Expository Methods

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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Approaches to the HSPE Expository Essay

The purpose of the expository essay is...

The purpose of the expository essay is...

to inform or explain

Types of Expository approaches

What is the greatest invention, like, ever?

Well, duh...

Reason/ Elaboration

Pizza is the greatest invention ever because it has fueled the imagination of students, artists, and creators since the Middle Ages.


Reason/ Elaboration

Pizza is the greatest invention ever because it has fueled the imagination of students, artists, and creators since the Middle Ages. When I was working on a paper on Of Mice and Men for my 10th grade English class, I needed 4 slices of a large pepperoni and mushroom pie to get through to the conclusion.



Abstract reasoning

Pizza is about "eedom. The ability to choose whatever toppings--whether it’s a straight-up sausage and olives or a wild anchovies and gouda--tells us everything we need to know about being a true American.


When I look at pizza, I look at perfection. The bubbly cheese, the cracker-y crust, the savory sauce--all combine to create a work of art.

NarrativeOnce when I was upset after getting a D in my 10th grade Biology class, my parents surprised me with a trip to Tutta Bella. I resisted. I was determined not to have fun even as we entered the doors and sat down in view of the wood-fired ovens. Even when we ordered 3 pizzas, including a prosciutto and olive pizza that normally would have driven me crazy, I still pretended to sulk. But when the pizza came, when I was confronted with slice after slice of some of the most delicious pizza ever made, my resistance crumbled and smiled a huge smile and gobbled down pizza until I was sick.

Process or ProcedureI love to make pizza more than I like to breathe. The tactile feel of mixing the dough with my hands never fails to make me realize that life is good. The skipping whir of the emersion blender results in a savory, delicious sauce. And, finally, the satisfying schrump sound of the pizza sliding off of the peel and into the oven reminds me of why I go to all of this trouble.

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