Explosion Proof Actuators

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


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    Schischek Explosion Proof. Actuators and Sensors for Hazardous (Classied) Locations.Protection of Life. Health. Assets.

    North American Price List valid from January 1, 2014


    Technical Short Information North America

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014


    Explosion Protection Since 1975Since 1975 Schischek has supplied electric explosionproof products worldwide for heating, ventilation andair-conditioning, for industrial and offshore applications.

    Schischek Explosionproof has become an importantpartner for consultants, public authorities, control com-panies, installers, OEMs and, not least of all, the enduser.

    As supplier of components, we have always consideredit our duty to develop products in conjunction with othercontrol equipment. Modern Ex equipment, reliable,proven and with state of the art technology.

    Safety is EssentialWith this motto we state that explosion protection is nota question of statistics or half hearted solutions but that100% safety must be guaranteed at all times. Explosionprotection means taking on responsibility.

    There is No Little Ex Protection!People have confidence in us as Ex protection special-ists and in you as consultant, installer and contractor.

    All Schischek Ex products are, therefore, PTB certified,approved by and produced according to the very lateststandards and regulations. According to type and kindof protection, our products are suitable for operation inEx areas, zones 0, 1, 2, 20, 21 and 22, including gases,vapours, mists and dusts of course in accordancewith ATEX 94/9/EC.

    Schischek supplies control companies and contractorsin the Building Automation market. We have developedequipment which is compatible with nearly all controlsystems. By combining Schischek products with con-ventional switching and control equipment, reliablehigh quality systems are implemented that conform toEx protection standards. Some examples of use are

    fire and smoke dampers, paintspray areas, exhaustsystems in chemical laboratories, battery rooms, sew-age treatment plants, pumping stations etc.

    Whether you need air flow control in a pharmaceuticalplant or temperature regulation of paint tanks in the carindustry, Schischek offers cost-effective solutions spe-cifically designed for control integration. Ex protectionis required for applications from paint spray shops to

    drying stations. System compatibility with all aspectsof control facilitates integrated planning from design to

    completion. At the same time, safety and reliability increase in planning, installation, approval and operationSince all equipment is maintenance-free, cost savingsare realised.

    In co-operation with valve and damper manufactur-ers, industrial control companies and contractors,Schischek products are in use worldwide. Our productsare characterised by the highest protection class, com-pact size and easy handling.

    We can provide solutions to problems as far as Exventilation and precise temperature control in industriaplants are concerned.

    Harsh environmental conditions and robust quality

    cause stringent design / construction requirements oncomponents and materials. A fast closing electric ac-tuator for fire / smoke dampers of less than 3 secondsis a requirement on oil and gas platforms as well ason FPSOs. After an intense development processincluding trials, a completely new concept in actua-tor engineering was produced. Since, thousands of

    Schischek actuators in special aluminium, C5-M and

    stainless steel housings have been delivered and in-stalled, moreover, the product range has been continu-ously enlarged and refined.

    Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Car Industries

    Water Treatment Plants, Compressor Stations

    Offshore, Onshore, Shipbuilding

    Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning

    Safety, Worldwide,in Thousands of Applications!

    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014




    P F








    Air damper Air filter Heater Fan Hum

    S a

    f e a r e a

    E x a r e a

    O r d

    i n a r y

    L o c a

    t i o n

    H a z a r d o u s

    L o c a

    t i o n 676







    Which Components Have to be Explosion Proof?

    Temperature and Humidity Sen


    40+257 F 0100 %rH full range adjustable

    Linear Valve Actuators


    1102,200 lbf 0.22.36" stroke 2...15 sec/ mm On-off, 3-pos modulating

    Failsafe Linear Valve Actuators

    ExMax + LINRedMax + LIN

    110670 lbf 0.31.65" stroke 0,1...15 sec/ mm On-off, 3-pos modulating with spring return

    Quarter Turn Actuators for Dampers and Valves


    451,350 in-lbs 3...150 sec/ 90 On-off, 3-pos modulating with/without spring return

    In the diagram below, a typical air-handling system shows which equipment is allowedin the Hazardous location and which should only be placed in the ordinary location.The diagram does not claim to be complete.

    If in doubt, please do not hesitate to consult us at Schischek. We will advise you in anycase. A brief discussion in the early stages of planning can avoid substantial costs inremedial work later and gives you the peace of mind that you have a safely installed

    operating system.

    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014


    C M

    C VAV

    %rF MP PC



    Air damper Fire damper Restrictor Restrictor




    4 5 8 18 1

    Thermostats, Humidistats, Frost Protection Controller

    ExReg-VDifferential pressure 0300 Pa (VAV)


    40+257 F 0100 %rH

    Filter Monitoring, Fan Belt Protection


    05.000 Pa Pressure/Differential pressure Fan-belt protection Filter protection 1- or 2-stage switching point

    ressure/ Differential Pressure Sensors


    100 7.500 Paull range adjustable


    40+257 F 0100 %rH 1- or 2-stage

    ExBin-FRRedBin-FR +14+59 F Capillary: 118", 236" 1-stage switching point

    You should be aware of the areas of installation where an explosive atmospheremay build up. Furthermore, you should have the responsible authority classify therelevant Ex zone and in combination with type and condition of the explosive medium,

    you should be able to select suitable explosion proof equipment.

    With Schischek products this is simple because all equipment is certifiedaccording to the highest safety standards according to ATEX, of course!

    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014


    Table of contents Installation Areas in Division/Zones Gas Dust Gas Dust Gas DustApprovals According to Zone System Zone 0 20 1 21 2 22 OL**Approvals According to Division System Cl. I Cl. II, III Cl. I Cl. II, III Cl. I Cl. II, III OL** Div 1 Div 1 Div 1 Div 1 Div 2 Div 2Product Line PageQuarter Turn Actuators 90Overview electrical actuators with 90 angle of rotation 8-9

    ExMax size S 45 270 in-lbs with/ without spring return (HL*) 10 ExMax size M 270 1,350 in-lbs with/ without spring return (HL*) 11 RedMax size S 45 270 in-lbs with/ without spring return (HL*) 12 RedMax size M 270 1,350 in-lbs with/ without spring return (HL*) 13 InMax size S 45 270 in-lbs with/ without spring return (OL**) 14 InMax size M 270 1,350 in-lbs with/ without spring return (OL**) 15 Linear Valve Actuators with Spring Return with 0.30"/0.39"/0.59"/0.79"/1.18"/1.65" Stroke (Fixed)Overview electrical linear actuators 16-17LIN-..+ ExMax.. size S, M 110 670 lbf with spring return (HL*) 18-19 LIN-..+ RedMax.. size S, M 110 670 lbf with spring return (HL*) 18-19 LIN-..+ InMax.. size S, M 110 670 lbf with spring return (OL**) 18-19 Valve Actuators with 0.2"2.36" (5...60 mm) Stroke ExRun size S 110 2,200 lbf without spring return (HL*) 20-21 RedRun size S 110 2,200 lbf without spring return (HL*) 20-21 InRun size S 110 2,200 lbf without spring return (OL**) 20-21 Special Options for ActuatorsOverview special options for actuators 22-23

    Overview heating system ExPolar for actuators 24ExPolar heating system for actuators use in Ex areas down to 58 F (50 C) (HL*) 25 InPolar heating system for actuators use in ordinary location down to 58 F (50 C) (OL**) 25 Controller for VAV, Pressure, Temperature, HumidityOverview control system 26-27ExReg-V volume flow and pressure controller 0 300 Pa (1.2 inch water) (HL*) 28-29 InReg-V volume flow and pressure controller 0 300 Pa (1.2 inch water) (OL**) 28-29 ExReg-D temperature and humidity controller 40 +257 F/ 0100 %rH (HL*) 30-31 InReg-D temperature and humidity controller 40 +257 F/ 0100 %rH (OL**) 30-31 Modulating Sensors for Temperature, Humidity, Pressure/ Differential PressureOverview modulating sensors 32-34ExCos-P differential pressure, VAV sensors 100 7.500 Pa (0.430 inch water) (HL*) 35 RedCos-P differential pressure, VAV sensors 100 7.500 Pa (0.430 inch water) (HL*) 35 InCos-P differential pressure, VAV sensors 100 7.500 Pa (0.430 inch water) (OL**) 35 ExCos-D temperature and humidity transducer for ExPro-C sensors (HL*) 36 RedCos-D temperature and humidity transducer for ExPro-C sensors (HL*) 36 InCos-D temperature and humidity transducer for InPro-C sensors (OL**) 36 ExPro-C temperature and humidity sensor probes for operation in HVAC systems (HL*) 37 InPro-C temperature and humidity sensor probes for operation in HVAC systems (OL**) 37 ExCos-A transducer for passive, potential free, modulating ExSens sensors (HL*) 38 RedCos-A transducer for passive, potential free, modulating ExSens sensors (HL*) 38 InCos-A transducer for passive, potential free, modulating sensors (OL**) 38 ExSens modulating, passive temperature-/ humidity-/pressure sensors (HL*) 39 ( ) ( ) ( ) Binary Sensors (Thermostats, Hygrostats, Pressostats, Fan Belt Protection, Frost Protection)Overview binary sensor technology 40-42ExBin-P pressure/ differential pressure 0 5.000 Pa (0.420 inch water) (HL*) 43 RedBin-P pressure/ differential pressure 0 5.000 Pa (0.420 inch water) (HL*) 43 InBin-P pressure/ differential pressure 0 5.000 Pa (0.420 inch water) (OL**) 43 ExBin-FR frost protection thermostat 14 59 F (HL*) 44 RedBin-FR frost protection thermostat 14 59 F (HL*) 44 InBin-FR frost protection thermostat 14 59 F (OL**) 44 ExBin-N drive belt monitoring 0 10.000 U/min-1 (HL*) 45 RedBin-N drive belt monitoring 0 10.000 U/min-1 (HL*) 45 InBin-N drive belt monitoring 0 10.000 U/min-1 (OL**) 45 ExBin-D temperature and humidity thermostat for ExPro-B probe sensors (HL*) 46 RedBin-D temperature and humidity thermostat for ExPro-B probe sensors (HL*) 46 InBin-D temperature and humidity thermostat for InPro-B probe sensors (OL**) 46 ExPro-B digital thermostat/ hygrostat sensor probes for operation in HVAC systems (HL*) 47 InPro-B digital thermostat/ hygrostat sensor probes for operation in HVAC systems (OL**) 47 ExBin-A modules for adaptation of 1-5 passive, potential free, binary ExSens sensors (HL*) 48 RedBin-A modules for adaptation of 1-5 passive, potential free, binary ExSens sensors (HL*) 48 InBin-A modules for adaptation of 1-5 passive, potential free, binary sensors (OL**) 48 ExSens binary, passive temperature-/humidity-/ pressure sensors (HL*) 49 ( ) ( ) ( ) Special Options for SensorsOverview special options for sensors 50Overview heating system ExPolar for sensors 51ExPolar heating system for sensors' use in Ex areas down to 58 F (50 C) (HL*) 51 InPolar heating system for sensors' use in ordinary location down to 58 F (50 C) (OL**) 51 Door Holder Magnets ExMag door holder magnets with 146, 292, 450 lbf force (HL*) 52

    *HL = Hazardous Location **OL = Ordinary Location( ) Zone System Only

    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014


    Table of contents Installation Areas in Division/Zones Gas Dust Gas Dust Gas DustApprovals According to Zone System Zone 0 20 1 21 2 22 OL**Approvals According to Division System Cl. I Cl. II, III Cl. I Cl. II, III Cl. I Cl. II, III OL** Div 1 Div 1 Div 1 Div 1 Div 2 Div 2Content/Description PageAdditional InformationConversation tables 53

    Product codes/definitions 54-55Installation according to NEC 500 (Division system, North America) 56Installation according to ATEX (Zone system) 57Features of actuators in combination with ExPro-TT.. or programming stick 58Electrical installation codes according to NEC/FM/CSA 60Labelling of explosion proof equipment in accordance with NEC 500/ 505 61Explosion proof information 62Classification of hazardous areas 63Division and zone system comparison 64-65SIL Safety Integrity Level information 66-67Certification information 68-69Valve automation 70-71Rotork Products 72-75

    Typical Class I Locations Respective Zones 0, 1 and 2: Petroleum refineries, gasoline storage and dispensing areas

    Industrial firms that use flammable liquids in dip tanks for parts cleaning or other operations

    Petrochemical companies that manufacture chemicals from gas and oil Dry cleaning plants where vapors from cleaning fluids can be present

    Companies that have spraying areas where they coat products with paint or plastics

    Aircraft hangars and fuel servicing areas

    Utility gas plants, and operations involving storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas

    Typical Class II Locations respective Zone 20, 21, 22: Grain elevators, flour and feed mills

    Plants that manufacture, use, or store magnesium or aluminum powders Plants that have chemical or metallurgical processes of plastics, medicines, fireworks, etc.

    Producers of starch or candies

    Spice-grinding plants, sugar plants and cocoa plants

    Coal preparation plants and other carbon-handling or processing areas

    Typical Class III Locations Respective Zones 20, 21, 22: Textile mills, cotton gins, cotton seed mills, and flax processing plants

    Any plant that shapes, pulverizes, or cuts wood and creates sawdust or flyings

    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014


    Introducing ExMax Damper Actuators for Hazardous Locations!Quarter Turn and Rotary Applications for Damper Control ...








    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014
















    Electrical Drive Engineering with 90 Angle of Rotation

    Ordinary Location Hazardous Location

    Overview ..Max Quarter-Turn Actuators

    The actuator series are subdivided in 3 installation and 5 application areas.

    Installation Areas:ExMax- .....................actuators for use in hazardous location Div. 1 and zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    RedMax- ...................actuators for use in hazardous location Div. 2 and zone 2, 22InMax- .......................actuators for use in ordinary location

    Application Areas:Ex/Red/InMax ......... for air and fire dampers, VAV, ball valves, control dampers

    The actuator concept offers obvious advantages:

    1. Small dimension, compact, easy installation, highest protection classes, cost effective2. Universal power supply 24 to 240 Volt AC/DC, selfadjustable

    3. SIL2 fail safe function4. With or without spring return (in accordance with type)5. Robust aluminium housing, NEMA4X/ IP666. Integrated heater for low temperatures7. On site adjustable motor running time8. Integrated manual override9. Useful accessories such as retrofit limit switches10. Actuators are to offer direct coupling

    Actuators for Air Dampers

    Actuators for Smoke and Fire Dampers

    ExMax.., RedMax.., InMax.. Turn Actuators

    90 actuators from 45 to 1,350 in-lbs, with or w/ospring return (run time 1, 3, 10, 20 s depending ontype), for air-dampers.

    ExMax.., RedMax.., InMax.. Turn Actuators

    90 actuators from 45 to 1,350 in-lbs, with or w/ospring return (run time 1, 3, 10, 20 s depending ontype), for smoke- and fire-dampers.

    Actuators for Ball Valves

    Actuators for Butterfly Valves and Other Turn Valves

    ExMax.., RedMax.., InMax.. Turn Actuators

    90 actuators from 45 to 1,350 in-lbs, with or w/ospring return (run time 1, 3, 10, 20 s depending ontype), for ball valves.

    ExMax.., RedMax.., InMax.. Turn Actuators

    90 actuators from 45 to 1,350 in-lbs, with or w/ospring return (run time 1, 3, 10, 20 s dependingon type), for butterfly valves and other quarter turnvalves.

    Actuators for VAV Control ExMax.., RedMax.., InMax.. Turn Actuators

    90 actuators from 45 to 1,350 in-lbs, with or w/ospring return (run time 1, 3, 10, 20 s depending ontype), for VAV control.

    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014


    ExMax 90 Quarter-Turn Actuators Size "S" for Class I/II/III, Div. 1, zone 1, 2, 21, 22


    Cl. I/II/III, Div. 1Zone 1/2/21/22

    Gas + Dustcertified accordingUL, CSA



    Basics for all ExMax-.. size "S" 24240 VAC/DC self adaptable power supply 95angle of rotation (5 for preload) 100% overload protected Aluminum housing NEMA4X / IP66, cable ~ 39.4" -40F...+104F/+122F, integrated heater Emergency manual override Squared shaft connection 0.47" 0.47" Dimensions (H W D) 8.27" 3.74" 3.15" Approximate weight 8 lbs (..VAS = 16 lbs)


    ExMax are, in accordance with type, for automation ofair dampers, fire and smoke dampers, volume control, as

    well as for ball valves, throttle valves and other quarter-turn armatures.

    Scope of Delivery: 1 actuator, ~ 39.4 inch cable, allen key for manual over -ride, 4 screws, manuals.

    Size "S"

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators Without Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Division 1 and Zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    ExMax-45.90-F-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos - - SExMax- 135-F-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos - - SExMax-45.90-SF-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) - SExMax- 135-SF-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) - SExMax-45.90-YF-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SExMax- 135-YF-A 135 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SExMax-45.90-UF-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SExMax- 135-UF-A 135 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    ExMax-45.90-BF-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) ExPro-TT connector SExMax- 135-BF-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) ExPro-TT connector S

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators With Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Division 1 and Zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    ExMax- 72-F1-A 72 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off - - SExMax-135-F1-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off - - SExMax- 72-SF1-A 72 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/85) - SExMax-135-SF1-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/85) - SExMax- 72-BF1-A 72 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/85) ExPro-TT connector SExMax-135-BF1-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/85) ExPro-TT connector S

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators With 1 Second Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Division 1 and Zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    Stick Stick to change parameter and factory settings such as running time, torque, spring return time, force control and write protection depending on actuator ExPro-TT-72 Safety temperature trigger for fire dampers, switching at 162F / 72C, with electrical connector, only connectable to Max--BF actuators!KB-A Shaft connection for North American actuators for damper shafts " adaptable to all ..Max-.. actuators size SKB-S Mounting clamp for round damper shafts 0.4" to 0.75" and squared shafts 0.4" to 0.6", including bracket, connectable to all ..Max-.. actuators size SHV-SK, HV-SL Manual override, connectable to actuators size S. HV-SK = short version, HV-SL = long version for add. mounting of ..Box/ ..Switch (not suitable for ..Max-..-..F1!)AR-12-xx Squared reduction part from 0.47" 0.47" to shafts with 0.43" (type AR-12-11), 0.39" (type AR-12-10), 0.32" (type AR-12-08)D-F-S-A Adaptation with flange according to DIN EN 5211 for butterfly or ball-valves suitable for size S, see page 70 for more information

    Type Technical Data


    Explosion Proof Features of ExMax - ... size "S"

    ExMax- 45.90-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos - - SExMax-135.270-A 135 / 270 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos - - SExMax- 45.90-S-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) - SExMax-135.270-S-A 135 / 270 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) - SExMax- 45.90-Y-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SExMax-135.270-Y-A 135 / 270 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SExMax- 45.90-U-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SExMax-135.270-U-A 135 / 270 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    Special options and offshore kits see page23

    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014


    ExMax 90 Quarter-Turn Actuators Size "M" for Class I/II/III, Div. 1, zone 1, 2, 21, 22


    Cl. I/II/III, Div. 1Zone 1/2/21/22

    Gas + Dustcertified accordingUL, CSA



    Basics for all ExMax-.. size "M" 24240 VAC/DC self adaptable power supply 95angle of rotation (5 for preload) 100% overload protected Aluminum housing NEMA4X / IP66, cable ~ 39.4" -40F...+104F/+122F, integrated heater Emergency manual override Squared shaft connection 0.63" 0.63" Dimensions (H W D) 11.34" 5.87" 4.57" Approximate weight 21 lbs


    ExMax are, in accordance with type, for automation ofair dampers, fire and smoke dampers, volume control, as

    well as for ball valves, throttle valves and other quarter-turn armatures.

    Scope of Delivery: 1 actuator, ~ 39.4 inch cable, allen key for manual over -ride, 4 screws, manuals.

    Size "M"

    ExMax-450.675-A 450 / 675 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos - - MExMax- 900-A 900 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos - - MExMax- 1350-A 1,350 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos - - MExMax-450.675-S-A 450 / 675 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MExMax- 900-S-A 900 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MExMax- 1350-S-A 1,350 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MExMax-450.675-Y-A 450 / 675 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MExMax- 900-Y-A 900 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MExMax-450.675-U-A 450 / 675 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MExMax- 900-U-A 900 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - M

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators Without Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Division 1 and Zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    ExMax-270-F-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos - - MExMax-450-F-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos - - MExMax-540-F-A 540 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos - - MExMax-270-SF-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MExMax-450-SF-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MExMax-540-SF-A 540 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - M

    ExMax-270-YF-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MExMax-450-YF-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MExMax-270-UF-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MExMax-450-UF-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MExMax-540-UF-A 540 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MExMax-270-BF-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) ExPro-TT connector MExMax-450-BF-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) ExPro-TT connector MExMax-540-BF-A 540 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) ExPro-TT connector M

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators With Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Division 1 and Zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    ExMax-270-F3-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off - - MExMax-450-F3-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off - - MExMax-270-SF3-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - M

    ExMax-450-SF3-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MExMax-270-BF3-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/ 85) ExPro-TT connector MExMax-450-BF3-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/ 85) ExPro-TT connector M

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators With 3 Second Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Division 1 and Zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    Explosion Proof Features of ExMax - ... size "M"

    Stick Stick to change parameter and factory settings such as running time, torque, spring return time, force control and write protection depending on actuator ExPro-TT-72 Safety temperature trigger for fire dampers, switching at 162F / 72C, with electrical connector, only connectable to ..Max-..-BF actuators!HV-MK Manual override, connectable to actuators size M (not suitable for ..Max-..-..F3 !)AR-16-xx Squared reduction part from 0.63" 0.63" to shafts with 0.55" (type AR-16-14), 0.47" (type AR-16-12)D-F-M-A Adaptation with flange according to DIN EN 5211 for butterfly or ball-valves suitable for size M, see page70 for more information

    Type Technical DataAccessories

    Special options and offshore kits see page 23

    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014


    RedMax 90 Quarter-Turn Actuators Size "S" for Class I/II/III, Div. 2, zone 2, 22


    Cl. I/II/III, Div. 2Zone 2, 22

    Gas + Dustcertified accordingUL, CSA


    Basics for all RedMax-.. size "S" 24240 VAC/DC self adaptable power supply 95angle of rotation (5 for preload) 100% overload protected Aluminum housing NEMA4X / IP66, cable ~ 39.4" -40F...+104F/+122F, integrated heater Emergency manual override Squared shaft connection 0.47" 0.47" Dimensions (H W D) 8.27" 3.74" 3.15" Approximate weight 8 lbs (..VAS = 16 lbs)


    RedMax are, in accordance with type, for automation ofair dampers, fire and smoke dampers, volume control, as

    well as for ball valves, throttle valves and other quarter-turn armatures.

    Scope of Delivery: 1 actuator, ~ 39.4 inch cable, allen key for manual over -ride, 4 screws, manuals.

    Size "S"

    Explosion Proof Features of RedMax - ... size "S"

    Stick Stick to change parameter and factory settings such as running time, torque, spring return time, force control and write protection depending on actuator ExPro-TT-72 Safety temperature trigger for fire dampers, switching at 162F / 72C, with electrical connector, only connectable to Max--BF actuators!KB-A Shaft connection for North American actuators for damper shafts " adaptable to all ..Max-.. actuators size SKB-S Mounting clamp for round damper shafts 0.4" to 0.75" and squared shafts 0.4" to 0.6", including bracket, connectable to all ..Max-.. actuators size SHV-SK, HV-SL Manual override, connectable to actuators size S. HV-SK = short version, HV-SL = long version for add. mounting of ..Box/ ..Switch (not suitable for ..Max-..-..F1!)AR-12-xx Squared reduction part from 0.47" 0.47" to shafts with 0.43" (type AR-12-11), 0.39" (type AR-12-10), 0.32" (type AR-12-08)D-F-S-A Adaptation with flange according to DIN EN 5211 for butterfly or ball-valves suitable for size S, see page 70 for more information

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators Without Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Division 2 and Zone 2, 22

    RedMax-45.90-F-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos - - SRedMax- 135-F-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos - - SRedMax-45.90-SF-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) - SRedMax- 135-SF-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) - SRedMax-45.90-YF-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SRedMax- 135-YF-A 135 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SRedMax-45.90-UF-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SRedMax- 135-UF-A 135 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    RedMax-45.90-BF-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) ExPro-TT connector SRedMax- 135-BF-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) ExPro-TT connector S

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators With Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Division 2 and Zone 2, 22

    Type Technical Data


    RedMax- 45.90-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos - - SRedMax-135.270-A 135 / 270 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos - - SRedMax- 45.90-S-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) - SRedMax-135.270-S-A 135 / 270 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) - SRedMax- 45.90-Y-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SRedMax-135.270-Y-A 135 / 270 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SRedMax- 45.90-U-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SRedMax-135.270-U-A 135 / 270 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    RedMax- 72-F1-A 72 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off - - SRedMax-135-F1-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off - - SRedMax- 72-SF1-A 72 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/85) - SRedMax-135-SF1-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/85) - SRedMax- 72-BF1-A 72 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/85) ExPro-TT connector SRedMax-135-BF1-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/85) ExPro-TT connector S

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators With 1 Second Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Division 2 and Zone 2, 22

    Special options and offshore kits see page23

    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014


    RedMax 90 Quarter-Turn Actuators Size "M" for Class I/II/III, Div. 2, zone 2, 22


    Cl. I/II/III, Div. 2Zone 2, 22

    Gas + Dustcertified accordingUL, CSA


    Basics for all RedMax-.. size "M" 24240 VAC/DC self adaptable power supply 95angle of rotation (5 for preload) 100% overload protected Aluminum housing NEMA4X / IP66, cable ~ 39.4" -40F...+104F/+122F, integrated heater Emergency manual override Squared shaft connection 0.63" 0.63" Dimensions (H W D) 11.34" 5.87" 4.57" Approximate weight 21 lbs


    RedMax are, in accordance with type, for automation ofair dampers, fire and smoke dampers, volume control, as

    well as for ball valves, throttle valves and other quarter-turn armatures.

    Scope of Delivery: 1 actuator, ~ 39.4 inch cable, allen key for manual over -ride, 4 screws, manuals.

    Size "M"

    Explosion Proof Features of RedMax - ... size "M"

    Stick Stick to change parameter and factory settings such as running time, torque, spring return time, force control and write protection depending on actuator ExPro-TT-72 Safety temperature trigger for fire dampers, switching at 162F / 72C, with electrical connector, only connectable to ..Max-..-BF actuators!HV-MK Manual override, connectable to actuators size M (not suitable for ..Max-..-..F3!)AR-16-xx Squared reduction part from 0.63" 0.63" to shafts with 0.55" (type AR-16-14), 0.47" (type AR-16-12)D-F-M-A Adaptation with flange according to DIN EN 5211 for butterfly or ball-valves suitable for size M, see page70 for more information

    Type Technical DataAccessories

    RedMax-450.675-A 450 / 675 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos - - MRedMax- 900-A 900 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos - - MRedMax- 1350-A 1,350 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos - - MRedMax-450.675-S-A 450 / 675 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MRedMax- 900-S-A 900 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MRedMax- 1350-S-A 1,350 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MRedMax-450.675-Y-A 450 / 675 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MRedMax- 900-Y-A 900 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MRedMax-450.675-U-A 450 / 675 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MRedMax- 900-U-A 900 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - M

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators Without Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Division 2 and Zone 2, 22

    RedMax-270-F-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos - - MRedMax-450-F-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos - - MRedMax-540-F-A 540 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos - - MRedMax-270-SF-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MRedMax-450-SF-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MRedMax-540-SF-A 540 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - M

    RedMax-270-YF-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MRedMax-450-YF-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MRedMax-270-UF-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MRedMax-450-UF-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MRedMax-540-UF-A 540 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MRedMax-270-BF-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) ExPro-TT connector MRedMax-450-BF-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) ExPro-TT connector MRedMax-540-BF-A 540 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) ExPro-TT connector M

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators With Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Division 2 and Zone 2, 22

    RedMax-270-F3-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off - - MRedMax-450-F3-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off - - MRedMax-270-SF3-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - M

    RedMax-450-SF3-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MRedMax-270-BF3-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/ 85) ExPro-TT connector MRedMax-450-BF3-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/ 85) ExPro-TT connector M

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators With 3 Second Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Division 2 and Zone 2, 22

    Special options and offshore kits see page 23

    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014


    InMax 90 Quarter-Turn Actuators Size "S" for Ordinary Locations


    NOT explosion proofand only for use in

    ordinary locationscertified according togeneral purpose

    standardNEMA4X / IP66

    Basics for all InMax-.. size "S" 24240 VAC/DC self adaptable power supply 95angle of rotation (5 for preload) 100% overload protected Aluminum housing NEMA4X/ IP66, cable ~ 39.4" -40F...+122F, integrated heater Emergency manual override Squared shaft connection 0.47" 0.47" Dimensions (H W D) 8.27" 3.74" 3.15" Approximate weight 8 lbs (..VAS = 16 lbs)


    InMax are, in accordance with type, for automation of airdampers, fire and smoke dampers, volume control, as

    well as for ball valves, throttle valves and other quarter-turn armatures.

    Scope of Delivery: 1 actuator, ~ 39.4 inch cable, allen key for manual over -ride, 4 screws, manuals.

    Size "S"

    Industrial Features of InMax - ... size "S"

    Stick Stick to change parameter and factory settings such as running time, torque, spring return time, force control and write protection depending on actuator InPro-TT-72 Temperature trigger for fire dampers, switching at 162F / 72C, with electrical connector, only connectable to InMax--BF actuators!KB-A Shaft connection for North American actuators for damper shafts " adaptable to all ..Max-.. actuators size SKB-S Mounting clamp for round damper shafts 0.4" to 0.75" and squared shafts 0.4" to 0.6", including bracket, connectable to all ..Max-.. actuators size SHV-SK, HV-SL Manual override, connectable to actuators size S. HV-SK = short version, HV-SL = long version for add. mounting of ..Box/ ..Switch (not suitable for ..Max-..-..F1!)AR-12-xx Squared reduction part from 0.47" 0.47" to shafts with 0.43" (type AR-12-11), 0.39" (type AR-12-10), 0.32" (type AR-12-08)D-F-S-A Adaptation with flange according to DIN EN 5211 for butterfly or ball-valves suitable for size S, see page 70 for more information

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators Without Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Ordinary Location

    InMax-45.90-F-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos - - SInMax- 135-F-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos - - SInMax-45.90-SF-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) - SInMax- 135-SF-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) - SInMax-45.90-YF-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SInMax- 135-YF-A 135 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SInMax-45.90-UF-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SInMax- 135-UF-A 135 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    InMax-45.90-BF-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) InPro-TT connector SInMax- 135-BF-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s ~ 3 s / 10 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) InPro-TT connector S

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators With Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Ordinary Location

    Type Technical Data


    InMax- 45.90-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos - - SInMax-135.270-A 135 / 270 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos - - SInMax- 45.90-S-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) - SInMax-135.270-S-A 135 / 270 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/85) - SInMax- 45.90-Y-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SInMax-135.270-Y-A 135 / 270 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SInMax- 45.90-U-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - SInMax-135.270-U-A 135 / 270 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60 s - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    InMax- 72-F1-A 72 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off - - SInMax-135-F1-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off - - SInMax- 72-SF1-A 72 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/85) - SInMax-135-SF1-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/85) - SInMax- 72-BF1-A 72 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/85) InPro-TT connector SInMax-135-BF1-A 135 in-lbs 3/15/30/60 s 1 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/85) InPro-TT connector S

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators With 1 Second Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Ordinary Location

    Special options and offshore kits see page23

    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014


    InMax 90 Quarter-Turn Actuators Size "M" for Ordinary Locations


    NOT explosion proofand only for use in

    ordinary locationscertified according togeneral purpose

    standardNEMA4X / IP66

    Basics for all InMax-.. size "M" 24240 VAC/DC self adaptable power supply 95angle of rotation (5 for preload) 100% overload protected Aluminum housing NEMA4X/ IP66, cable ~ 39.4" -40F...+104F/+122F, integrated heater Emergency manual override Squared shaft connection 0.63" 0.63" Dimensions (H W D) 11.34" 5.87" 4.57" Approximate weight 21 lbs


    InMax are, in accordance with type, for automation of airdampers, fire and smoke dampers, volume control, as

    well as for ball valves, throttle valves and other quarter-turn armatures.

    Scope of Delivery: 1 actuator, ~ 39.4 inch cable, allen key for manual over -ride, 4 screws, manuals.

    Size "M"

    Industrial Features of InMax - ... size "M"

    Stick Stick to change parameter and factory settings such as running time, torque, spring return time, force control and write protection depending on actuator InPro-TT-72 Temperature trigger for fire dampers, switching at 162F / 72C, with electrical connector, only connectable to InMax-..-BF actuators!HV-MK Manual override, connectable to actuators size M (not suitable for ..Max-..-..F3!)AR-16-xx Squared reduction part from 0.63" 0.63" to shafts with 0.55" (type AR-16-14), 0.47" (type AR-16-12)D-F-M-A Adaptation with flange according to DIN EN 5211 for butterfly or ball-valves suitable for size M, see page70 for more information

    Type Technical Data

    InMax-450.675-A 450 / 675 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos - - MInMax- 900-A 900 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos - - MInMax- 1350-A 1,350 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos - - MInMax-450.675-S-A 450 / 675 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MInMax- 900-S-A 900 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MInMax- 1350-S-A 1,350 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MInMax-450.675-Y-A 450 / 675 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MInMax- 900-Y-A 900 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MInMax-450.675-U-A 450 / 675 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MInMax- 900-U-A 900 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - M

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators Without Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Ordinary Location

    InMax-270-F-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos - - MInMax-450-F-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos - - MInMax-540-F-A 540 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos - - MInMax-270-SF-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MInMax-450-SF-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MInMax-540-SF-A 540 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - M

    InMax-270-YF-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MInMax-450-YF-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MInMax-270-UF-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MInMax-450-UF-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MInMax-540-UF-A 540 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - MInMax-270-BF-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) InPro-TT connector MInMax-450-BF-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) InPro-TT connector MInMax-540-BF-A 540 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s ~ 20 s On-off, 3-pos 2 limit switches (5/ 85) InPro-TT connector M

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators With Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Ordinary Location

    InMax-270-F3-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off - - MInMax-450-F3-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off - - MInMax-270-SF3-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - M

    InMax-450-SF3-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/ 85) - MInMax-270-BF3-A 270 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/ 85) InPro-TT connector MInMax-450-BF3-A 450 in-lbs 40/60/90/120 s 3 s On-off 2 limit switches (5/ 85) InPro-TT connector M

    Type Torque Running Time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features SizeQuarter-Turn Actuators With 3 Second Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Ordinary Location


    Special options and offshore kits see page 23

    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014


    Introducing ExMax+LIN&ExRun Valve Actuators for Hazardous Locations!Linear Applications for Valve Control ...








    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014










    North American PriceList 2012


    North American PriceList 2012

    48 49



    8 0



    V 1 2

    7 0

    7 4

    1 18 ,5 6 0


    M 4 ( 6 x ) - 8 d e e p

    4, 4 ( 6 x


    3 5

    3 7

    4 7

    , 718


    Rev Descri p tio n D at e V is

    OriginSubs titutefor


    Drawin g No .




    Sch isch ek Gmb HM h lsteig 4 5

    Gewerb eg eb ietVD-9 0 5 7 9 Lan g enzen n

    Scale1:2 Sheet1/1


    Lis tofparts


    Pro ject


    . .


    ExMaxActuator .

    . .







    .. ..

    . . ..

    . . ..

    . . ..

    . . ..

    E X P L O S I O N P R O O F

    ..Run Linear ValveActuator

    Valve LinkageExample


    ..Max -Turn Actuator


    Valve LinkageExample







    B C





    Adapterplate Areaforscrewconnecetion










    S q u ar e T w o at F i t t in g k e y

    9 9 12

    11 11 1414 14 18

    17 17 22

    19 19

    22 2227 27

    O th er O th er O th er

    mm mm mmZ ol l Z ol l Z ol l







    -X -



    Actuator typeArmature

    Type Manufacturer





    Thread Holediameter

    M mm

    UNC Zoll

    UNF Zoll


    Nominal size


    C us to me r C ou nt ry Project




    VAAISI316-U- -V -


    mm mmZ ol l Z ol l

    Rev Descri p tio n D at e V is

    OriginSubs titutefor


    Drawin g No .


    Sch isch ek Gmb HM h lsteig 4 5

    Gewerb eg eb ietS d 5D-9 0 5 7 9 Lan gen zen n

    S c a l e1 : 1 . 5 S h e e t 1 / 1


    Lis tofparts


    Pro ject


    . .


    . . .. .. .




    . . ..

    . . ..

    . . ..

    . . ..

    . . ..

    E X P L O S I O N P R O O F

    Valve Automation Valve Automation Quarter-Turn Actuators Linear Motion Actuators Schischek Valve Linkages




    Wecan q u o t ey o u ap r i cefo r a l i n kag efo r an y t y p i ca l v a l vemo u n t i n g p a t t e rnandstem (for exampleISO 5211) with-outknowing theexact valvedimensions.Contactus atcustome rservice@schischek. com.


    Whenyou order thelinkagehowever, weneedthedimensionsofthetopplate/ mount-ingpatternas wellasthe stemshapeanddimensionstodesignthe linkage.Thecutsheetfor your valvewilltypicallyhavethatinformation.Simplysendus thecut sheetandwewilldothe rest.


    Youmakethelinkageyourselfor sourceitsomewhereelse.Inthatcasewewouldbehappytoprovideyouwithall theactuatordimensionsnecessarytodoso.WecanevengiveyouSTEPfilesyoucan importdirectlyintoyour CAD system.Contactusatcustomerservice@schischek.com.

    Technical Short Information North America 2013 Technical Short Information North America 2013

    ..Max + LIN and ..Run Electrical Drive Engineering for Valves Overview

    Ordinary Location Hazardous Location

    Overview ..Max + LIN Linear Guide Unit and ..Run Valve Actuators

    The actuator series are subdivided in 3 installation and 2 application areas.

    Installation Areas:ExMax-..+LIN, ExRun- .........................for use in hazardous location Div. 1 and zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    RedMax-..+LIN, RedRun- ....................for use in hazardous location Div. 2 and zone 2, 22InMax-..+LIN, InRun- ............................for use in ordinary location

    Application Areas:Ex/Red/ InMax + LIN ............................for globe or 3-way valves (with safety function)Ex/Red/InRun ......................................for globe or 3-way valves

    The actuator concept offers obvious advantages:

    1. Small dimension, compact, easy installation, highest protection classes, cost effective2. Universal power supply 24 to 240 Volt AC/DC, selfadjustable

    3. SIL2 fail safe function (only at ..Max + LIN)4. With or without spring return (spring return only at ..Max + LIN linear guide unit)5. Robust aluminium housing, NEMA4X/ IP666. Integrated heater for low temperatures7. On site adjustable motor running time8. Integrated manual override9. Useful accessories such as retrofit limit switches

    Actuators for 2-Way and 3-Way Valves

    Actuators with Spring Return for 2-Way and 3-Way Valves

    ExRun.., RedRun.., InRun.. Valve Actuators

    Valve actuators from 110 to 2,200 lbf. On site ad- justable stroke from 0.2" to 2.36", for automation ofglobe or 3-way valves. Linkage to numerous valvetypes and brands available.

    ExMax.., RedMax.., InMax.. + LIN Linear Guide Unit

    Linear motion valve actuators with spring returnfrom 110 to 670 lbf. Fixed stroke with 0.39"/0.59"/0.79"/1.18"/1.65" for automation of globe or 3-wayvalves. Linkage to numerous valve types andbrands available.

    Please see pages 70-71 for more

    information on valve linkages.

    Valve Linkages Information

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    North American Price List 2014


    Explosion Proof

    InMax-.. + LIN-..

    NOT explosion proofand only for use in

    ordinary locationscertified according togeneral purpose



    RedMax-.. + LIN-..

    Cl. I/II/III, Div. 2Zone 2, 22

    Gas + Dustcertified accordingUL, CSA



    ExMax-.. + LIN-..

    Cl. I/II/III, Div. 1Zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    Gas + Dustcertified accordingUL, CSA


    INMETRO, KOSHA11ExMax size S only

    Features ..Max-.. + LIN-.. (Size "S" and "M")

    ..Max-.. + LIN-..Linear Valve Actuators Size "S" and "M"with Spring Return

    Basics for ..Max-.. + LIN-.. valve actuators

    24240 VAC/DC self adaptable powersupply

    Running time 0.115 sec./mm Stroke 0.30"/ 0.39"/ 0.59"/ 0.79"/ 1.18"/ 1.65" Force 110670 lbf Spring return 3 or 10 sec. (size "S"),20 sec. (size "M")

    Control mode On-off, 3-pos., 0-10 VDC,4-20 mA

    Aluminium housing, NEMA4X/ IP66 External terminal box optional Ambient temperature -4F...+104F (T6), -4F...+122F (T5)

    Weight (including actuator) ~ 18 lbs (size "S"), ~ 31 lbs (size "M")

    in accordance with type applies for actuator


    ..Max-.. + LIN-.. linear valve actuatorswithspring return for automation of globe- or

    3-way valves.Use as actuator with safety function, On-offor 3-pos. actuator or modulating actuator.

    Scope of Delivery: Linear unit, suitable forall ..Max-..-F actuators size "S" or "M".Required Accessories: Valve adaptation in accordance with valvemanufacturer, type and nominal size(diameter).Ordering Example: Modulating valve actuator with spring returnin hazardous location zone 2, for a globevalve with 0.79" stroke and a required forceof 335 lbf.

    Actuator: RedMax-30-YFLinear adaptation: LIN-20Valve adaptation: suitable for valve type

    on request

    LIN-7.5 0.30" Linear unit up to max. 0.30" stroke, suitable for all ..Max-..-F actuators size "S" or "M" with spring returnLIN-10 0.39" Linear unit up to max. 0.39" stroke, suitable for all ..Max-..-F actuators size "S" or "M" with spring returnLIN-15 0.59" Linear unit up to max. 0.59" stroke, suitable for all ..Max-..-F actuators size "S" or "M" with spring returnLIN-20 0.79" Linear unit up to max. 0.79" stroke, suitable for all ..Max-..-F actuators size "S" or "M" with spring returnLIN-30 1.18" Linear unit up to max. 1.18" stroke, suitable for all ..Max-..-F actuators size "S" or "M" with spring returnLIN-40 1.65" Linear unit up to max. 1.65" stroke, suitable for all ..Max-..-F actuators size "S" or "M" with spring return

    Type Stroke (max.) Description

    Linear Unit for Actuators with Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

    LIN-..-CT C5-M painted aluminium housing, resistant against corrosive and/ or maritime atmosphere. Lifting rod, connecting parts and screws in VA

    Type Description/ Technical Data

    LIN-.. Options

    LIN Special Options for Linear Unit Suitable for Actuators


    available for linearunit LIN-..

    In accordance with..Max type for use in

    Hazardous location orordinary location

    Basics LIN--CT

    CT: C5-M painted aluminium housing Resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere


    CT version with aluminium housing and C5-M painting,resistant against corrosive and maritime atmosphere,some parts nickel plated.

    Delivery: 1 linear unit with special optionOrdering Example: LIN-20-CT

    Special Options

    Explosion Proof/Ordinary Location Features LIN--CT

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    Mounting Variations Valve Adaptation

    To select the right valve adaptation and get the rightprice information the following information is required:

    1. Valve manufacturer

    2. Valve type

    3. Valve nominal size (diameter) DN

    For adaptations which are already designed bySchischek this information is sufficient.

    To design new adaptations we need additionaldetails of the valve body as well as drawings.

    With the purchase order you have to provideactuator type + type of adaptation.

    Actuator ..Max-..-F LIN-.. Adaptation Valve Actuator with Spring Return

    Selection of Recommended Actuators in Relation of Force (lbf) and max. Stroke (inch)

    Nominal Force in lbf (N) at Spring of Actuator in Relation of max. Stroke of LIN at Temperatures between 4+104 F

    Nominal Force in lbf (N) at Spring of Actuator in Relation of max. Stroke of LIN at Temperatures between +32+104 F

    Attention: Limitation of resolution at YF-actuators with strokes < nominal (motor blockade)! Note the maximum force of the actuator to prevent damage to your valve!Info: Suitable actuators with spring return see page10-15.

    Attention: Limitation of resolution at YF-actuators with strokes < nominal (motor blockade)! Note the maximum force of the actuator to prevent damage to your valve!

    Above mentioned values are nominal trusts with performed self adjustment drive.The maximum trusts can read values which are up to three to four times higher than values of tables. Without performed self adjustment drive there can occur much higher trust values,which can cause damages on the mentioned valve or linkages.

    0.3" (7,5 mm)

    335 lbf (1,500 N)670 lbf (3,000 N)

    670 lbf (3,000 N)1,350 lbf (6,000 N)

    670 lbf (3,000 N)1,350 lbf (6,000 N)

    335 lbf (1,500 N)670 lbf (3,000 N)

    225 lbf (1,000 N)450 lbf (2,000 N)670 lbf (3,000 N)

    450 lbf (2,000 N) 900 lbf (4,000 N)1,350 lbf (6,000 N)

    225 lbf (1,000 N)450 lbf (2,000 N)900 lbf (4,000 N)

    360 lbf (1,600 N)670 lbf (3,000 N)

    1,350 lbf (6,000 N)

    360 lbf (1,600 N)670 lbf (3,000 N)

    110 lbf (500 N)225 lbf (1,000 N)450 lbf (2,000 N)

    180 lbf (800 N)335 lbf (1,500 N)670 lbf (3,000 N)

    180 lbf (800 N)335 lbf (1,500 N)

    110 lbf (500 N)

    180 lbf (800 N)225 lbf (1,000 N)335 lbf (1,500 N)450 lbf (2,000 N)560 lbf (2,500 N)670 lbf (3,000 N)

    0.39" (10 mm) 0.59" (15 mm) 0.79" (20 mm)

    At strokes betweentwo values use the nexthigher linear unite.g. 0.94" (24 mm)stroke = LIN-30


    Max-270-F Max-270-F





    1.18" (30 mm) 1.65" (42 mm)

    Max-135-F Max-135-FMax-135-F








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    Valve Actuators Without Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Division 1 and Zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    Explosion Proof Features of ExRun, RedRun, InRun


    Cl. I/II/II, Div. 2Zone 2, 22

    Gas + Dustcertified accordingUL, CSA



    Cl. I/II/III, Div. 1Zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    Gas + Dustcertified accordingUL, CSA



    NOT explosion proofand only for use in

    ordinary locationscertified according togeneral purpose



    Basics for all Run Valve Actuators

    24240 VAC/DC self adaptable power supply Up to 5 different running times adjustable on site

    0.2" to 2.36" stroke, mechanical limitationon each position Automatic adaptation of modulating signalat Ex-, Red-, InRun--Y..

    Aluminum housing NEMA4X/ IP66 -4F...+104F/ +122F, integrated heater Emergency manual override Dimension (H1W D) 10.24" 8.2" 4.53" (without valve and adaptation)

    Approximate weight 1617 lbs2

    (without valve and adaptation)1Height varies depending on type2Weight varies depending on type


    ExRun, RedRun and InRun valve actuatorsare used for automation of linear valves

    with 3-pos. on-off or modulating mode.

    Scope of Delivery: 1 actuator with NPT1/2 conduit connectionand 39.4 inch cable extention, emergencymanual override, manuals

    Required Accessories: valve adaptation in accordance with valvemanufacturer, type and nominal size(diameter).

    ExRun/RedRun/InRun Valve Actuators Size "S" for Div. 1/2, Class I/II/III, zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    Valve Actuators Without Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Division 2 and Zone 2, 22

    ExRun- 110.220-A 110 / 220 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos - - S

    ExRun- 550.1100-A 550 / 1,100 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos - - S

    ExRun-1650.2200-A 1,650 / 2,200 lbf (1,760 lbf) 4/6/9/12 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos - - S

    ExRun- 110.220-Y-A 110 / 220 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    ExRun- 550.1100-Y-A 550 / 1,100 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    ExRun-1650.2200-Y-A 1,650 / 2,200 lbf (1,760 lbf) 4/6/9/12 s / 0.0394" - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    ExRun- 110.220-U-A 110 / 220 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    ExRun- 550.1100-U-A 550 / 1,100 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    ExRun-1650.2200-U-A 1,650 / 2,200 lbf (1,760 lbf) 4/6/9/12 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    RedRun- 110.220-A 110 / 220 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos - - S

    RedRun- 550.1100-A 550 / 1,100 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos - - S

    RedRun-1650.2200-A 1,650 / 2,200 lbf (1,760 lbf) 4/6/9/12 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos - - S

    RedRun- 110.220-Y-A 110 / 220 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    RedRun- 550.1100-Y-A 550 / 1,100 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    RedRun-1650.2200-Y-A 1,650 / 2,200 lbf (1,760 lbf) 4/6/9/12 s / 0.0394" - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    RedRun- 110.220-U-A 110 / 220 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    RedRun- 550.1100-U-A 550 / 1,100 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    RedRun-1650.2200-U-A 1,650 / 2,200 lbf (1,760 lbf) 4/6/9/12 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    Type Force Running Time Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features Size

    Type Force Running Time Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features Size

    Valve Actuators Without Spring Return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC, for Ordinary Location

    InRun- 110.220-A 110 / 220 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos - - S

    InRun- 550.1100-A 550 / 1,100 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos - - S

    InRun-1650.2200-A 1,650 / 2,200 lbf (1,760 lbf) 4/6/9/12 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos - - S

    InRun- 110.220-Y-A 110 / 220 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    InRun- 550.1100-Y-A 550 / 1,100 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    InRun-1650.2200-Y-A 1,650 / 2,200 lbf (1,760 lbf) 4/6/9/12 s / 0.0394" - 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    InRun- 110.220-U-A 110 / 220 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    InRun- 550.1100-U-A 550 / 1,100 lbf 2/3/6/9 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    InRun-1650.2200-U-A 1,650 / 2,200 lbf (1,760 lbf) 4/6/9/12 s / 0.0394" - On-off, 3-pos 0...10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

    Type Force Running Time Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features Size

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    AccessoriesType Technical Data

    Stick Stick to change parameter and factory settings such as running time, torque, spring return time, force control and write protection depending on actuator

    HV-R Manual override with locking mechanism suitable for ..Run valve actuators size S

    GMB-1 Rubber bellow up to 2.36", colour black

    Adaption Different adaptations for different valve types and sizes available. Please dont hesitate to ask for technical solution

    Special options and offshore kits see page 23

    To select the right valve adaptation and get the right price information thefollowing data are required: 1. Valve manufacturer 2. Valve type 3. Valve nominal size (diameter) DNFor adaptations which are already designed by Schischek this informationis sufficient.To design new adaptations we need additional details of the valve bodyas well as drawings.With the purchase order you have to provide actuator type and type ofadaptation.


    Run + Valve AdaptationRequired Data for Valve Adaptation

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    ..Max-.. S

    ..Max-.. M

    ..Max-.. S/M





    WS-S WS-M





    VA/CT Special Options Actuators Overview

    Special Options Quarter Turn Actuators Size S

    Special Options Quarter Turn Actuators Size M

    Weather Shield for Quarter Turn and Valve Actuators

    Special Options Valve Actuators

    normal wiring

    normal wiring

    normal wiring

    normal wiring

    Overview of Special Options of Schischek Actuators for use under Extreme Weather Conditions

    Installation/Application Area:

    Usage in hazardous areas under extreme weather conditions and/or for offshore/onshore applications.

    Ordinary Location Hazardous Location

    Advantages of Special Options:

    Resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere Usage under extreme weather conditions Approved for offshore-/ onshore applications Robust and thereby extended period of application time of actuators

    ..Max-.. Turn Actuators Size S

    Housing material in stainless steel (VAS) oraluminium housing with C5-M painting (CTS) foruse under extreme weather conditions.

    ..Max-.. Turn Actuators Size MSurrounding housing in stainless steel (VAM) oraluminium housing with C5-M painting (CTM) foruse under extreme weather conditions.

    ..Max-.. Turn and ..Run Valve Actuators

    Weather shield made of stainless steel for protec-tion against weather influences like rain, sun orsnow.

    ..Run-.. Valve Actuators

    Aluminium housing with C5-M painting (CTS) foruse under extreme weather conditions.

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    ..Max--VAS Housing material of ..Max quarter turn actuator size S in stainless steel AISI 316, some parts nickel plated

    ..Max--VAM Enclosure for ..Max quarter turn actuator size M, made of stainless steel AISI 316

    ..Max--CTS Aluminium housing of ..Max quarter turn actuator size S with C5-M painting, resistant against corrosive and maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated

    ..Max--CTM Aluminium housing of ..Max quarter turn actuator size M with C5-M painting, resistant against corrosive and maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated

    WS-S Weather shield in stainless steel, suitable for all ..Max actuators size S

    WS-M Weather shield in stainless steel, suitable for all ..Max actuators size M

    ..Run--CTS Aluminium housing with C5-M painting for ..Run valve actuator, resistant against corrosive/ maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated

    WS-R Weather shield in stainless steel, suitable for all ..Run valve actuators

    Type Description/ Technical Data

    Type Description/ Technical Data

    ..Max-.. Options

    ..Run-.. Options

    ..Max Special Options for Quarter Turn Actuators Size S or M

    ..Run Special Options for Valve Actuators


    available for ExMax,RedMax and InMax

    In accordance with typefor use inHazardous location or

    ordinary location


    available for ExRun,RedRun and InRun

    In accordance with typefor use in

    Hazardous location orordinary location

    Basics ..Max-VA/CT

    VA: Housing material in stainless s teel AISI 316, some parts

    nickel platedCT:

    C5-M painted aluminium housing Resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere Cable glands brass nickel plated Screws in stainless steel

    For general basics see ..Max quarter turn actuators.

    Basics ..Run-CTS

    CTS: C5-M painted aluminium housing Resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere Cable glands brass nickel plated Screws in stainless steel

    For general basics see ..Run valve actuators.


    VA version with housing material in stainless steel AISI316, some parts nickel plated.CT version with aluminium housing and C5-M painting,resistant against corrosive and maritime atmosphere,some parts nickel plated.

    Delivery: 1 quarter turn actuator size S or Mwith special option

    Ordering Example: ExMax-15.30-VAS


    CTS version with aluminium housing and C5-M painting,resistant against corrosive and maritime atmosphere,some parts nickel plated.

    Delivery: 1 valve actuator withspecial option

    Ordering Example: ExRun-25.50-CTS

    Special Options

    Special Options

    Explosion Proof

    Explosion Proof

    Features ..Max-VA/CT

    Features ..Run-CTS

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    ExPolar Heating System Overview

    Heating System for Quarter Turn Actuators ExMax Size S

    Heating System for Quarter Turn Actuators ExMax Size M

    Heating System for Valve Actuators ExRun

    normal wiring

    normal wiring

    normal wiring

    Overview of New Heating System for Use with Schischek Actuators Down to 58 F (50C)

    Installation/Application Area:

    Usage in hazardous areas for temperatures down to 58 F (50 C).

    Advantages of ExPolar:

    Especially for usage under high sub-zero temperatures Suitable for applications with high temperature fluctuations (58 F up to +122 F)

    Usage directly in hazardous locations Adaptable on Schischek actuator series type ExMax size S or M, ExRun


    Adaptable on Schischek quarter turn actuators typeExMax-.. size S.


    Adaptable on Schischek quarter turn actuators typeExMax-.. size M.


    Adaptable on Schischek valve actuators typeExRun-...

    Ordinary Location Hazardous Location

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    ExPolar--MS ExMax-../ RedMax size S 58 F up to +122 F 24 VAC/DC 48 VAC/DC 120 VAC 240 VAC 40 W zone 1, 2, 21, 22InPolar- -MS InMax-.. size S 58 F up to +122 F 24 VAC/DC 48 VAC/DC 120 VAC 240 VAC 40 W ordinary location

    ExPolar--R ExRun /RedRun 58 F up to +122 F 24 VAC/DC 48 VAC/DC 120 VAC 240 VAC 60 W zone 1, 2, 21, 22InPolar- -R InRun 58 F up to +122 F 24 VAC/DC 48 VAC/DC 120 VAC 240 VAC 60 W ordinary location

    ExPolar--MM ExMax-../ RedMax size M 58 F up to +122 F 24 VAC/DC 48 VAC/DC 120 VAC 240 VAC 60 W zone 1, 2, 21, 22InPolar- -MM InMax-.. size M 58 F up to +122 F 24 VAC/DC 48 VAC/DC 120 VAC 240 VAC 60 W ordinary location

    Supply voltage *Nominal value

    Supply voltage *Nominal value

    Supply voltage *Nominal value

    VAS option not considered!

    Type Adaptable on Operation Temperature Supply Power* Installation Area

    Type Adaptable on Operation Temperature Supply Power* Installation Area

    Type Adaptable on Operation Temperature Supply Power* Installation Area




    ExPolar/InPolar Heating System for Turn Actuators ..Max-.. Size S

    ExPolar/InPolar Heating System for Valve Actuators ..Run

    ExPolar/InPolar Heating System for Turn Actuators ..Max-.. size M

    ExPolar--MSZone 1, 2, 21, 22

    Gas + Dustcertified according


    ExPolar--RZone 1, 2, 21, 22

    Gas + Dust

    certified according ATEX, IECEx

    ExPolar--MMZone 1, 2, 21, 22

    Gas + Dustcertified according


    InPolar--MSNOT explosion proof and only for use inordinary locationNEMA4X / IP66

    InPolar--RNOT explosion proof and only for use in

    ordinary locationNEMA4X / IP66

    InPolar--MMNOT explosion proof and only for use inordinary locationNEMA4X / IP66

    Basics ..Polar

    24/48 VAC/DC, 120/240 VAC 40 W

    58+122 F (50+50 C) ExPolar for zone 1, 2, 21, 22 InPolar for ordinary location

    Basics ..Polar

    24/48 VAC/DC, 120/240 VAC 60 W 58+122 F (50+50 C) ExPolar for zone 1, 2, 21, 22 InPolar for ordinary location

    Basics ..Polar

    24/48 VAC/DC, 120/240 VAC 60 W 58+122 F (50+50 C) ExPolar for zone 1, 2, 21, 22 InPolar for ordinary location


    Controlled heating system for use insub-zero regions down to 58 F or at high

    temperature fluctuations from 58 Fup to +122 F. Adaptable on Schischek quarter turn actua-tors ..Max-.. size S (depending on type).Delivery: 1 heating system

    (adaptable)Ordering Example: ExPolar-240-MS


    Controlled heating system for use insub-zero regions down to 58 F or at hightemperature fluctuations from 58 Fup to +122 F. Adaptable on Schischek valve actuators..Run (depending on type).Delivery: 1 heating system

    (adaptable)Ordering Example: ExPolar-240-R


    Controlled heating system for use insub-zero regions down to 58 F or at hightemperature fluctuations from 58 Fup to +122 F. Adaptable on Schischek quarter turn actua-tors ..Max-.. size M (depending on type).Delivery: 1 heating system

    (adaptable)Ordering Example: ExPolar-240-MM

    Features ..Polar--MS

    Features ..Polar--R

    Features ..Polar--MM

    Explosion Proof

    Explosion Proof

    Explosion Proof




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    Introducing ExReg HVAC Control Unit for Hazardous Locations!VAV/CAV and Pressure Control Applications ...









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    Air damper Restrictor

    S a

    f e a r e a


    x a r e a

    O r d

    i n a r y

    L o c a

    t i o n

    H a z a r d o u s

    L o c a

    t i o n

    ExReg-../RedReg-../InReg-V300-.. Volume Flow and Pressure Controller CAV/ VAVVAV Applications in a Typical HVAC System



    Differential Pressure 0300 Pa (1.2 inchwater, VAV)

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    ExReg-V300-A Differential pressure 24 VAC/DC 0300 Pa (1.2 inch water) 1 actuator, 1 set point, 1 actual value, 1 pos. actuator zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    ExReg-V300-B Differential pressure 24 VAC/DC 0300 Pa (1.2 inch water) 1 actuator, RS485 communication zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    RedReg-V300-A Differential pressure 24 VAC/DC 0300 Pa (1.2 inch water) 1 actuator, 1 set point, 1 actual value, 1 pos. actuator Cl. I, Div. 2, zone 2

    RedReg-V300-B Differential pressure 24 VAC/DC 0300 Pa (1.2 inch water) 1 actuator, RS485 communication Cl. I, Div. 2, zone 2

    Type Sensor Supply Meas. Range Connection/ Interface (Analogue) Installation

    Type Sensor Supply Meas. Range Connection/ Interface (Analogue) Installation

    ExReg-V300-.. Volume Flow and Pressure Controller for Zone 1, 2, 21, 22 (ATEX only)

    RedReg-V300-.. Volume Flow and Pressure Controller for Class I, Div. 2, Zone 2

    ExMax- 5.10-CY 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60/120 sec. - 4...20 mA 010 VDC combination with ExReg-.. S

    ExMax-15.30-CY 135 / 270 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60/120 sec. - 4...20 mA 010 VDC combination with ExReg-.. S

    ExMax- 5.10-CYF 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 10 sec. 4...20 mA 010 VDC combination with ExReg-.. S

    ExMax-15 -CYF 135 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 10 sec. 4...20 mA 010 VDC combination with ExReg-.. S

    RedMax- 45.90 -CY -A 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60/120 sec. - 4...20 mA 010 VDC combination with RedReg-.. S

    RedMax-135.270-CY -A 135 / 270 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60/120 sec. - 4...20 mA 010 VDC combination with RedReg-.. S

    RedMax- 45.90 -CYF-A 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 10 sec. 4...20 mA 010 VDC combination with RedReg-.. S

    RedMax-135 -CYF-A 135 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 10 sec. 4...20 mA 010 VDC combination with RedReg-.. SInMax- 5.10-CY 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60/120 sec. - 4...20 mA 010 VDC combination with InReg-.. S

    InMax- 15.30-CY 135 / 270 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60/120 sec. - 4...20 mA 010 VDC combination with InReg-.. S

    InMax- 5.10-CYF 45 / 90 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 10 sec. 4...20 mA 010 VDC combination with InReg-.. S

    InMax- 15 -CYF 135 in-lbs 7.5/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 10 sec. 4...20 mA 010 VDC combination with InReg-.. S

    Type Torque Running time 90 Spring Return Control Mode Feedback Features Size

    Actuators for ExReg-../RedReg-../InReg-.. Controller

    ExReg-/RedReg-/InReg-V300-.. Volume Flow and Pressure Controller CAV/ VAV

    InReg-V300-A Differential pressure 24 VAC/DC 0300 Pa (1.2 inch water) 1 actuator, 1 set point, 1 actual value, 1 pos. actuator ordinary location

    InReg-V300-B Differential pressure 24 VAC/DC 0300 Pa (1.2 inch water) 1 actuator, RS485 communication ordinary location

    Type Sensor Supply Meas. Range Connection/ Interface (Analogue) Installation

    InReg-V300-.. Volume Flow and Pressure Controller for Ordinary Location

    Special options and offshore kits see page 50

    MKR Mounting bracket for installation on round air-ducts, diameter up to 23.6" (600 mm)

    Kit 2 Includes 2 meter pressure hose, inner diameter 0.24" (6 mm) and 2 plastic fittings

    Type Technical Data



    Zone 1, 2, 21, 22Gas + Dust

    certified according ATEX, IECExGOST-R


    Cl. I, Div. 2Cl. I, Zone 2

    Gascertified accordingCSA


    Compact controller for use in hazardousareas zone 1, 2, 21, 22 for control/regula-

    tion of air/gas flows and pressure inventilation systems.Suitable actuator ..Max-...-CY or ..Max-...-CYF (with fail safe spring return) availableseparately.

    Delivery:Electric volume flow/pressure controllerwith integrated terminal box (ExReg.. withEx-e), 3 tapping screws, short circuit tube

    Basics for all ..Reg-V300-.. Controller

    No additional module in the panel required No intrinsically safe wiring required

    Adjustable k-factor Measurement range 0300 Pa (1.2 inch water) 24 VAC/DC Switch-on delay 3 seconds Air volume monitoring PID controller Programmable w/o additional tools Alarm with alarm delay function LCD backlight, defeatable Aluminium housing, protection NEMAX4X/IP6 Integrated terminal box (ExReg.. with Ex-e) Optional C5-M or stainless steel edition Dimensions (H W D) 7.1" 4.2" 2.6"


    NOT explosion proofand only for use in

    ordinary locationscertified according toNEMA4X/IP66

    Explosion Proof Industrial Features of ExReg-.., RedReg-.., InReg-V300-..

    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014






    % rH


    M C




    O r d

    i n a r y

    L o c a

    t i o n

    H a z

    a r d o u s

    L o c a

    t i o n

    ExReg-../RedReg-../InReg-D-.. Temperature F/Humidity %rH Controller Temperature and Humidity Applications in a Typical HVAC System



    Temperature/Humidity 40+257 F(40+125 C)

    0100 %rH

    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014


    ExReg-D-A* ExPro-C.. 24 VAC/DC 40+257 F/ 0100 %rH 1 actuator, 1 set point, 1 actual value, 1 pos. actuator zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    ExReg-D-B* ExPro-C.. 24 VAC/DC 40+257 F/ 0100 %rH 1 actuator, RS485 communication zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    RedReg-D-A* ExPro-C.. 24 VAC/DC 40+257 F/ 0100 %rH 1 actuator, 1 set point, 1 actual value, 1 pos. actuator Cl. I, Div. 2, zone 2

    RedReg-D-B* ExPro-C.. 24 VAC/DC 40+257 F/ 0100 %rH 1 actuator, RS485 communication Cl. I, Div. 2, zone 2

    Type Sensor Supply Meas. Range Connection/ Interface (Analogue) Installation

    Type Sensor Supply Meas. Range Connection/ Interface (Analogue) Installation

    ExReg-D-.. Temperature/Humidity Controller for Zone 1, 2, 21, 22 (ATEX only)

    RedReg-D-.. Temperature/Humidity Controller for Class I, Div. 2, Zone 2

    InReg-D-A* InPro-C.. 24 VAC/DC 40+257 F/ 0100 %rH 1 actuator, 1 set point, 1 actual value, 1 pos. actuator ordinary location

    InReg-D-B* InPro-C.. 24 VAC/DC 40+257 F/ 0100 %rH 1 actuator, RS485 communication ordinary location

    Type Sensor Supply Meas. Range Connection/ Interface (Analogue) InstallationInReg-D-.. Temperature/Humidity Controller for Ordinary Location

    ExPro-CT.. Temperature sensor probe for connection on ExReg-D-.. controller, installation in zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    ExPro-CF.. Humidity sensor probe for connection on ExReg-D-.. controller, installation in zone 1, 2, 21, 22

    InPro-CT.. Temperature sensor probe for connection on InReg-D-.. controller, installation in ordinary location

    InPro-CF.. Humidity sensor probe for connection on InReg-D-.. controller, installation in ordinary location

    Type Technical Data

    Sensor Probes for ..Reg-D.. Controller

    ExReg-../RedReg-../InReg-D-.. Temperature F/Humidity %rH Controller

    Combi sensor probes not applicable!For more details about ExPro-C../InPro-C.. see page37

    *Availability in second quarter.

    *Availability in second quarter.

    *Availability in second quarter.

    For suitable ..Max actuators see previous page29For suitable ..Run valve actuators see page 20

    Special options and offshore kits see page 50

    MKR Mounting bracket for installation on round air-ducts diameter up to 23.6" (600 mm)

    Type Technical Data



    Zone 1, 2, 21, 22Gas + Dust

    certified according ATEX, IECExGOST-R


    Cl. I, Div. 2Cl. I, Zone 2

    Gascertified accordingCSA


    Compact temperature or humidity controllerfor use in hazardous areas zone 1, 2, 21, 22.

    Suitable actuator ..Max-...-CY, ..Max-...-CYF(with fail safe spring return) or ExRun-..available separately.

    Delivery:Electric temperature or humidity controllerwith integrated terminal box (ExReg.. withEx-e) and connection for 1 ExPro-C../InPro-C.. sensor probe, 3 tapping screws

    Basics for all ..Reg-D-.. Controller

    No additional module in the panel required No intrinsically safe wiring required

    Meas. range 40+257 F/0100 %rH 24 VAC/DC Switch-on delay 3 seconds PID controller Programmable w/o additional tools Alarm with alarm delay function LCD backlight, defeatable Aluminium housing, protection NEMAX4X/IP6 Integrated terminal box (ExReg.. with Ex-e) Optional C5-M or stainless steel edition Dimensions (H W D) 7.1" 4.2" 2.6"

    Explosion Proof Industrial Features ExReg-.., RedReg-.., InReg-D-..


    NOT explosion proofand only for use in

    ordinary locationscertified according toNEMA4X/IP66

    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014


    Introducing ExCos Modulating Sensor Series for Hazardous Locations!Differential Pressure, Temperature and Humidity Control Applications ...









    Technical Short Information North America 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Explosion Proof Actuators


    North American Price List 2014


    Table of contents Installation Areas in Division/Zones Gas Dust Gas Dust Gas DustApprovals According to Zone System Zone 0 20 1 21 2 22 OL**Approvals According to Division System Cl. I Cl. II, III Cl. I Cl. II, III Cl. I Cl. II, III OL** Div 1 Div 1 Div 1 Div 1 Div 2 Div 2Product Line PageModulating Sensors for Temperature, Humidity, Pressure/ Differential PressureOverview modulating sensors 32-34

    ExCos-P differential pressure, VAV s