Exit a Customer Chapter 8. Exit a Customer 8-2 Objectives Perform exit summary process consisting of...

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Exit a CustomerExit a Customer

Chapter 8Chapter 8

Exit a Customer 8-2


Perform exit summary process consisting of the following steps: Review service records Close open services Utilize the Exit Control Panel to add exit information Enter employment information View exit summary for an exited customer Add a service after customer has exited

Exit a Customer 8-3

Search CustomersSearch Customers

Search My Customers

Exit a Customer 8-4

Search CustomersSearch Customers

Exit a Customer 8-5

List ApplicationsList Applications

Exit a Customer 8-6

View ApplicationView Application

Exit a Customer 8-7

List ServicesList Services

List Enrolled Services

Exit a Customer 8-8

List ServicesList Services

Exit a Customer 8-9

Close Open Service (1 of 2)Close Open Service (1 of 2)

Exit a Customer 8-10

Close Open Service (2 of 2)Close Open Service (2 of 2)

Exit a Customer 8-11

Additional Info (1 of 3)Additional Info (1 of 3)

Exit a Customer 8-12

Additional Info (2 of 3)Additional Info (2 of 3)

Exit a Customer 8-13

Additional Info (3 of 3)Additional Info (3 of 3)

Exit a Customer 8-14

Close Service (1 of 3)Close Service (1 of 3)

Status Updated

Exit a Customer 8-15

Close Service (2 of 3)Close Service (2 of 3)

Exit a Customer 8-16

Close Service (3 of 3)Close Service (3 of 3)

Status updated

Exit a Customer 8-17

Application MenuApplication Menu

Exit Summary

Exit a Customer 8-18

Exit Control PanelExit Control Panel

Exit a Customer 8-19

Add Job (1 of 11)Add Job (1 of 11)

Exit a Customer 8-20

Add Job (2 of 11)Add Job (2 of 11)

Exit a Customer 8-21

Add Job (3 of 11)Add Job (3 of 11)

Obtain SIC Code

Exit a Customer 8-22

Add Job (4 of 11)Add Job (4 of 11)


Exit a Customer 8-23

Add Job (5 of 11)Add Job (5 of 11)

Exit a Customer 8-24

Add Job (6 of 11)Add Job (6 of 11)

Exit a Customer 8-25

Add Job (7 of 11)Add Job (7 of 11)

Search for SOC code

Exit a Customer 8-26

Add Job (8 of 11)Add Job (8 of 11)

Management Occupations

Exit a Customer 8-27

Add Job (9 of 11)Add Job (9 of 11)

Exit a Customer 8-28

Add Job (10 of 11)Add Job (10 of 11)

Exit a Customer 8-29

Add Job (11 of 11)Add Job (11 of 11)

Exit a Customer 8-30

Employment at ExitEmployment at Exit

Exit a Customer 8-31

Exit Control PanelExit Control Panel

Exit a Customer 8-32

Enter Exit DateEnter Exit Date

Exit a Customer 8-33

Exit Customer (1 of 2)Exit Customer (1 of 2)

Exit a Customer 8-34

Exit Customer (2 of 2)Exit Customer (2 of 2)

Exit a Customer 8-35

Application SummaryApplication Summary

11stst and 3 and 3rdrd Quarter Post Exit - Wages Quarter Post Exit - Wages

Post Exit – Wages and CredentialsPost Exit – Wages and Credentials

Post Exit – YouthPost Exit – Youth

Exit a Customer 8-39


This chapter has taken us through the process of exiting a customer

The process included: Reviewing existing services Closing open services Using the Exit Control Panel to exit a customer Adding employment information Viewing application summary after the customer has

exited Viewed examples of Post Quarter exit results

Exit a Customer 8-40


Record Employment Details and Exit Customer Exit the youth with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarter
