Experiments of images media

Post on 19-May-2015

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Experiments of Images

Front Cover Images

All the images seen above and on this slide, are images in which I had taken to be on my front cover, I felt that a group photo of the band suited well. I felt that these photos in which I took were good to use on the front cover as most of them show the band members as all being equal they are all standing closely together showing the intimacy and the friendship between them. In the images selected some show the girls being young, happy teens. However in other images I chose to portray a more serious look, this is too appeal to an older age range. The image seen on this slide is the one in which I choose to use on my front cover, I felt this was the best one as it looks like a typical band pose alongside the serious and older look in which they portray within this image.

Front Cover Images

After removing the background, I ended up with this image below this image will now be used as my front cover image, as you will see displayed next to the image, I choose to use different effects no this image to see which would best work but then decided to leave it how it was as it suited the front cover the best.

Front Cover Images

Contents Images

Contents ImagesWithin my content pages I need to include various small images of both band member and other images such as make up and clothing within my contents page I choose to use only two of the band members alongside I a group photo, the group photo which is displayed on this slide, this is a different image from the front cover yet still goes with the appeal of a serious girl band rather than a girly band which would only appeal to a younger age. As well as little images of the members of the band I also included image of make up in which goes with the articles within the magazine and the appeal to the target audience as it is based for females, and make up is one of female best friends.

Contents ImagesThis was the image in which was used after I had taken the background away from it, once again I decided to take the background away from the image as it looked better against the white background and has kept an on going theme in the magazine.

Double Page Spread Images

Double Page Spread ImagesI decided to use this as my double page spread image, I felt that this was a good image to use as it gave a cheeky appeal to the target audience through their pose. As well as this cheeky pose, there stance is informal causing it to have a more fun and girly appeal rather than the other serious picture in which have been on the rest of the magazine , the point of the finger shows that they are pointing at the target audience making the whole image and article more direct, making them feel it is more personal. This image still keeps all the individual members of the band equal yet still have their own personal pose or look about them.

Double Page Spread Images

After then editing the picture, by taking the background away from the image as well as rotating the image, I used it in my double page spread as you can see. Taking up a quarter of the page, it the main and only image seen on the page.