Experiential travels

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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byEric LEE C.H.


Literal translation – “Walking ten thousand miles is better than reading ten thousand books”

Meaning – “Learn from practical experience, not from books”

There is a Chinese saying that goes like this:

There is a lot of truth in this saying and I’d just like to share some of the key learnings that I experienced over time


There are loads of things to organise for every single trip.

Starting from: - where to go - who to go with- what to bring - what to do- how to go

Unless you are a lone traveller who can decide impromptu, some level of negotiation skills has to come into play when convincing your travel partners on all the above schedule


Being in the same environment or doing the same thing can sometime numb a person to the environment

Being out of your comfort zone, in a different setting, among strangers or even when infuse with a sense of helplessness at times, can be helpful

It keeps us alert and remind us to rethink the way we live our life. Constantly renewing and redevelopment ourselves in preparation for the unknown future


Learn to recognise that there are much larger forces at work in the world.

Either the formation of ice glazier that took millions of years, the development of the limestone stacks along the coast that continue to erode with time or simply the wild life that are so grand and impressive on their own.

We are not alone!

The journey to appreciate and learn to co-exist with the rest of the world at large is a pressing one, that will impact the life of not only our next generation but many generation to come


"In history, a great volume is unrolled for our instruction, drawing the materials of future wisdom from the past errors and infirmities of mankind." - Edmund Burke

Learnings can be made from the past for the betterment of our future. What better way to learn about history then to experience it yourself on site. From the rise and fall of the Roman empire, the Edo period of Japan or the Chakra dynasty of Thailand.

Walking through the historical site and monuments lets you better appreciate the splendour during their peak as well as the challenges faced in adversity, bringing history to life.


Amidst the rush of modern lifestyle, being suck into the inevitable rat race. Either chasing for financial freedom, fulfilling your ambition or becoming the next big thing.

Taking time off once in a while allows you to appreciate the finer things in life. It can be as simple as laying on the beach basking under the sun or taking a hike up the mountain and let the lush greenery engulf you.

Appreciate life is a small step towards appreciating all the smaller things that makes you happy everyday. Also to the people that are around you both socially or professionally. Learn to appreciate and show them your appreciation.


Understanding the difference among different culture, religion and ethnicity is the key to bridging the gap of diversity and fostering acceptance.

A pat on the head, giving someone the “thumbs up”, showing your feet and even shaking of hands can means different things to different people/ culture. Just like nodding of head cannot be read as a signal of acceptance in India.

Misunderstanding and sometimes animosity is fostered as a result from the mis read of a simple gesture leading to a crescendo of conflict.

With a appreciation of the differences, comes the opportunity for collaboration and one of acceptance

Travel the World & Have FunThank you