Experiments evidence

Post on 14-May-2015

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Task 2 Experimental Photography

Katie Torpey

MovementThis experiment I decided to carry out to to experiment with movement and how to present movement in photography. I decided to use a model I then told her to carry out different movements these included spinning around, walking back and forth and also arm and head movements. I decided to do this as I think that this created a better effect. I then decided to carry out this experiment in front of different backgrounds. I firstly put my model in front of a red background I found that using a red background made my image much more visible and clear as all the focus was on my subject. I then decided to experiment on a black background. I think that using this background put all the attention on my subject as the movement and the bright colours was contrasting. For my other image I decided to take on a background with other features in. I Found that this had a good effect however the background was also blurry. To improve this I think that I could’ve used a tripod to keep my camera still during the exposure time.

The technical settings which I used to create my images included having a shutter speed of about 2-3 seconds. This exposure time was enough to ensure that the camera captured the movement however it was visible where the movement was created. I also used an aperture of f/6.3-f/8. This aperture allowed enough lighting to get to the image which made the image brighter. I think that my results were successful however I would’ve liked to experiment with different settings such as having a longer shutter speed to see what the outcome is. I would’ve also liked to experiment by using more than 1 person. This would’ve created a ghostly effect by using two subjects. Rather than focusing on one.

I think that this image is the most successful image which I had taken this is because I think that I have used to correct shutter speed and aperture as the image is clear and it also catches the movement of hands. To create this image I firstly set my shutter speed to 2, I then set the aperture to 3 seconds. During this time I told my model to move her hands up and down. By doing this it created a ‘ghostly angel’ effect. I also think that this image is quite strong as I have put my model in front of a dark background. This makes my model stand out as it is bright and the movement can be seen.

Out of FocusDuring this experiment I tested out different focus techniques to create abstract and interesting images of this which are out of focus. During my experiment I decided to adjust and experiment the focal point and also using flash, however I kept the same shutter speed and aperture on my images. Throughout my images I used the shutter speed of 1/60 and I also used the aperture of 5. On the images which I wasn’t taking of the light I decided to use flash however on the images which I was taking of lights I didn't’t use flash.

My first image I decided to take of a table lamp. I moved the lamp so that it was facing the camera. During this experiment I also decided to use a filter. I held the filter up to my camera, the filter added the effect of colours shining from the lamp. I also adjusted the focal length to 38. This allowed the image to be out of focus which created an interesting effect of colour strikes coming from the light. On my second image I decided to use flash mode. As I wanted to image to be bright and clear. This image is taken of jelly beans. I decided to take this image as I wanted to see what the jelly beans would look like if they was out of focus. As I used the out of focus effect all of the jelly beans blended together as they became blurry. However I still think that this image is unique as the colours of the jelly beans contrast each other. My last image is taken from a window of street lights at night. I have decided to take this at night as they stand out more. The effect of blurring out street lights has the effect of looking like eyes. I think that I could’ve improved my images by photographing more street lights and also lights at night in a city as this would create an interesting effect.

This is an out of focus image of lots of little lights which are positioned together to create a love heart shape. I decided to take this image as I thought that the shape of the subject was quite interesting. To create this image I used the shutter speed of 1/60 second. As this lights are placed on a dark background this also makes the lights much more visible and clear to see. I like the effect which the lights have had within the image. I also think that it is interesting that the dots overlap and have different opacities. To improve this image I would like to experiment with different shapes, by changing the lights so that they create a different shape such as a circle or a square would be a great experiment to try.


During this experiment I decided to do many different objects to achieve my outcome of capturing reflection. The objects which I used within my images include mirrors and windows. To achieve my images I firstly set my camera settings to the shutter speed of 1/30 and I also used the f number of 4.5. Using these settings allowed me to achieve high quality images. I didn’t use the flash when taking my images as I didn’t want the flash appearing in the reflections on my images.

On my first image I decided to take this of a reflective photo frame. The reflection which I took was of the camera. I think that this reflection was very clear and high quality also the compositions of this image is quite strong. On my second image I used two different objects to create this reflection. I used a reflective ornament an also a mirror. By placing the mirror next to the ornament and opposite me it meant that I was reflected back onto the ornament. By using this technique it created an interesting reflection as I am taking the photo how it looks like I am photographing something else. On my last image I decided to photograph from a window of a reflection of the room. I had to do this when it was dark so that I could achieve the light within the reflection. I think that this reflection is quite intriguing to look at as it is not possible to see outside the window however it is only possible to see the reflection.

To improve my images I would’ve liked to photograph more subjects which contain a reflection such as a puddle or shop windows as I think that would be effective.

This image is taken of a mirror, I have used the shutter speed of 1/30 to achieve this image and the aperture of 4.5 however I have adjusted the focal point within the photograph. I have decided to make everything within the mirror in focus however the mirror frame is blurry. I have decided to do this as it looks abit like an illusion. Instead of a mirror it looks like a photo frame and the view within the mirror is the picture within a photo frame. To improve this image I would have liked to of captured the mirror from different angles as I think that this could create an abstract effect.

MontageFor this experiment I decided that I wanted to take images and make montages of signs, pictures and paintings. I decided to choose this theme because I wanted to see how distort and how I could change the images. On my camera I used the setting of 1/60 for the shutter speed and I have an aperture of F/5.6. This allowed the image to be bright enough and clear enough for me to take continuous images of one subject. To create my images I firstly selected the subject I then put the setting on my camera to continuous shooting. Every time the shutter closed I would move the camera and re-take the images. After I had enough images I then uploaded all of them into Photoshop. After this I clicked file>automate> photo merge. This setting is a technique used to make montages. Photoshop will combine the images together and try to recreate the image. However sometimes this method didn't’t work and I had to do it manually. To do this I uploaded the images all into a Photoshop document. I then adjusted and resized the images till they were all different shapes and sizes. After I had all my images I then arranged then arranged them in an order which created a collage effect.

To create this montage I firstly took many different shots of a painting, I photographed them from different angles, this created different tones on the image. I also used a continuous capturing setting which allowed me to keep the camera still while the camera automatically took the images. I then followed the method of creating a photomontage in Photoshop. I think that this montage is very abstract I think it is interesting how the frame of the painting is different shades. I also think the the image inside is very interesting as a range of colours have been used, some parts of the collage are in focus where as other parts are blurry this gives an interesting effect to the montage as different parts contrast each other.