Expert Brugge 7 atd 2011

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EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

Jose Gavira EXPERT Project Manager

7th ATD SymposiumBruge, 11th May 2011


European eXPErimental Re-entry Testbed

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011


EXPERT objectives: Re-entry and Aerothermodynamic

Mission overview: Launch, trajectory and landing scenario

System architecture & driving environments

Development Status :

Payloads and Instrumentation

Vehicle and subsystems

Launcher and Russian elements


EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

EXPERT the ESA test bed

From Experimental to Operational systems

TRL, Reliability, Performances

Class 1

Class 3

Class 2

Build from experience gained in past Build from experience gained in past projects projects --> ARD, X38> ARD, X38

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

EXPERT objectives

To obtain in-flight measurements of critical AD/ATD phenomena for:

– Validation of CFD tools– Validation of wind tunnel test facilities– Consolidation of ground-to-flight extrapolation methodologies

Reduce design margin and uncertainties

Provide a test bed for experimentation

To demonstrate re-entry technologies Ceramic and metallic hot structureSensors for ATD measurements

To improve and develop technologies for re- entry systems, increasing TRL

To provide European industry with flight experience in re-entry/transportation vehicles

CFD Ground Testing Facilities

In flight data ???

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

Mission overview

– Capsule conical shape & Blunt nose

– Lateral flat sides & Four fixed open flaps

– 1.6 m length & 1.1 m diam., mass 450 Kg

– Submarine Launched from the Pacific Ocean by VOLNA launcher

– Suborbital ballistic trajectory, at 100 Km with entry speed of 5km/sec.

– Soil landed in Russian

Kamchatka Peninsula

– Data stored in solid state,

crash resistant memories

EXPERT trajectory VOLNA Launcher

3-rd stage

PL zone

2-nd stagefuel tank

2-nd stage oxidizer tank

2-nd stage propulsionsystem1-st stageoxidizer tank

1-st stagefuel tank

1-st stage propulsionsystem

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

Trajectory overview

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

Launcher Environment

– 3-stage Launch Vehicle

– Mounted upside down inside 2nd stage

– Quasi-static loads of 8 g long. / ±2 g lateral

– Random loads 7 GRMS & Acoustic 134 dB

– High frequency shock dimensioning for equipment

– 2nd/3rd stage separation dimensioning for main structures:

– Rapid de-pressurisation

– Acoustic shock

– Low frequency structural shock

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

Re-entry environment

Heat flux distributions over time (w/m^2) as input to thermo-mechanical analysis

Mach 10

Mach 18

Mach 12

Mach 16 Mach 13.5

Heat flux distributions (w/m^2) as input to thermo-mechanical analysis

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

System Architecture

- TPS metallic and ceramic Nose and flaps

- Internal (cold) structure in Al Sandwich (IF with electronics, PLs and sensors)

- Sensors and instruments in TPS

- Descent and Landing System

- IF with launcher and rear insulation

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

Power subsystem

Power Control Distribution Unit

8 unregulated power supply lines, 22-33 V dcLatching Current Limiters for protection from

possible failures induced by usersEmbedded pyro control unit capable of

managing up to 14 pyro-linesAnti-Vibration Mounts (AVMs) needed to cope

with mechanical environment

Batteries : Li-Ion, procured from SAFT

Modular concept employing 8 off-the-shelf MPS176065 cells connected in series

300 Wh @ 20°C, 270 Wh @ 5°C, altogether

Charged two months before launch

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

Avionics system and SW

ON-BOARD SOFTWAREData Acquisition Unit main scheduler freq.

100 Hz

Common Payloads protocol (RS-422)

Data time-tagging with respect activation command

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

Scientific Payloads

Nose Ceramic CMC Nose cap Assembly

P/L #01 FADS Flush Air Data System

P/L #02 PYREX Nose Heating

P/L #03 PHLUX Catalysis

P/L #04 Natural transition

P/L #05 Roughness induced transition

P/L #06 SWBLI onto Flaps

P/L #07 SWBLI ahead of Flaps

P/L #08 Flap Heating

P/L #10 RESPECT Shock-layer chemistry spectrometry

P/L #11 Nose-TPS Step Junction

P/L #12 Base Flow

P/L #13 SFS - Skin Friction Sensors

P/L #15 Flying Winglet - Sharp Hot Structure “SHS”

P/L #18 Inter-metallic TPS Flight Experiment

Payloads and Instruments fully qualified

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

Payloads development

– CFD (Flux) analyses were iterated with thermo-mechanical analyses

(CIRA, VKI, TU Delft, ESA)

– Nonlinear thermo-mechanical analysis of TPS (Dutch Space)

– Material Samples and Payloads tests in L3K (DLR) and PWK3 (IRS) facilities

– Scale model tests in Longshot and H3 facilities (VKI)

– Flap tests at Scirocco (CIRA)

(IR Camera and flap sensors)

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

Payloads qualification

Plasma test

Aerodynamic test

Mechanical and

thermal test

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

– Flights Models (FMs) test campaign concluded

– FMs delivered and integrated in the vehicle

Payloads development

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

– Facility:– Scirocco 70MW Plasma Windtunnel Facility (CIRA Capua),

designed to qualify TPS on large scale subsystem level

– Test Article:– Full Scale ceramic EXPERT Flap

(MT-A Augsburg)

– Instrumentation:– pressure ports (DLR-IAS-HY, Cologne)– Thermocouples (DLR-IAS-HY, Cologne)– Flight IR camera

(RUAG, Zürich)

SCIROCCO Development test

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011




– Understanding of Performance of Aerodynamic Control Surfaces is key to:

– Performance

– Reliability

– Safety of space planes

– EXPERT control surfaces are heavily instrumented by an international team

– Flight Data exploitation will be lead by DLR-IAS-HY

– Control Surface performance was critical at STS-1 due to incorrect prediction

PredictionsCIRA DLR-IAS-RF

Control Surface Instrumentation

SCIROCCO test Scientific Background

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

– Facility performed flawlessly (CIRA)

– Flap without degradation after test (MT-A)

– Instrumentation performed accurately (DLR-IAS-HY)

– Preliminary data shows qualitative agreement with predictions with respect to:

– Material performance

– Temperature characteristics (RUAG)– Flow direction features

Hardware after test

High speed during test

Infrared during test

SCIROCCO tests Campaign Results

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

– External Vehicle TPS is delivered to TAS-I(Nose, Flaps, Metallic Body and insulation)

– Internal cold structure delivered to TAS-I( Electronics and payloads integrated)

– Subsystems manufactured and delivered(Avionics fully tested)

– Subsystems , PLs and flight harness integrated(Anti vibration mounts developed and tested)

– Descent and landing system under manufac. (Engineering Model deployments tests performed)

Vehicle development status

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

Vehicle integration

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

Metallic TPS integration

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

Metallic TPS integration

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

Design temperature

in the area is 14800С.

The fabric did not loose its strength

Rear Thermal Insulation

Engineering tests

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

– Supersonic Parachute (SP), 2 stages

– Supersonic drogue deploy: M=1.8, 16 Km, 523m/s

– Main Parachute deploy: M=0.3, 4Km, max. 80 m/s

– Landing speed below 10m/s

Parachute system with 2 stages

Supersonic drogue deploy: M=1.8, 16 Km, 523 m/s

Main Parachute deploy: M=0.3, 4/3 Km, max. 80 m/s

Landing speed requirement lower than 10m/s

Descent and landing system

16km 3km

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

DLS Parachute deployment

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

DLS inflation test on the drogue

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

Main ParachuteDrop Test Description

– Helicopter– MI-8 Helicopter

– Flight Velocity at 25 to 50 m/s

– Payload deployed around 1800 to 1200 m– 440 kg mock-up

– Shape, Size, Material unknown

– Additional Drogue parachute required– To obtain test conditions for EXPERT Main Parachute

– Drogue deployed after 2 to 5 s

– Main Parachute deployment– 700 to 1000 m

– 60 to 70 m/s

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

EXPERT Vehicle Recovery scenario




406Mhz digital signal.COSPAST-SARSAT ConstellationGlobal satellite coverage to locate EXPERT vehicle.

121.5Mhz analog signal.Regional coverage with no dataencoded and worst accuracy.

LEO/GEO satellites. LEO satellites provide periodicCoverage of the entire earth.GEO satellites continuous coveragebellow 70 degrees

Local User Terminal

Mission Control Centre

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011


Project Milestones

– Integration and functional verification to be concluded mid May

– System verification and environmental tests in May/ June

– Qualification Acceptance Review in July / August

– Vehicle and DLS delivery to Kamchatka

– Final integration and launch preparation

– Launch September 2011 (end of launch window)

– EXPERT is a key development for ATD activities and Re-Entry technologies in Europe and attracted world wide attention from the scientific community.

– Shall provide a much-needed boost to European scientics and industrial competence in ATD and Re-entry / transportation activities.

EXPERT status| 11/05/2011

EXPERT Consortium

ESA project : Re-entry test bed for in-flight experimentationThales Alenia Space Italia as Prime Contractor

Sub-contractors from 6 European countries (I, A, B, CH, D, NL ) Set of 14 scientific payloads from European Institutes (I, D, B, CH, S, Nl, F)

Coordination of experiments performed by CIRA Makeyev SRC provides; Launcher, DLS and ground recovery operations