Expo West 2013: Trend Roundup

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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A roundup of the major health & wellness food trends from the Natural Foods Expo West 2013.



Nei#hbor @ Expo

Every year, the team at Neighbor anxiously awaits the Natural Foods Expo in Anaheim. It is undisputedly the place for new products to debut, making it the perfect opportunity to see (and sample!) what’s trending in the world of health and wellness. The show is intimidatingly huge – you can easily spend two whole days and still not see the whole thing – but we wanted to share our quick rundown of the top trends you are certain to see more of in 2013.

Ch-Ch-Ch-Chi$ While not a new name in the ever popular super food category, Chia seeds were definitely the favorite this year, showing up in more products and formats than ever. Chia seeds are noted for their fiber, protein, and Omega-3 qualities. Who’s Doing It? Chia Pods, from the Chia Co.: The newest product from the Chia Company, this product is not yet available at stores. A tapioca-like snack made from chia seeds mixed with coconut milk, the pods come with a spoon for convenient and portable snacking. Chia Squeeze Vitality Snack from Mamma Chia: Chia seeds mixed with fruits and vegetables in a portable squeeze pouch format. No sugar added, and only 70 calories. Chia Peanut Butter by NY Superfoods: Peanut butter fortified with chia seeds and chocolate take standard peanut butter up a notch in flavor and health benefits.

Sweet Meets S$vor% As consumer awareness around sugar intake continues to grow, manufacturers have responded by creating sweet and savory flavor combinations, or simply introducing savory flavors into categories that are traditionally sweet. Herbs and spices such as rosemary, thyme and turmeric are being used to create interesting and unexpected new flavors. Nutrition bars and yogurt are two categories that saw such introductions. Who’s Doing It? Journey Bars: New line of nutrition bars with all savory flavors, including coconut curry, and pizza marinara. Natural and gluten free.

Chobani yogurt: Chobani sampled “café creations” from their flagship Soho yogurt bar. Combinations included plain yogurt with olive oil, cucumber, mint and pita chips.

Simple Squares: Square gluten free snack bars made from 5 simple ingredients, including herbs and spices such as rosemary, sage and cloves.

Popp&# "p Ever%where Whether a throwback to simpler times, or the naturally low calorie quality of a simple popped kernel of corn, one thing is for certain: popcorn has entered the healthy snack category in a big way. Leaving the microwave and fake butter flavoring in it’s wake, new products focused on simplicity and the good-for-you nature of good old fashioned popped corn. Who’s Doing It? Half Pops: Referring to the partially popped nature of the product, these crunchy kernels come in 2 oz. snack bags and 2 flavors: butter & sea salt and white cheddar. The ingredient list is short and messaging centers on the heightened flavor that comes from not popping the kernels all the way.

Skinny Pop: Low calorie, plain popped popcorn with no trans fats or cholesterol. 100 calories per 4.4 oz. bag.

Pop Corners: Triangle shaped chips made of popcorn, available in 6 flavors including Cinnamon and Kettle.

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Thanks to Greek, the darling of the culture category, the yogurt aisle has become one of the most crowded in the grocery store. Rather than add to the chaos, manufacturers this year looked to other categories where yogurt could play a supporting role as an ingredient. Extending yogurt into new areas of the store is a strategic way to leverage the popularity of the category while not competing for shelf space. From yogurt covered pretzels, to frozen desserts, yogurt is showing up in unexpected places. Who’s Doing It? Quark cheese by Elli: Technically a cheese, this “German style” strained culture product looks and tastes very similar to Greek yogurt, but get’s shelved next to cottage cheese. Similar nutrition profile to Greek as well, with only 80 calories and 14 g protein. Rickland Farms Yogurt Coated Granola bites: Exactly what they sound like, these bites are an innovative way to make the ever popular combination of yogurt & granola a portable and convenient snack. Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt Bars: At 80 calories and 6 g of protein each, these popsicles are fat free and contain all natural ingredients. Marketing communication encourages consumers to consume for a healthy breakfast, not just dessert.

Gree* 2.0 Greek yogurt’s popularity showed no signs of waning this year, but evolved beyond the standard offering to introduce innovative new products. Expo saw Greek in new formats, formulated for new audiences and packaged for new occasions, an indication that Greek has opened the yogurt category up to new territory. Products of Note: Powerful Yogurt- Dubbed “Bro-gurt” by the press, this Greek yogurt is formulated for men. Complete with 20 grams of protein, masculine black packaging and logo, and a marketing campaign centered on “finding your inner abs”, Powerful sees an untapped opportunity for the protein promise of Greek. Chobani Flips and Bites- The leader in the Greek yogurt craze debuted two new products at Expo. Bites are a small 3.5 ounce, 100 calorie yogurt with gourmet toppings already mixed in (e.g. Caramel yogurt with Pineapple). Flips are a square shaped 5.3 ounce with a sidecar that contains toppings to mix in (e.g. coconut yogurt with almonds and dark chocolate chips). Greek Gods Kefir- A consumer favorite for it’s full fat nature, Greek Gods has expanded into drinkable Kefir, making the much-loved creamy quality of the yogurt available in a portable, drinkable format. The 32 oz. bottles are available in 4 flavors and contain 12 g protein per cup.

+een ,or -.&o$ While no newcomer to the Natural Foods Expo, quinoa showed an increased presence this year, thanks in large part to the continued rise of gluten-free diets. A great source of protein that can substitute for a starch, quinoa was included in ingredient lists from breakfast smoothies to liquor. Ironically, 2013 has been dubbed the International Year of Quinoa. Who’s Doing It? Keen—wah Decadence by Yoga Earth: Protein bars fortified with quinoa amongst other healthful ingredients such as chia and almond butter. Sambazon Blended Breakfast: These ready-to-go smoothies combine fruit, chia and ancient grains including quinoa to create a healthy yet filling morning boost. At only 180 calories, they contain 6 g of protein. Quinoa Burgers: Used to add protein and texture to vegetarian burger substitutes alongside other ancient grains such as amaranth, meat substitutes, and vegetables.

No GMOs For Yo. The current political climate over GMOs and food labeling was well represented at Expo West, both by advocacy groups and in product claims. More than ever, manufacturers were drawing attention to non-GMO ingredients while advocacy groups worked to educate people of the dangers of irresponsible food labeling. GMOInside had a team member dressed as a rat, encouraging people not to be a “lab rat”, and passing out stickers for labeling products in their home with GMOs in the ingredient list.