. In: W. Kolle und A. von Wassermann (Hrsg.): Handbuch der pathogenen Mikroorganismen. 2. Auflage. Band 1. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Leipzig 1912, S. 685–868).




Friedrich Obermayer first studied pharmacy, but after one year he changed to the Medical School of Vienna Univer-sity where he graduated as MD in 1886.

He was trained in medical chemistry in Vienna by Ernst Lud-wig, but chose to enter the 1st Department of Medicine headed by Hermann Nothnagel to become an internist. He received his habilitation for internal medicine under the auspices of Hermann Nothnagel in 1895 and was director of internal medicine in the Vienna "Rudolfstiftung" hospital, where Richard Paltauf was head of pathology.

Paltauf had great interest in the newly developing field of immunology and – stimulated by the findings of Behring and Kitasato – founded the Viennese “Serotherapeutisches Institut” to obtain sera from horses immunized with teta-nus- or diphtheria-toxins. Through his contact with Paltauf, Obermayer also became interested in immunology.

He retired from his position as head of internal medicine at the Rudolfstiftung hospital in 1920 because of a severe ill-ness and died on February 15, 1925.

* on September 24, 1861 in Vienna, Austria † on February 15, 1925 in Vienna, Austria

IMMUNOCHEMISTRYFriedrich Obermayer




Perhaps here it is appropriate to mention, that also the famous immunologist Robert Doerr was a native Austrian. He was born on November 1, 1871 in Técsö, Hungary, as son of the Viennese Moritz Doerr. He studied medicine at the University of Vienna and graduated as MD in 1897.

In the following years he served as a military physician in the Austrian-Hungarian Army. He performed scientific stud-ies in the field of immunology, particularly about the toxicity of antisera against heterophile (Forssman) antigen.

As head of the bacteriological laboratory of the Austrian-Hungarian Army he identified an infectious disease which was caused by a virus and transmitted by sandflies (phle-botomus fever), later called “Pappataci Fever”.

* on November 1, 1871 in Técsö, Hungary † on January 6, 1952 in Basel, Switzerland





In 1909, he received the “venia legendi” (“habilitation”) from the University of Vienna, i.e. the permission to teach medical students, in the field of general and experimen-tal pathology. Three years later he was promoted to “ao. Professor“ (equivalent to associate professor). In 1919, he followed a call to the University of Basel, Switzerland, as pro-fessor for hygiene and microbiology.

There he developed a special interest in ana-phylaxis and published several papers on this subject. His comprehensive treatise in several separate volumes “Die Immunitätsforschung” was one of the standard readings in this field after the Second World War. Two attempts to bring him back to Austria failed.

He remained in Basel until his retirement in 1943. Therefore, he is generally considered as a Swiss immunologist.


Anna Mona Spiegel-Adolf was born in Vienna in 1893. She was awarded a doctoral degree in medicine in 1918.

In 1920, she specialized in physicochemical properties of colloidal solutions with an emphasis on dissolved glob-ulins at the Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology with Wolfgang Pauli.

From 1923 onward, she concentrated on the separation of eu- and pseudo-globulins using different methods, and determination of the isoelectric points of different globulins and their migration rate in the electric field.

She published a summary on the topic in Abderhaldens Handbuch für biologische Arbeitsmethoden III B. 595 (1927).

From 1925 to 1929, her research included the precipita-tion of globulins with organic precipitating agents and the accompanying denaturation phenomena; salting-in effects and changes in the viscosity of globulin solutions; behaviour of anti-toxic globulin fractions; and antigen-antibody reactions in dependence of the species from which the antibody originates and whether the antibody is present in the eu- or the pseudo-globulin fraction.

Summary in the Handbuch der pathogenen Mikroorganis-men by Kolle, Kraus, and Uhlenhuth, Vol. 1, p 1027 (1929).

* on February 23, 1893 in Vienna, Austria † 1983 in Chicago, Illinois, USA

IMMUNOCHEMISTRYAnna Mona Spiegel-Adolf




Jointly with Eisler, in 1929, she carried out studies of the adsorption of globulins, particularly antibodies and their stabilization.

In 1931, she acquired habilitation at the Medical Faculty of the Vienna University as the second-ever female faculty member and was appointed assistant professor for applied medical chemistry with due regard to biologic-physical chemistry and medical colloid chemistry.

In the same year, she emigrated to Philadelphia, USA.

She founded her own institute at Temple University, Philadelphia, as professor of colloid chemistry.

In recognition of Anna Spiegl's important scientific achievements, the Medical University of Vienna has named its newest research building 'Anna Spiegel Center for Translational Research'.


Rudolf Kraus was born in Jungbunzlau, Bohemia, in 1868. He obtained a doctoral degree in medicine from the German University of Prague in 1894.

In 1897, he discovered the specific precipitation of bac-terial extracts by antibody containing sera from animals immunized with the bacterial extracts. In the same year, Paltauf appoints Kraus as his assistant.

In 1902, Kraus acquired habilitation for general and experimental pathology at the Vienna University and was appointed assistant professor.

In 1908, Kraus studied the cholera epidemic, which had broken out in St. Petersburg, Russia and subsequently the cholera epidemic in the Bulgarian-Turkish War.

In 1913, he accepted a call for the directorship of the Bac-teriological Institute of National Hygiene in Buenos Aires, and was appointed director of the National Institute Butan-tan in Sao Paolo, Brazil, eight years later.

Soon after his return to Vienna in 1924, he succeeded Paltauf in the management of the Serotherapeutisches Institut.

* on October 31, 1868 in Jungbunzlau/ Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic † on July 15, 1932 in Santiago, Chile





He became a co-founder of the Zeitschrift für Immunitäts-forschung and engaged himself primarily in the active immunization against tetanus and diphtheria.

He broadened his field of interest to include, inter alia, the Calmette vaccine against tuberculosis.

In 1928, he encouraged the cooperation of clinics and lab-oratories with a view to studying the efficacy of vaccines.

The experience he had made at the Brazilian Institute Butantan also led him to force the production of antitoxic sera for the treatment of bites by European snakes.

Disappointedly and resentfully, Kraus left Vienna in 1929 and accepted the directorship of the Institute for Bacteriology in Santiago, Chile.

Kraus dies unexpectedly in 1932 in Santiago de Chile.


Ernst Löwenstein was born in 1878 in Carlsbad (Karlovy Vary), Bohemia. He was awarded a doctoral degree in medicine by the German University in Prague in 1902, after which he worked with Robert Koch and at different tuber-culosis research centers.

In 1909, Löwenstein succeeded in detoxifying tetanus toxin with formaldehyde, preserving its protective properties.

Löwenstein irradiated the toxin-formaldehyde mixture with the red light of a Nernst lamp.

Löwenstein hypothesised that detoxification of the tetanus-toxin occurred by a photodynamic effect. Later studies conducted jointly with Eisler revealed, however, that the formaldehyde inactivation was strongly temperature, but not light dependent.

In 1910, Löwenstein took on a position in Vienna at the Sero-therapeutisches Institut.

* on January 24, 1878 in Carlsbad/Karlovy Vary, Bohemia, Czech Republic † on August 28, 1950 in Berkeley, CA, USA





Löwenstein acquired habilitation in 1915. In the same year, Löwenstein and Eisler tried to immunize soldiers with formal-dehyde inactivated tetanus toxin.

In 1919, Löwenstein intensified his work in tuberculosis research and tried to produce a skin reaction applying tuberculin percutaneously for diagnostic purposes.

In 1920, he became assistant professor of pathology and became head of the tuberculosis unit at the Sero-therapeutisches Institut five years later. In that period, he developed a malachite green agar for the diagnosis of tuberculosis.

He emigrated to Great Britain in 1938 and later to the U.S.A., accepting a position at the University of California (Hooper Foundation).


Michael von Eisler was born in Vienna in 1877.

In 1901, he was awarded a doctorate in medicine by the University of Vienna. He acquired habilitation in 1910, became associate professor in 1917, and was appointed full professor in 1922.

Von Eisler began working at the Institute of Pathology and Anatomy under the direction of Anton Weichselbaum and changed to the Serapeutisches Institut in 1904. Von Eisler’s first publications, which he co-authored with Landsteiner, dealt with hemolysins and agglutinins and appeared in 1905. Von Eisler later published also on anti-hemolysins.

Several papers followed on tetanus, tetanus toxin, and tet-anus antitoxin. In 1911, von Eisler and Löwenstein reported about the inactivation of tetanus-toxin by formaldehyde while preserving its protective properties. This detoxified toxin is referred to as formol toxoid, and its protective effect was shown in different animal models.

* on January 20, 1877 in Vienna, Austria † on February 10, 1970 in Vienna, Austria

SEROLOGY AND VACCINOLOGYMichael von Eisler(Eisler-Terramare)




Löwenstein, who had discovered the formation of this tox-oid from tetanus toxin by formaldehyde and irradiation with red light using a Nernst lamp, first believed that the inactiva-tion was a photodynamic one. Eisler and Löwenstein later discovered that this toxin inactivation with formaldehyde was temperature rather than light dependent.

The use of formol tetanus toxoid facilitated the production of equine tetanus anti-toxin, and as early as in the First World War, soldiers could be immunized actively against tetanus.

The industrial manufacture of diphtheria and tetanus toxoids for vaccine production was first begun by Ramon at the Pas-teur Institute after the First World War. Great Britain and other European countries followed suit.

In 1930, an exchange of views took place between Ramon, on the one hand, and Löwenstein and von Eisler, on the other hand, which was reflected in the scientific literature.


Clemens von Pirquet was born on May 12, 1874 in Hirschstetten, a suburb of Vienna, as son of a distinguished aristocratic family. His father, Peter Zeno von Pirquet, was a well-known land-owner and politician and was representa-tive in the Austrian parliament. After his graduation from high school (“Gymnasium”) in 1892 Pirquet started studies in theology and philosophy, but in 1895 he turned to his real interest and began to study medicine in Vienna, Königs-berg and Graz, where he graduated as MD in 1900.

His first affiliation as physician was at the Department of Pediatrics at the Charité Hospital in Berlin under the director-ship of Otto Heubner. In 1902 he returned to Vienna to work at the St. Anna Children's Hospital under Theodor Escherich. He soon developed an interest in immunology and there-fore cooperated with Rudolf Kraus at the Institute of Serotherapy (k. u. k. Serotherapeutisches Institut).

At the beginning of the 20th century the standard therapy of infections like diphtheria or tetanus was application of serum from animals, mostly horses, which had been immunized against the toxins of these bacteria. After such injections of foreign sera a systemic reaction with fever, often hematuria and skin manifestations (urticaria) were observed, which was termed “serum sickness”.

* on May 12, 1874 in Hirschstetten, Vienna, Austria † on February 28, 1929 in Vienna, Austria





Von Pirquet supposed, that these manifestations were caused by an immune reaction of the patient to the foreign serum.

Together with Béla Schick (see page 34) he studied this phenom-enon in great detail and in 1905 they published a monograph “Die Serumkrankheit”.




During these studies von Pirquet realized that the reaction of the body to the immunizing substance (antigen) was modified and could result either in reduced or increased reactivity. This led him to coin the term “allergy”, which originally was considered to include hypo- as well as hyper-sensitivity.

Later this word was confined to mean hypersensitivity only, as it is used today.

In 1907 he demonstrated, that application of tuberculin into the skin by means of a prick test could identify indi-viduals who have had contact to tubercle bacilli, either with active tuberculosis or those who had overcome the disease and developed active immunity.

This test was named “Pirquet Test”.


Other ways to show skin reactivity to tuberculin, like epicu-taneous testing, were less successful. However, the method used today for demonstrating immunity to tuberculin relies on the intracutaneous application as suggested by Mantoux.

In 1908 von Pirquet followed a call to Johns Hopkins Univer-sity in Baltimore. There he worked for two years as professor of pediatrics.

In 1910 he moved to Breslau, where he became chair-man of the Department of Pediatrics, and in 1911, after the death of his previous teacher Theodor Escherich, he returned to Vienna, where he headed the Department of Pediatrics until his death in 1929.

During the First World War, when a progressive shortage of food developed in Austria, he turned his interest more and more on the nutrition of infants and children.

He developed a new standard for calculating nutrition val-ues, the “Nahrungs Einheit Milch”, NEM (Nutrition Equivalent Milk) and after the end of the war he organized aid for Aus-trian children from an American relief program.

For his achievements, mainly for his development of the tuberculin test, he had five nominations for the Nobel Prize, the last two in the year of his death in 1929.

On February 28, 1929, he and his wife, who was supposed to suffer from an incurable disease, committed suicide.


Béla Schick was born in Balatonboglár, Hungary, on July 16, 1877 and grew up in Graz, Austria, where he also attended the Medical School. After a short service in the medical corps of the Austrian-Hungarian army he joined the Depart-ment of Pediatrics of the University of Vienna, where he became a close coworker of Clemens von Pirquet.

Together with him he published the monograph on serum sickness. One of his major achievements was the develop-ment of a skin test for diphtheria. He injected a tiny amount of diphtheria toxin into the skin. This resulted in the develop-ment of a local inflammation when the individual had no immunity towards diphtheria.

On the other hand, when the person had overcome the disease and was immune against it, no reaction occurred. This procedure became known as the “Schick Test”.

Later on he embarked, together with von Pirquet, on the establishment of special diets for children and worked on the differential diagnosis of nutritional disturbances.

Schick left Vienna in 1923 to become pediatrician-in-chief at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City. In 1936 he also was appointed professor of pediatrics at the Columbia Uni-versity. He retired in May 1943 but continued to work as a consulting physician. He also worked simultaneously at other pediatric hospitals.

* on July 16, 1877 in Balatonboglár, Hungary † on December 6, 1967 in New York, USA





Julius Donath was born on November 11, 1870 in Vienna, where he also attended the medical school and graduated as MD in 1895. After his graduation, he received training in internal medicine, dermatology and surgery in various hospitals in Vienna. From November 1898 until July 1907 he worked at the first Department of Medicine of the Vienna University Medical School headed by Hermann Nothnagel.

During this time he saw several patients with a disease named “paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria”, which often was associated with an infection by syphilis and relatively frequent at the beginning of the 20th century. He became interested in this disease and turned to Karl Landsteiner to help him in his studies on its pathogenesis. Together they could show, that the sera of those patients contained antibodies, which bound to their own erythrocytes at low temperatures (4°C). When the incubation temperature was raised to body levels, lysis by complement activation occurred. This was the first demonstration of an autoim-mune phenomenon.

From 1910 until 1938 Julius Donath was head of the Vienna Merchants Hospital (Krankenhaus der Wiener Kaufmann-schaft). In 1927 he was awarded the title “Professor”.

Julius Donath lost his license as a professor and as director of the hospital after the “Anschluss” of Austria to Nazi-Ger-many. He was allowed to practice medicine at the Vienna Jewish Hospital, where he became director after the end of the Second World War and the restitution of Austria.

* on November 11, 1870 in Vienna, Austria † on September 1, 1950 in Vienna, Austria





Paul Moser studied medicine at the German University of Prague and graduated as MD in 1893.

After his graduation he was trained in pediatrics, first in Prague at the Department of Pediatrics directed by Alois Epstein, then in Vienna under the leadership of Hermann von Widerhofer and Theodor Escherich.

He received his habiltation for pediatrics in 1904 and was appointed head of the St. Anna Children's Hospital in Vienna in the same year.

In 1906 a new Children's Hospital was established at the “Kaiser Franz Josef Hospital” in Vienna and Moser was called to take the directorship.

Through his contacts with the research group around Rich-ard Paltauf and Ernst Peter Pick he developed an interest in immunotherapy and developed an antitoxic antiserum from horses against Streptococci to treat children with severe scarlet fever.

This therapeutic approach was widely used until chemo-therapeutic drugs and antibiotics became available to treat this infection.

* on August 2, 1865 in Carlsbad/Karlovy Vary, Bohemia, Czech Republic † on December 18, 1924 in Vienna, Austria





Anton Elschnig studied medicine in Graz. After his gradua-tion as MD he entered the Clinic of Ophthalmology there and he became assistant professor in 1892.

In 1895 he moved to the ophthalmological clinic in Vienna and in 1907 received a call to the German University of Prague to become head of the Department of Ophthal-mology.

Although his main interest was the development of new techniques for operations on the eye, he also did some experimental work and studied the immune response in the eye.

From these studies he drew the conclusion that the so called sympathetic ophthalmia, an inflammation of the healthy eye occurring after an injury to the collateral eye, may be caused by an immunological reaction, perhaps against the eye pigment, released from the injured eye after injury.

Even today the real pathogenesis of this disease has not been elucidated. However, an autoimmune phenomenon is still an interesting option.

* on August 21, 1863 in Graz, Austria † on November 13, 1939, in Vienna, Austria





After the end of the First World War there was a steady decline in immunological research in Austria, which came to zero after the “Anschluss” of Austria to Hitler-Germany, when all Jewish scientists were expelled from their posi-tions or even from the country. After the end of the Second World War and the restauration of Austria’s independence it took about two decades until first attempts were made to reestablish immunology in Austria.

In 1967, an Institute of Immunology was founded at the Uni-versity of Vienna, of which Carl Steffen, who had developed the “Antiglobulin Consumption Test” for the determination of cell- or tissue-bound immunoglobulins, became the first director. At the same time, an Institute of Blood Group Serology and Blood Transfusion was established with Paul Speiser as its head.

Beginning in the mid 1950s, more and more young Austrian scientists went abroad to get training at famous interna-tional immunological laboratories with renowned scientists, like the later Nobel laureate Baruj Benacerraf, at the New York University, later Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, Frank J. Dixon in Pittsburgh, PA, and La Jolla, CA, Peter Mie-scher at the New York University, Ernest Witebsky in Buffalo, NY, Stephen I. Katz, Ira Green and Ethan Shevach at the NIH, Bethesda MD, Robin R. R. Coombs in Cambridge, UK, and many others.




During the last decades, several internationally recognized research institutes/groups but also companies with a strong focus on immunological topics have been established in and around Vienna (e.g. at the Medical University of Vienna, the University of Vienna, the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, the Research Center for Molecular Med-icine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (CeMM), the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Acad-emy of Sciences (IMBA), the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (I.M.P.), the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) as well as companies such as Affiris, Baxter, Biomay, Boehringer Ingelheim among many oth-ers) and in other Austrian cities such as in Graz, Innsbruck and Salzburg. These institutes/groups focus on allergy, autoimmunity, rheumatology, immunology of the skin, neu-roimmunology, T- and B-cell research, immunodeficencies and many other important topics. Together, this ensures a strong and thriving research community in the field of immunology in Vienna and Austria in the 21st century.


In 1971, the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immu-nology (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie, ÖGAI) was founded under the leadership of Carl Steffen. From the outset, the ÖGAI was conceived as an Austrian-wide platform upon which basic and clini-cal scientists could communicate for their mutual benefit. At the same time, ÖGAI was dedicated from its beginnings to the education of young scientists. After a somewhat slow beginning, more and more scientists, including those trained abroad and full of enthusiasm, joined the Society. Over the years, links to immunological societies of other countries and to international organizations were estab-lished. As of today, the ÖGAI is member of EFIS, EAACI, IUIS, FOCIS, and WAO.

Many international meetings were organized by the ÖGAI, amongst them two Congresses of the EAACI (1977 and 2006) and now the 4th European Congress of Immunol-ogy (ECI 2015). Moreover, in the year 2016, ÖGAI will host the EAACI congress for the third time in Vienna.



A number of research initiatives and scientific achieve-ments of the Medical University of Vienna, one of the most important top-level medical research and educa-tion institutions in Europe, originate from the research area immunology/allergology/infectiology.

As organizational measure, the University founded the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology (CePII) that concentrates most of the research laboratories of the preclinical school working in pathophysiology, infec-tiology and immunology.

Within the Center the research laboratories are substruc-tured in 4 institutes to use more efficiently the resources and to better plan common activities:

• Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology

• Institute of Immunology

• Institute for Pathophysiology and Allergy Research

• Institute for Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine

Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology




At the Center approximately 250 people are employed. In addition, there are more than 50 students who are working on either their master theses or are performing laboratory courses. Approximately 150 individuals of the employed staff are paid by highly competitive third-party funds, which are financed by national (e.g. Austrian Science Fund) and international (e.g. EU) funding organizations.

Responsible for this success are 32 research group leaders, who are constantly adjusting to the international competi-tive challenge and are achieving together with their group members almost 10% of the total scientific output of the University. The staff is also responsible for the majority of the theoretical training of medical students in allergology, immunology, infectiology and pathophysiology.

In addition to research and teaching, the third focus is in the care of patients and the health sector, in particular the development and use of advanced diagnostic tests and treatments for allergic and immune-mediated diseases, parasitic and bacterial infections as well as the develop-ment of hygienic procedures and the vaccination of risk patients.

More details please find at the website www .meduniwien .ac .at/CePII


The Immunology Research Cluster (IRC) is a network of more than 70 research groups at the Medical University of Vienna with a strong research focus on Allergy, Inflamma-tion & Infection. The overall aim of IRC is to strengthen the research environment and support in the field of Immunol-ogy and to foster translational approaches for the benefit of the patients. In addition, IRC members are dedicated at providing excellent research and training opportunities for PhD students and postdoctoral fellows.

The research interests of IRC laboratories and scientists are:

• to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms and regulation of immune cell development, response and function

• to detect the mechanisms that underlie the development of chronic disease states, such as allergy, autoimmune diseases, chronic inflammation and chronic infections

• to develop new diagnostic tools and prophylactic and therapeutic strategies for the detection and treatment of infectious, immune-mediated, other chronic inflammatory diseases and transplant rejection and to generate immunological tools for fighting these conditions

IRC research groups cover a broad range of both basic science and clinical research topics.

For more information about IRC members, research areas, education & training, please visit: cluster .meduniwien .ac .at/irc






CeMM is an international, independent and interdiscipli-nary research institute at the interface of basic research and medicine, working in the areas of inflammation/ infection/immunity, cancer and metabolic disorders.

Located in a tailor-made building in the midst of the medi-cal campus of Vienna, the goal is to assist in preparing the predictive, preventive and personalized medicine of the future. In its young history it has published a growing series of “translationally” relevant research results.

Among the highlights are: The detection of a genetic mutation responsible for about 15% of myeloproliferative neoplasia cases, offering patients a clearer prognostic pro-file (Klampfl, NEJM 2013), the identification of a previously unknown sore spot of aggressive cancers (Huber, Nature 2014) and most recently CeMM researchers characterized inherited DOCK2 deficiency in patients with early-onset invasive infections (Dobbs, NEJM 2015).

Currently 130 scientists from 37 nations are working at CeMM. www .cemm .at





Immunological basic research and expertise at campus Vetmeduni Vienna focuses on the cellular and molecular characterisation of the porcine immune system and on the determination of (patho)physiological functions of JAK-STAT signalling networks in immunity and inflammation.

Under the auspices of the One Health - One Medicine con-cept the interactions of pathogens with animal hosts are studied. With respect to animal species, notable third-party funding allows to focus on chicken, fish, in- and outbred mice and swine. The clinical and translational aspects include the development of novel vaccines and diagnos-tic tools as well as the testing of vaccination strategies. Research and development in immunology of swine and poultry is featured by long-term collaborations with industrial partners. In addition, the field of canine allergy, tumor immunology and antibody therapy is investigated. Genetically engineered animal models are instrumental for research and development of new therapeutics in the immunity against infection and cancer.

Vetmeduni Vienna has interinstitutional establishments with the University of Vienna, the Medical University of Vienna, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna and the Technical University of Vienna and inten-sive collaborations within the Vienna Life Science Region.

Contact address:Vetmeduni Vienna Office of Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations Veterinärplatz 1, 1210 Vienna, AUSTRIA Email: claudia.kohla@vetmeduni.ac.at www .vetmeduni .ac .at/en






The Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Aus-tria) is a interdisciplinary research institution dedicated to cutting-edge basic research in the life, physical, mathe-matical, and computer sciences. The Institute is located in the city of Klosterneuburg on the outskirts of Vienna. As a PhD granting institution, IST Austria has a graduate school that educates doctoral students from diverse and interna-tional backgrounds with the aim of cultivating world-class research scientists.

IST Austria was established jointly by the federal govern-ment of Austria and the provincial government of Lower Austria and inaugurated in 2009. Currently, a total of 37 professors and more than 400 employees from over 50 countries work on campus. The development plans of the campus allow for growth to 90 research groups and 1000 employees by 2016.

IST Austria fosters an interdisciplinary scientific atmosphere. Hierarchical and separating organizational structures, such as departments, are avoided. The scientists are organized into independent research groups, each headed by a Professor or a tenure-track Assistant Professor. The decision to promote an Assistant Professor to Professor with a per-manent contract is based entirely on an evaluation of the scientific achievements of the Assistant Professor by inter-national experts.






Research excellence and promise are the exclusive hiring criteria for all scientists at IST Austria - from doctoral students to professors. The Institute chooses which fields of science to enter based solely on the availability of outstanding individuals. It will pursue a direction of research only if it can compete with the best in the world. The Institute is evaluated regularly by leading international scientists and science administrators.

The governance and management structures of IST Austria guarantee the Institute’s freedom from political and com-mercial influences. IST Austria is headed by the President, who is appointed by the Board of Trustees and advised by the Scientific Board.

Further information can be found at the website www .ist .ac .at






EFIS is a non-profit umbrella organization uniting 31 national and regional immunological societies from throughout Europe, extending even to Israel. Every active member of an EFIS-affiliated society automatically acquires EFIS mem-bership status and can, as such, take advantage of EFIS benefits. In total, EFIS counts more than 14,000 individual immunologists. Taking into consideration that immunology encompasses a variety of disciplines, EFIS also endeavors to interact with other scientific societies devoted to immunol-ogy-related fields.

The main goals of EFIS are to support immunological research and education and to strengthen scientific inter-action amongst its members.

To achieve this aim, EFIS commits particular effort and resources to supporting young scientists through, for example, the awarding of fellowships and travel grants. Furthermore, EFIS supports the organization of immunol-ogy-related courses and meetings and hosts the triennial European Congress of Immunology (ECI).

EFIS was founded at a meeting held in Amsterdam in Sep-tember 1975, having in the beginning as its legal body the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS). In April of 1995 EFIS was registered as a separate legal entity.

For more information, please visit www.efis.org






IUIS is the umbrella organization for regional and national societies of immunology throughout the world with the objective:

• to organize international co-operation in immunology by promoting communication between the branches of immunology and allied subjects

• to encourage within each scientifically independent territory co-operation between the Societies that represent the interests of immunology

• to contribute to the advancement of immunology in all its aspects

For more information please visit the IUIS homepage: www .iuisonline .org



The ÖGAI was founded in 1971 and represents Austrian scientists and practitioners (currently 656 active members) interested in the physiology and pathophysiology of the immune response as well as the phenotypic expression, diag-nosis and therapy of all diseases involving the immune system.

ÖGAI supports excellence in education and training in the fields of allergology and immunology and further provides and also encourages the spread of specific information on the vital importance of the immune system and its disor-ders, such as allergy, autoimmunity, immunodeficiencies, to the lay, legal and professional public.

For more information please visit the ÖGAI homepage: www .oegai .org/oegai





The ECI Local Organising Committee would like to thank the following institutions/companies for kindly supporting this exhibition:


Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology


Maximilian von GruberGruber, M., 1896. Über aktive und passive Immunität gegen Cholera und

Typhus, sowie über die bacteriologische Diagnose der Cholera und des Typhus. Wien Klin. Wochenschr. 9:183-186, 9:204-209.

Gruber, M., 1903. Neue Früchte der Ehrlich’schen Toxinlehre. Wien Klin. Wochenschr. 16:791-793.

Richard PaltaufPaltauf, R., 1897. Progressive Störungen. a) Neubildungen. b) Lymphosarkom

(Lymphosarkomatose, Pseudoleukämie, Myelom Chlorom). Erg. Allg. Path. Path. Anat. 3:652-691.

Sternberg, C., 1898. Über eine eigenartige unter dem Bilde der Pseudoleukämie verlaufende Tuberculose des lymphatischen Apparates. Zeitschrift für Heilkunde. 19:21.

Reed, D.M., 1902. On the pathological changes in Hodgkin’s disease, with special reference to its relation to tuberculosis. Johns Hopkins Hosp Rep. 10:133.



Karl Landsteiner and colleaguesLandsteiner, K., 1900. Zur Kenntnis der antifermentativen, lytischen und

agglutinierenden Wirkungen des Blutserums und der Lymphe. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasitenk. Infektionskrankh. 27:357-362.

von Decastello, A., Sturli, A., 1902. Über die Isoaggluntinine im Serum gesunder und kranker Menschen. Münch. Med. Wochenschr. 49:1090-1095.

von Dungern, E., Hirszfeld, L., 1910. Über Vererbung gruppenspezifischer Strukturen des Blutes. Zeitschr. Immunforsch. Exper. Ther. 6:284-292.

Donath, J., Landsteiner, K., 1904. Über paroxysmale Hämoglobinurie. Münch. Med. Wochenschr. 51:1590-1593.

Donath, J., Landsteiner, K., 1906. Über paroxysmale Hämoglobinurie. Zeitschr. Klin. Med. 58:173-189.

Landsteiner, K., Mucha, V., 1906. Zur Technik der Spirochaetenuntersuchung. Wien Klin. Wochenschr. 19:1349f.

Landsteiner, K., Müller, R., Pötzl, O., 1907. Zur Frage der Komplementbindungsreaktionen bei Syphilis. Wien Klin. Wochenschr. 20:1565-1567.

Landsteiner, K., Popper, E., 1909. Übertragung der Poliomyelitis acuta auf Affen. Z. Immunitätsf. u. Exper. Ther. 2:377-390.

Landsteiner, K., Lampl, H., 1915. Untersuchung der Spezifität von Serum-reaktionen durch Einführung verschiedenartiger Gruppen in Eiweiß. Zentralbl. Physiol. 30:329-330.

Landsteiner, K., 1921. Über heterogenetisches Antigen und Hapten. XV. Mitteilung über Antigene. Biochem. Zeitschr. 119:294-306.

Landsteiner, K., Levine P., 1927. A new agglutinable factor differentiating individual human bloods. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. Med. 24:600-602.

Landsteiner, K., Wiener, A.S., 1940. An agglutinable factor in human blood recognized by immune sera for rhesus blood. Proc. Soc. Biol. Med. 43:223.

Landsteiner, K., Chase, M.W., 1942. Experiments on transfer of cutaneous sensitivity to simple compounds. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. Med. 49:688-690.


Ernst Peter PickPick, E.P., 1912. Biochemie der Antigene, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung

der chemischen Grundlagen der Antigenspezifizität. In: W. Kolle, A. von Wassermann (Hrsg.): Handbuch der pathogenen Mikroorganismen. 2. Auflage. Band 1. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Leipzig p685–868.

Molitor, H., Pick, E.P., 1924. Zur Kenntnis der Pituitrinwirkung auf die Diurese. Arch. Exper. Pathol. Pharmakol. 101:169–197.

Brücke, F., Lindner, A., Weis, W., 1960. Prof. Dr. Ernst Peter Pick: in memoriam. Wien Klin. Wochenschr. 72:109-110.

Friedrich ObermayerObermayer, F., 1891. Nucleoalbumin-Ausscheidung im Harn.

Wien Klin. Wochenschr. 4:966-967.

Obermayer, F., 1898. Eine Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmung der Indoxylschwefelsäure (Indican) im Harn. Wien Klin. Rundsch. 12:537-538.

Ernst Peter Pick and Friedrich ObermayerObermayer F., Pick, E.P., 1902. Biologisch-chemische Studie über das Eiklar.

Ein Beitrag zur Immunitätslehre. Wien Klin. Rundsch. 16:277-279.

Obermayer, F., Pick, E.P., 1903, Ueber den Einfluss physikalischer und chemischer Zustandsänderungen präcipitogener Substanzen auf die Bildung von Immunpraecipitinen. Wien Klin. Wochenschr. 16:659-660.

Obermayer, F., Pick, E.P., 1904. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Präzipitin-Bildung. Wien Klin. Wochenschr. 17:265-267.

Obermayer, F., Pick, E.P., 1906. Ueber die chemischen Grundlagen der Arteigenschaften der Eiweisskörper. Bildung von Immunpräzipitinen durch chemisch veränderte Eiweißkörper. Wien Klin. Wochenschr. 19:327–334.

Pick, E.P., 1912. Biochemie der Antigene, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der chemischen Grundlagen der Antigenspezifizität. In: W. Kolle, A. von Wassermann (Hrsg.): Handbuch der pathogenen Mikroorganismen. 2. Auflage. Band 1. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Leipzig p685–868.


Robert DoerrDoerr, R., 1906/07. Die experimentelle Grundlage einer antitoxischen

Therapie der bazillären Dysenterie. Ztschr. Exp Ther. 55:1-43.

Doerr, R., 1908. Ueber ein neues invisibles Virus. Berlin Klin. Wschr. 45:1847-1849.

Doerr, R., 1908. Die Wertbemessung des Dysenterieserums. Dt. Med. Wochenschr. 34:1178-1181.

Doerr, R., Franz, K., Taussig, S., 1909. Das Pappatacifieber. Ein endemisches Drei-Tage-Fieber im Adriatischen Küstengebiete Österreich-Ungarns. Deuticke, Leipzig, Wien.

Doerr, R., Russ, V.K., 1909. Weitere Untersuchungen über das Pappatacifieber. Arch. Schiffs- Tropen-Hyg, 13:693-706.

Doerr, R., Pick, R., 1913a. Über den Mechanismus der primären Toxizität der Antisera und die Eigenschaften ihrer Antigene. Biochem. Zeitschr. 50:129-161.

Doerr, R., Pick, R., 1913b. Die primäre Toxizität der Antisera. 2. Mitteilung. Zeitschr. Immunitätsforsch. 19:251-292.

Doerr, R., 1914. Neuere Ergebnisse der Anaphylaxieforschung. In: Ergebnisse der Immunitätsforschung, Experimentellen Therapie, Bakteriologie und Hygiene. Herausg. W Weichardt. Julius Springer Verlag, Berlin, S. 257-371.

Anna Mona Spiegel-AdolfEisler, M., Spiegel-Adolf, M., 1929. Versuche zur Konzentrierung

Antikörper-hältiger Sera mit Hilfe physico-chemischer Methoden (Elektrodialyse und Adsorption). Biochem. Ztschr. 204:28.

Rudolf KrausKraus, R., 1897. Über spezifische Reaktionen in keimfreien Filtraten aus

Cholera, Typhus, Pestbacillen-Kulturen erzeugt durch homologes Serum. Wien Klin. Wochenschr. 32:736.

Kraus, R., Pribram, E., 1906. Über Staphylococcentoxin und dessen Antitoxin. Wien Klin. Wochenschr. 17:493.

Kraus, R., 1924. Studien über antitoxische Schlangen- und Antiskorpionensera. Ztschr. f. Immunforsch. 41:170.

Kraus, R., 1925. Zur Geschichte der internationalen Seuchenbekämpfung. Seuchenbek. 5:197


Ernst LöwensteinLöwenstein, E., 1909. Über aktive Schutzimpfung bei Tetanus durch Toxoide.

Ztschr. f. Hyg. 62:409.

Löwenstein, E., 1923. Über aktive Immunisierung bei Tetanus und Diphtherie. Wien Med. Wochenschr. 12/13:610.

Löwenstein, E., 1931. Über die percutane Schutzimpfung bei Diphtherie und Typhus. Med. Welt. 49:1743.

Michael von Eisler (Eisler-Terramare)Landsteiner, K., Eisler, M., 1905. Über Agglutinine und Lysinwirkung.

Zentrbl. Bakteriol. Orig., 39:309.

Landsteiner, K., Eisler, M., 1905. Über die Wirkung der Hämolysine. Wien Klin. Rdsch., 19:220.

Eisler, M., 1905. Über Hämolysine. Wien Klin. Wochenschr., 27:721.

Eisler, M., Löwenstein, E., 1911. Über Formalinwirkung auf Tetanustoxin und andere Bakterien-Toxine. Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Orig., 61:271.

Eisler, M., Silberstein, F., 1920. Zur Gewinnung von Tetanus-Serum. Ztschr. f. Hyg., 89:29.

Eisler, M., 1932. Bemerkung zur Erwiderung von Ramon: A propos de certaines alligations de Mr. le Prof. Löwenstein, contennes dans son article “Beitrag zur Toxoid-Frage”. Zentrbl. Bakteriol. Orig., 124:239.

Clemens von Pirquetvon Pirquet, C., Schick, B., 1905. Die Serumkrankheit. Franz Deuticke, Wien.

von Pirquet, C., 1903. Zur Theorie der Vaccination. Wien Klin. Wochenschr. 16:1234.

von Pirquet, C., 1906. Allergie. Münch. Med. Wochenschr. 53:1457-1458.

von Pirquet, C., 1907. Klinische Studien über Vakzination und vakzinale Allergie. Franz Deuticke, Wien.

von Pirquet, C., 1907. Die kutane Tuberkulinprobe. Med. Klin. 3:1197-1199.

von Pirquet, C., 1907. Die Allergieprobe zur Diagnose der Tuberkulose im Kindesalter. Wien Med. Wochenschr. 57:1369-1374.

von Pirquet, C., 1907. Die kutane Tuberkulinreaktion. Wien Med. Presse 48:1733-1740.


Béla Schickvon Pirquet, C., Schick, B., 1905. Die Serumkrankheit. Franz Deuticke, Wien.

Schick, B., 1908. Kutanreaktion bei Impfung mit Diphtherietoxin. Münch. Med. Wochenschr. 55:504-506.

Schick, B., 1913. Die Diphtherietoxin-Hautreaktion des Menschen als Vorprobe der prophylaktischen Diphtherie-Heilseruminjection. Münch. Med. Wochenschr. 60:2608-2610.

Schick, B., 1919. Das Pirquet’sche System der Ernährung. Berlin, Julius Springer.

Julius DonathDonath, J., Landsteiner, K., 1904. Über paroxysmale Hämoglobinurie,

Münch. Med. Wochenschr. 51:1590-1593.

Paul MoserMoser, P., 1902. Über die Behandlung des Scharlachs mit dem

Scharlach-Streptokokkenserum. Wien Klin. Wochenschr. 15:1053-1055.

Moser, P., 1903. Über Anti-Streptokokkenserum bei Scharlach. Berlin Klin. Wochenschr. 40:13-15.

Kraus, R., 1927. Über die Berechtigung, das antitox. Scharlachserum Moser-Dick zu benennen. Wien Med. Wochenschr. 77:754.

Anton ElschnigElschnig, A., Studien zur sympathischen Ophthalmie.

1. Wirkung von Antigenen vom Augeninnern aus. Albrecht v. Graefe’s Archiv für Ophthalmologie, 1910. 75:459; 2. Die antigene Wirkung des Augenpigmentes. Albrecht v. Graefe’s Archiv für Ophthalmologie, 1911. 76:509.

Further PublicationsMazumdar, Pauline M.H., 1995. Species and Specificity. Cambridge Uni. Press.

Silverstein, Arthur M., 2009. A History of Immunology. Second Ed., Elsevier Inc.

Speiser, Paul and Smekal, Ferdinand G.: Karl Landsteiner. Entdecker der Blutgruppen und Pionier der Immunologie. 3. Auflage, Blackwell Ueberreuter Wissenschaft, Berlin 1990.

Österr. Biogr. Lexikon 1815-1950, Bd. 6 (Lfg. 30, 1975), S. 390, Paul Moser


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